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  • <div><strong>Output Type: </strong> Exploring for the Future Extended Abstract</div><div><br></div><div><strong>Short Abstract: </strong>Geoscience Australia and the Bureau of Meteorology manage national groundwater datasets and hydrogeological information. To continue building common, trusted and nationally consistent datasets, Geoscience Australia and the Bureau of Meteorology collaborated with state and territory jurisdictions as part of the National Groundwater Systems Project. The National Groundwater Systems Project has developed new national scale datasets to refine the understanding of groundwater systems and improve data standards and workflows of groundwater assessment. The collaboration assessed the currency and availability of national groundwater data, while ensuring consistency between national and state/territory government datasets. The updates include aligning the Bureau’s National Aquifer Framework and the National Groundwater Information System with current geological understanding and Geoscience Australia’s Australian Stratigraphic Units Database. Through collaboration, we also conducted a comprehensive review of dataset differences held by each organisation, from groundwater provinces to aquifer boundaries. This, with outcomes from stakeholder engagement with each jurisdiction, led to proposed data alignments and further development of priorities for future work programs. Together Geoscience Australia and the Bureau of Meteorology have improved dataset alignments, such as dynamically linking the National Aquifer Framework and National Groundwater Information System with the Australian Stratigraphic Units Database such that they synchronously update if changes are made. This enhances their accuracy, consistency, and use across the groundwater community and beyond. Further linkages will need to be developed to increase the use of national hydrogeological datasets, bringing mutual benefits to stakeholders and the broader groundwater community in Australia. This work supports the delivery of the Australian Government’s National Groundwater Strategic Framework.</div><div><br></div><div><strong>Citation: </strong>Rollet, N., Nation, E., Harrison, A., Northey, J., Peljo, M., Bishop, C., Boronkay, A., Ahmad, Z., Vizy, J., Lewis, S., Sundaram, B., Carey, H., Zhang, S., Thiele, Z., Hostetler, S., Brooks, M. &amp; Wethasinghe, C., 2024. Collaborating to update and align national groundwater datasets. In: Czarnota, K. (ed.) Exploring for the Future: Extended Abstracts. Geoscience Australia, Canberra.</div>

  • The Exploring for the Future program Showcase 2024 was held on 13-16 August 2024. Day 3 - 15th August talks included: <b>Session 1 – Hydrogen opportunities across Australia</b> <a href="">Hydrogen storage opportunities and the role of depleted gas fields</a> - Dr Eric Tenthorey <a href="">The Green Steel Economic Fairways Mapper</a> - Dr Marcus Haynes <a href="">Natural hydrogen: The Australian context</a> - Chris Boreham <b>Session 2 – Sedimentary basin resource potential – source rocks, carbon capture and storage (CCS) and groundwater</b> <a href="">Australian Source Rock and Fluid Atlas - Accessible visions built on historical data archives</a> - Dr Dianne Edwards <a href="">CO2: Where can we put it and how much will it cost?</a> - Claire Patterson <a href="">National aquifer framework: Putting the geology into hydrogeology</a> - Dr Nadege Rollet <b>Session 3 – Towards a national inventory of resource potential and sustainable development</b> <a href="">Towards a national inventory of mineral potential</a> - Dr Arianne Ford <a href="">Towards an inventory of mine waste potential</a> - Dr Anita Parbhakar-Fox <a href="">ESG mapping of the Australian mining sector: A critical review of spatial datasets for decision making</a> - Dr Eleonore Lebre View or download the <a href="">Exploring for the Future - An overview of Australia’s transformational geoscience program</a> publication. View or download the <a href="">Exploring for the Future - Australia's transformational geoscience program</a> publication. You can access full session and Q&A recordings from YouTube here: 2024 Showcase Day 3 - Session 1 - <a href="">Hydrogen opportunities across Australia</a> 2024 Showcase Day 3 - Session 2 - <a href="">Sedimentary basin resource potential – source rocks, carbon capture and storage (CCS) and groundwater</a> 2024 Showcase Day 3 - Session 3 - <a href="">Towards a national inventory of resource potential and sustainable development</a>