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  • <div>In response to the acquisition of national-scale airborne electromagnetic surveys and the development of a national depth estimates database, a new workflow has been established to interpret airborne electromagnetic conductivity sections. This workflow allows for high quantities of high quality interpretation-specific metadata to be attributed to each interpretation line or point. The conductivity sections are interpreted in 2D space, and are registered in 3D space using code developed at Geoscience Australia. This code also verifies stratigraphic unit information against the national Australian Stratigraphic Units Database, and extracts interpretation geometry and geological data, such as depth estimates compiled in the Estimates of Geological and Geophysical Surfaces database. Interpretations made using this workflow are spatially consistent and contain large amounts of useful stratigraphic unit information. These interpretations are made freely-accessible as 1) text files and 3D objects through an electronic catalogue, 2) as point data through a point database accessible via a data portal, and 3) available for 3D visualisation and interrogation through a 3D data portal. These precompetitive data support the construction of national 3D geological architecture models, including cover and basement surface models, and resource prospectivity models. These models are in turn used to inform academia, industry and governments on decision-making, land use, environmental management, hazard mapping, and resource exploration.</div>

  • <div>The Roebuck Basin on Australia’s offshore north-western margin is the focus of regional energy exploration activity. Drilling in the Roebuck Basin resulted in oil and gas discoveries at Phoenix South&nbsp;1 (2014), Roc&nbsp;1 (2015–2016) and Dorado&nbsp;1 (2018) in the Bedout Sub-basin (Figure 1‑2) and demonstrated the presence of a petroleum system in Lower Triassic strata. These discoveries have been evaluated for development and production with infill drilling at Roc&nbsp;2 (2016), Phoenix South&nbsp;2 (2016), Phoenix South&nbsp;3 (2018), Dorado&nbsp;2 (2019), and Dorado&nbsp;3 (2019). Recent drilling by Santos (2022) has resulted in the discovery of oil at Pavo&nbsp;1 (2022) and hydrocarbon shows at Apus&nbsp;1 (2022).</div><div><br></div><div>To complement this industry work, Geoscience Australia’s Offshore Energy Systems program produces pre-competitive information to assist with the evaluation of the energy and resource potential of the central North West Shelf, including both hydrogen and helium resources, and to attract exploration investment to Australia. As part of this program, determination of the molecular and noble gas isotopic composition of natural gases from selected petroleum wells in the Roebuck Basin were undertaken by Smart Gas Sciences, under contract to Geoscience Australia, with results from these analyses being released in this report. This report provides additional gas data to determine the sources of natural gases in the Roebuck Basin and build on previously established gas-gas correlations. Noble gas isotopic data can be used in conjunction with carbon and hydrogen isotopic data to determine the origin of both inorganic and organic (hydrocarbon) gases. This information can be used in future geological programs to determine the source and distribution of hydrogen and helium in natural gases and support acreage releases by the Australian Government.</div><div><br></div>

  • <div>Two new programs at Geoscience Australia are providing trusted, high-quality science to support decision making and the Australian resources industry. </div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>The Trusted Environmental and Geological Information program will provide baseline pre-competitive data in the Cooper, Adavale, north Bowen and Galilee basin regions. A repository of information is being developed in collaboration with CSIRO, including new geological and environmental assessments, to accelerate development in the sectors of petroleum, mineral, hydrogen and carbon capture and storage, while simultaneously providing opportunities to understand the potential hazards, risk and impacts of these resources being developed.&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>The Data Driven Discoveries program is combining new and old data to better understand the under-explored Adavale Basin in central-western Queensland. The program will undertake chemical composition analyses to support the correlation of geological layers, collate and reprocess historical seismic data, acquire new seismic reflection data, and undertake stratigraphic research drilling to provide a more detailed understanding of basin architecture and the resource potential of the Adavale Basin. </div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>An overview of the Trusted Environmental and Geological Information and Data Driven Discoveries programs will be provided, including initial results and planned acquisition. This will show how these complementary programs will contribute to streamlined regulation and approval processes, the low emissions agenda, and responsible resource development in key basin regions across Australia.</div> This Abstract was submitted/presented to the 2022 Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA) QLD Symposium 9 September (

  • Australia is well-positioned to remain a global energy supplier and be a leader in driving efforts to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. Australia has the potential to produce a range of low emissions energy commodities such as geothermal energy, natural and manufactured hydrogen, and natural gas linked with carbon capture and storage. Our ample solar and wind energy resources also support the deployment of renewable energy technologies across the country. Our geological systems supply the raw materials — such as several of the critical minerals and strategic materials — that are needed to develop the infrastructure and manufacture the batteries and technologies that will support the energy transition. New and emerging opportunities have been identified for energy storage for energy produced from renewable sources, such as through manufacturing hydrogen, hydrogen storage in underground salt caverns, and compressed air energy storage. Australia is recognised for having a large potential to geologically store carbon dioxide. Carbon capture and storage technology can support industries that find it difficult to abate their emissions, including efforts to remove carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere through use of direct air capture technology. Understanding the prospectivity for these resources and the current and emerging energy storage technologies will help to accelerate Australia's journey to a net-zero economy. As Australia’s national public sector geoscience organisation, Geoscience Australia continues to undertake national and regional research and data acquisition, to provide precompetitive data that underpins decision-making by governments and industry and attracts future investment.

  • <div>This guide and template details data requirements for submission of mineral deposit geochemical data to the Critical Minerals in Ores (CMiO) database, hosted by Geoscience Australia, in partnership with the United States Geological Survey and the Geological Survey of Canada. The CMiO database is designed to capture multielement geochemical data from a wide variety of critical mineral-bearing deposits around the world. Samples included within this database must be well-characterized and come from localities that have been sufficiently studied to have a reasonable constraint on their deposit type and environment of formation. As such, only samples analysed by modern geochemical methods, and with certain minimum metadata attribution, can be accepted. Data that is submitted to the CMiO database will also be published via the Geoscience Australia Portal ( and Critical Minerals Mapping Initiative Portal (;</div><div><br></div>

  • <div>The Exploring for the Future program, led by Geoscience Australia, was a $225 million Australian Government investment over 8 years, focused on revealing Australia’s mineral, energy, and groundwater potential by characterising geology.&nbsp;&nbsp;This report provides an overview of activities, results, achievements and impacts from the Exploring for the Future program, with a particular focus on the last four years (2020-2024). &nbsp;</div>

  • <div>The noble gas database table contains publicly available results from Geoscience Australia's organic geochemistry (ORGCHEM) schema and supporting oracle databases for molecular and noble gas isotopic analyses on natural gases sampled from boreholes and fluid inclusion gases from rocks sampled in boreholes and field sites. Data includes the borehole or field site location, sample depths, shows and tests, stratigraphy, analytical methods, other relevant metadata, and the molecular and noble gas isotopic compositions for the natural gas samples. The molecular data are presented in mole percent (mol%) and cubic centimetres (at Standard Pressure and Temperature) per cubic centimetre (ccSTP/cc). The noble gas isotopic values that can be measured are; Helium (He, <sup>3</sup>He, <sup>4</sup>He), Neon (Ne, <sup>20</sup>Ne, <sup>21</sup>Ne, <sup>22</sup>Ne), Argon (Ar, <sup>36</sup>Ar, <sup>38</sup>Ar, <sup>40</sup>Ar), Krypton (Kr, <sup>78</sup>Kr, <sup>80</sup>Kr, <sup>82<</sup>Kr, <sup>83</sup>Kr, <sup>84</sup>Kr, <sup>86</sup>Kr) and Xenon (Xe, <sup>124</sup>Xe, <sup>126</sup>Xe, <sup>128</sup>Xe, <sup>129</sup>Xe, <sup>130</sup>Xe, <sup>131</sup>Xe, <sup>132</sup>Xe, <sup>134</sup>Xe, <sup>136</sup>Xe) which are presented in cubic micrometres per cubic centimetre (mcc/cc), cubic nanometres per cubic centimetre (ncc/cc) and cubic picometres per cubic centimetre (pcc/cc). Acquisition of the molecular compounds are by gas chromatography (GC) and the isotopic ratios by mass spectrometry (MS). Compound concentrations that are below the detection limit (BDL) are reported as the value -99999.</div><div><br></div><div>These data provide source information about individual compounds in natural gases and can elucidate fluid migration pathways, irrespective of microbial activity, chemical reactions and changes in oxygen fugacity, which are useful in basin analysis with derived information being used to support Australian exploration for energy resources and helium. These data are collated from Geoscience Australia records and well completion reports. The noble gas data for natural gases and fluid inclusion gases are delivered in the Noble Gas Isotopes web services on the Geoscience Australia Data Discovery Portal at which will be periodically updated.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div>

  • <div>Disruptions to the global supply chains of critical raw materials (CRM) have the potential to delay or increase the cost of the renewable energy transition. However, for some CRM, the primary drivers of these supply chain disruptions are likely to be issues related to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) rather than geological scarcity. Herein we combine public geospatial data as mappable proxies for key ESG indicators (e.g., conservation, biodiversity, freshwater, energy, waste, land use, human development, health and safety, and governance) and a global dataset of news events to train and validate three models for predicting “conflict” events (e.g., disputes, protests, violence) that can negatively impact CRM supply chains: (1) a knowledge-driven fuzzy logic model that yields an area under the curve (AUC) for the receiver operating characteristics plot of 0.72 for the entire model; (2) a naïve Bayes model that yields an AUC of 0.81 for the test set; and (3) a deep learning model comprising stacked autoencoders and a feed-forward artificial neural network that yields an AUC of 0.91 for the test set. The high AUC of the deep learning model demonstrates that public geospatial data can accurately predict natural resources conflicts, but we show that machine learning results are biased by proxies for population density and likely underestimate the potential for conflict in remote areas. Knowledge-driven methods are the least impacted by population bias and are used to calculate an ESG rating that is then applied to a global dataset of lithium occurrences as a case study. We demonstrate that giant lithium brine deposits (i.e., >10&nbsp;Mt Li2O) are restricted to regions with higher spatially situated risks relative to a subset of smaller pegmatite-hosted deposits that yield higher ESG ratings (i.e., lower risk). Our results reveal trade-offs between the sources of lithium, resource size, and spatially situated risks. We suggest that this type of geospatial ESG rating is broadly applicable to other CRM and that mapping spatially situated risks prior to mineral exploration has the potential to improve ESG outcomes and government policies that strengthen supply chains. <b>Citation:</b> Haynes M, Chudasama B, Goodenough K, Eerola T, Golev A, Zhang SE, Park J and Lèbre E (2024) Geospatial Data and Deep Learning Expose ESG Risks to Critical Raw Materials Supply: The Case of Lithium. <i>Earth Sci. Syst. Soc. </i>4:10109. doi: 10.3389/esss.2024.10109

  • <div>A regional hydrocarbon prospectivity assessment has been undertaken of the offshore Otway Basin by the Offshore Energy Systems Section. This program was designed to produce pre-competitive information to assist with the evaluation of the hydrocarbon resource potential of the offshore Otway Basin and attract exploration investment to Australia. The inboard part of the basin is an established hydrocarbon province with onshore and shallow-water offshore discoveries, whereas the outboard deep-water region, where water depths range from 500 to 6300&nbsp;m, is comparatively underexplored and considered a frontier area.</div><div><br></div><div>As part of this program, molecular and noble gas isotopic analyses were undertaken by Smart Gas Sciences, under contract to Geoscience Australia on available gas samples from the Waarre Formation in the Shipwreck Trough in the offshore eastern Otway Basin, with data from these analyses being released in this report. This report provides additional compositional information for gases in the Waarre Formation reservoirs and builds on previously established gas-gas correlations and gas-oil correlations. Noble gas isotopic data can be used in conjunction with carbon and hydrogen isotopic data to determine the origin of both inorganic and organic (hydrocarbon) gases. This information can be used in future geological programs to determine the source and distribution of hydrogen and helium in natural gases and support acreage releases by the Australian Government.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div>

  • <div>The National Geochemical Survey of Australia (NGSA) is Australia’s only internally consistent, continental-scale geochemical atlas and dataset. The present dataset contains additional mineralogical data obtained on NGSA samples selected from the Barkly-Isa-Georgetown (BIG) region of northeastern Australia for the second partial data release of the Heavy Mineral Map of Australia (HMMA) project. The HMMA project, a collaborative project between Geoscience Australia and Curtin University underpinned by a pilot project establishing its feasibility, is part of the Australian Government-funded Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program.</div><div>One-hundred and eighty eight NGSA sediment samples were selected from the HMMA project within the EFTF’s BIG polygon plus an approximately one-degree buffer. The samples were taken on average from 60 to 80 cm depth in floodplain landforms, dried and sieved to a 75-430 µm grainsize fraction, and the contained heavy minerals (HMs; i.e., those with a specific gravity > 2.9 g/cm3) were separated by dense fluids and mounted on cylindrical epoxy mounts. After polishing and carbon-coating, the mounts were subjected to automated mineralogical analysis on a TESCAN® Integrated Mineral Analyzer (TIMA). Using scanning electron microscopy and backscatter electron imaging integrated with energy dispersive X-ray analysis, the TIMA identified 151 different HMs in the BIG area. The dataset, consisting of over 18 million individual mineral grains, was quality controlled and validated by an expert team. The data released here can be visualised, explored and downloaded using an online, bespoke mineral network analysis (MNA) tool built on a cloud-based platform. Preliminary analysis suggests that copper minerals cuprite and chalcopyrite may be indicative of base-metal/copper mineralisation in the area. Accompanying this report are two data files of TIMA results, and a minerals vocabulary file. </div><div>When completed in 2023, it is hoped the HMMA project will positively impact mineral exploration and prospectivity modelling around Australia, as well as have other applications in earth and environmental sciences.</div>