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  • This web service contains map layers and coverages for machine learning models, using raster datasets which include radiometric grid infill, cover depths and conductivity. All grids have been converted to cloud-optimised GeoTIFF (COG) format for use and delivery from an cloud-based object store (AWS s3). For potassium (K), thorium (Th) and uranium (U) radiometric infill grids, an equalised histogram was applied to each grid. The radiometric ternary image has no style applied, with from transparency for no-data values. A tile service (WMTS) is also integrated into the WMS to provide a high-performing service for integration into web maps and online mapping portals.

  • This web service contains map layers and coverages for machine learning models, using raster datasets which include radiometric grid infill, cover depths and conductivity. All grids have been converted to cloud-optimised GeoTIFF (COG) format for use and delivery from an cloud-based object store (AWS s3).