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  • <div>A multi-disciplinary program of geological and geophysical data collection and integration, focussed on the Delamerian Orogen, was undertaken as part of Geoscience Australia’s Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program and the Mineral Exploration Cooperative Research Centres (MinEx CRC) National Drilling Initiative (NDI).&nbsp;In this study, we integrate learnings from these data with existing geological and geophysical data to refine the basement geology of the Loch Lilly-Kars Belt, Lake Wintlow Belt and Wilcannia High. Our interpretation provides a revised geological framework for a frontier exploration region in the Delamerian Orogen.&nbsp;This product includes ESRI shape files and layer files, accompanying notes, and several appendices containing new detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology data from the map area as well as the broader Delamerian Orogen.</div>