Administrative Boundary
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Map showing Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction in the Torres Strait on an A4 page
This map is produced for the Australian Fisheries Management Authority to assist their enforcement of Australia's Maritime Boundaries. It has lots of icons to explain to Indonesian fishermen where they can and cannot fish in the Timor and Arafura Seas. Originally produced using the Indonesian language. This version is an English translation. It is not for sale or public release by Geoscience Australia. Public release is thru DEH and AFMA.
Map produced for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade as part of a series of maps associated with the 1997 Treaty between Australia and Indonesia. This edition is an update to the Treaty maps. It is for internal use by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
This map produced for the Australian Fisheries Management Authority showing Australia's Internal Waters, straight baseline, bay closing lines and treaty boundaries to the north of Australia. This map is for internal use by AFMA and is not for general release.
Comprising 28 maps depicting areas of Australia's maritime jurisdiction,continental shelf, treaties and various maritime zones. Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction - wall map - A0 size, (GeoCat 70362) Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction around Australia, (GeoCat 69122) Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction in the Torres Strait, (GeoCat 68226) Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction in the Timor Sea, (GeoCat 68796) Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction off the Northwest Shelf, (GeoCat 69341) Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction off Central Western Australia, (GeoCat 69488) Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction off Southwestern Western Australia, (GeoCat 69507) Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction in the Arafura and Coral Seas, (GeoCat 69123) Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction in the Coral Sea (North), (GeoCat 69717) Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction in the Coral Sea (South), (GeoCat 69718) Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction in the Tasman Sea, (GeoCat 69721) Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction in the Coral and Tasman Seas, (GeoCat 69738) Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction off South Australia, (GeoCat 69739) Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction around Tasmania - lambert projection, (GeoCat 69863) Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction around Tasmania - mercator projection, (GeoCat 69737) Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction around the State of Tasmania, (GeoCat 70315) Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction around Macquarie Island - lambert projection, (GeoCat 69864) Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction around Macquarie Island - mercator projection, (GeoCat 69740) Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction around Heard Island and McDonald Islands - mercator projection, (GeoCat 69749) Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction around Heard Island and McDonald Islands - lambert projection, (GeoCat 69865) Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction in Bass Strait, (GeoCat 69821) Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction off the Australian Antarctic Territory (East), (GeoCat 69792) Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction off the Australian Antarctic Territory (Centre), (GeoCat 69790) Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction off the Australian Antarctic Territory (West), (GeoCat 69789) Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction around Cocos (Keeling) Islands and Christmas Island, (GeoCat 70099) Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction off Northern Australia, (GeoCat 70183) Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction North of 25°S Australia, (GeoCat 71985) Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction off the Australian Antarctic Territory, (GeoCat 70368) Digital files (.pdf format) downloadable from the web.
Map produced June 2008, for the Australian Customs Service, showing position of Foreign Fishing Vessel Mai. Map also shows Australian Territorial Sea Baseline and background of Hydrographic Chart AUS18. Not for sale or distribution. Confidential.
Map produced for the Australian Government Solicitor in March 2008 showing the Torres Strait Regional Claim, and Australia's Continental Shelf as at 10 September 1953. Produced for the use of AGS in the their provision of advice regarding native title.
Close up map of Submarine Cables and southern protection zone around Clovelly / Tamarama, Sydney. For internal use by ACMA. Included in this version is The Peak Anchoring Zone and 1000 metre Offshore Line. This map developed from previous map GeoCat 64812 (June 06) and GeoCat 65103 (Feb 2007).
Map produced for the Department of foreign affairs and Trade showing the differences between the proclaimed exclusive economic zone line and treaty lines in the Timor Sea.
Map showing Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction depicting Australia's extended continental shelf approved by the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf in April 2008 (in purple) and other shaded areas on a blue Etopo2 background. 11 July 2008 Superseded by GeoCat 67259. For internal use as at 10 July 2008.