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  • <div>New Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) U–Pb geochronological results for fifteen Proterozoic and late Paleozoic samples, thirteen from the Georgetown Region and two from the adjacent Cairns Region, are presented in this Record. Eleven of the samples are from cores of basement units intersected in drillholes that penetrated overlying rocks of the Karumba (Cenozoic) and Carpentaria (Mesozoic) basins. Three of these are gneisses from the undercover extension of the Yambo Subprovince (Etheridge Province) in the northeastern part of the Georgetown Region, four are of Mesoproterozoic granites from the Forsayth Subprovince (Etheridge Province) and Croydon Province farther south, and the remaining eight are from units forming part of the Carboniferous–Permian Kennedy Igneous Association, including two from surface outcrops in the Georgetown Region and two from surface outcrops in the adjacent Cairns Region.</div><div><br></div>