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  • <div>Exploring for the Future (EFTF) is a program dedicated to exploring Australia’s resource potential and boosting investment. This program is designed to produce pre-competitive information to assist with the evaluation of the hydrocarbon resource potential of onshore basins and attract exploration investment to Australia. This record presents geochemical analyses of natural gases sampled from Nangwarry 1, located in the onshore Otway Basin, undertaken in partnership with the Department for Energy and Mining – Energy Resources, Government of South Australia, as part of the EFTF program Natural Hydrogen module. The Nangwarry Joint Venture drilled Nangwarry 1 to investigate the potential for the development of food grade, carbon dioxide production from this well. The results of the molecular and stable carbon and hydrogen isotopic analyses undertaken by Geoscience Australia are released in this report. The molecular data show that the gas composition in this well has an average of 96 mol% CO2 with an isotopic signature indicative of a magmatic origin, being comparable with previously produced gases from onshore Otway Basin wells (e.g. Boggy Creek 1, Caroline 1) for use by the food industry. The carbon and hydrogen isotopic composition of the C1–C5 hydrocarbon gases from Nangwarry 1 are suggestive of a source from within the Crayfish Supersequence.</div>

  • The Otway Basin is a broadly northwest-southeast trending basin and forms part of a rift system that developed along Australia’s southern margin. It represents an established hydrocarbon province with mostly onshore and shallow-water offshore discoveries. However, the outboard deep-water Otway Basin, with water depths up to 6300 m, is comparatively underexplored and can be considered a frontier area. Following the completion of a basin-wide seismic depth-imaging program (Part 1; Lee et al 2021) and insights from the revised seismic interpretation (Part 2; Karvelas et al. 2021), we have developed a comprehensive petroleum system modelling (PSM) study by integrating these data and findings (Part 3). Together the studies have resulted in an improved understanding of the hydrocarbon prospectivity of the deep-water areas of the basin. Given the sparsity of data outboard, almost all legacy petroleum system modelling studies have been focused either on the onshore or shallow-water areas of the basin and primarily on their thick Lower Cretaceous depocentres. The limitations of legacy seismic datasets resulted in a high degree of uncertainty in the derivative interpretations used as input into PSM studies. In addition, the paucity and poor quality of data in the deep-water area reduced confidence in the understanding of the basin evolution and spatial distribution of depositional environments through time. The newly acquired 2D seismic survey and reprocessed legacy data, with calibration via several wells across the basin, has improved confidence in our understanding of the tectonostratigraphic evolution of the basin (Part 2; Karvelas et al. 2021). The study presented herein integrates products from the work in Part 2 into a petroleum system model with the primary objective being to better understand the petroleum systems across the deep-water Otway Basin.

  • In association with the OB2020 seismic survey, over 8,200 line kilometre of gravity and magnetic data were acquired. These data were subsequently merged with existing satellite data to produce merged grids at 1000m grid cell size. Several enhancement processing techniques were applied to these magnetic and gravity data to better highlight buried features within the Otway Basin. The merged input data from the survey and the enhanced products in this release provide valuable information on the geometry and spatial extent of igneous rocks in the deep-water basin. The distribution of these rocks is critical to the understanding of the petroleum systems and therefore the hydrocarbon prospectivity of the area. This data package contains: 1) A metadata statement document 2) Shapefiles of the magnetic and gravity line data from the OBSP survey 3) ASCII xyz grids of the OBSP and merged grids with public domain data 4) Georeferenced (GeoTIFF) images of the survey and merged grids 5) Gravity and Magnetic data processing reports from the OBSP survey

  • Geoscience Australia has undertaken a regional seismic mapping study of the offshore Otway Basin extending across the explored inner basin to the frontier deep-water region. Seismic interpretation covers over 18,000 line-km of new and reprocessed data acquired in the 2020 Otway Basin seismic program, over 40,000 line-km of legacy 2D seismic data and GA’s new 2023 Otway 3D post-stack Mega Merge seismic dataset. This work provides a new perspective on regional structural architecture and basin evolution and has important implications for hydrocarbon prospectivity of this region. This seminar was two short talks centring on the Otway Basin. <u>Post-stack 3D merging to fast-track regional interpretation - offshore Otway Basin case study, presented by Merrie-Ellen Gunning</u> This case study was to produce a regularised and seamless 3D dataset of the highest possible quality, for the offshore Otway Basin, within two-months. The input migrated volumes varied by data extent, migration methodology, angle range and grid orientation. Fourteen input volumes totalling 8,092 km2 were post-stack merged and processed to produce a continuous and consistent volume, enabling more efficient and effective interpretation of the region. The surveys were regularised onto a common grid, optimised for structural trend, prior to survey matching. A mis-tie analysis algorithm, applied over a time window optimised for interpretation of key events, was used to derive corrections for timing, phase and amplitude, using a reference. This was followed by time-variant spectral and amplitude matching to improve continuity between volumes. Additional enhancements including noise removal and lateral amplitude scaling were also applied. The final merged volume offers significant uplift over the inputs, providing better imaging of structure and events and dramatically improving the efficiency and quality of interpretation. This enables rapid reconnaissance of the area by explorers. <u>Structural architecture of the offshore Otway Basin presented by Chris Nicholson</u> We present new basin-scale isochore maps that show the distribution of the Cretaceous depocentres. Maps for the Lower Cretaceous Crayfish and Eumeralla supersequences, together with those recently published for the Upper Cretaceous Shipwreck and Sherbrook Supersequences, completes the set of isochore maps for the main tectonostratigraphic basin intervals. Mapping of basement involved faults has revealed structural fabrics that have influenced depocentre development. The tectonostratigraphic development of depocentres and maps of deep crustal units delineate crustal thinning trends related to late Cretaceous extension phases. This work highlights the need to review and update structural elements. For example, the boundary between the Otway and Sorell basins is now geologically constrained. The refinements to the tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Otway Basin presented here have important implications for the distribution and potential maturity of petroleum systems, especially with regard to heat flow associated with crustal extension.

  • Reports of bitumen stranding on the ocean beaches of southern Australia date back to the early days of European settlement. Previous investigations have shown that this ‘coastal bitumen’ comprises three categories of stranded petroleum: waxy bitumen, asphaltite and oil slicks. All three varieties are physically and chemically distinct from each other, and bear no geochemical resemblance to any indigenous Australian crude oil. This study focuses on the most common variety, waxy bitumen, which accounted for 90% of the strandings on six South Australian beaches repeatedly surveyed during 1991–1992. Geochemical analysis of 96 individual specimens collected from these survey sites and other beaches in South Australia and western Victoria has shown them to be variously weathered high-wax crude oils of paraffinic to aromatic-intermediate bulk composition. Elemental, isotopic and biomarker differences allow their assignment to at least five oil families with inferred source facies that range from deep freshwater lacustrine through paludal and deltaic to euxinic marine, possibly deposited within different sedimentary basins. Family 1, 2 and 3 waxy bitumens all contain biomarkers derived from the freshwater alga Botryococcus sp. and tropical angiosperms (notably dipterocarps). Similar biomarker assemblages are unknown in Australian sedimentary basins but are common in Cenozoic crude oils and source rocks throughout western Indonesia. Family 4 waxy bitumens lack these biomarkers, but do contain dinosterane and 24-n-propylcholestane, indicative of a marine source affinity, while the carbon isotopic signatures and high pristane/phytane (Pr/Ph) ratios of Family 5 waxy bitumens are consistent with their origin from coal-rich source rocks deposited in fluvial to deltaic sedimentary successions. The majority of these waxy bitumens represent an oceanic influx of non-indigenous, Southeast Asian crude oils carried into the waters of southern Australia by the Leeuwin Current. Although they are likely to originate from natural seepage within the Indonesian Archipelago, it is unknown whether the parent oils emanate from submarine seeps or from inland seepages which are then carried to the sea by rivers. The common practice of tanker cleaning operations in the Java and Banda seas may augment the supply of natural bitumen to the beaches of Australia.

  • The inboard areas of the Otway Basin, particularly the Shipwreck Trough, are well explored and a petroleum-producing province. However, outboard in water depths greater than 500 m, the basin is underexplored with distant well control and sparse 2D reflection seismic data coverage. The presence of a successful petroleum province onshore and in shallow waters raises the question as to whether these plays may extend further outboard into the deep-water areas. In the deep-water area, structural complexity and poor imaging of events in the legacy seismic data have resulted in interpretation uncertainty and consequentially a high-risk profile for explorers. The 2020 Otway Basin seismic program acquired over 7000-line km of 2D reflection seismic data across the deep-water Otway Basin. In addition, over 10 000 km of legacy 2D seismic data were reprocessed to improve the tie between the inboard wells and the new seismic grid. This new dataset provides the first clear insight into the structural and stratigraphic framework of this frontier area, including better imaging of the sedimentary section and the lower crust, increased structural resolution and improved calibration of the outboard seismic reflectors via ties to the inboard wells. Interpretation of the new data has led to an improved assessment of the structural elements and the extension of regional supersequences into the deep-water areas. These refinements have been used as input into petroleum systems modelling work and will provide a foundation for future work to understand petroleum prospectivity, including the distribution of source, reservoir and seal facies. Presented at 2021 Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA)

  • Brumbys 1 was an appraisal well drilled and cored through Brumbys Fault at the CO2CRC Otway International Test Centre in 2018. The Otway Project is located in South West Victoria, on private farming property approximately 35 km southeast of Warrnambool and approximately 10 km northwest of the town of Peterborough. Total measured depth was 126.6 m (80 degrees). Sonic drilling enabled excellent core recovery and the borehole was completed as a groundwater monitoring well. Brumbys 1 cores through the upper Hesse Clay, Port Campbell Limestone and extends into the Gellibrand Marl. This dataset compiles the extensive analysis undertaken on the core. Analysis includes: Core log; Foram Analysis; Paleodepth; % Carbonate (CaCO3); X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRF); Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS); X-Ray Diffraction (XRD); Grain Size; Density; Surface Area Analysis (SAA); Gamma. Samples were taken at approximately 1-2 m intervals.

  • An elemental chemostratigraphic study of the offshore Otway basin has been undertaken as part of a collaboration between Chemostrat and Geoscience Australia (GA). The main aim of which is to better constrain the sequence boundaries of, and within, the Sherbrook Supersequence. This comprehensive study includes the elemental analysis of 1185 cuttings samples from the Sherbrook Supersequence (and overlying stratigraphy) in 13 wells, located offshore Otway Basin. Sampling of cuttings for this project was particularly challenging as many of the targeted wells have a paucity of material available for destructive analysis. Lithological and well log interpretation in the basin is often inadequate for constraint of sequence boundaries. Nonetheless the use of Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry and Mass Spectrometry (ICP-OES and MS) analysis was undertaken to complete a regional elemental chemostratigraphic study of the Sherbrook Supersequence, Otway Basin. The resultant chemostratigraphic framework, with nomenclature adapted from Forbes et al (2020) comprises of two chemostratigraphic sequences, eight chemostratigraphic packages and seventeen chemostratigraphic units. It is important to note that in some wells the chemostratigraphic correlation differs extensively from the lithostratigraphy, highlighting areas for closer examination. From the 13 wells analysed at least three, Crayfish-1A, Copa-1 and Breaksea Reef-1, indicate necessary changes to markers for LC2 (base Sherbrook). Additionally, within the Sherbrook Supersequence, there is scope for correlation between wells despite their separation, and seismic ties can now be better constrained. Presented at the Australian Energy Producers (AEP) Conference & Exhibition

  • In 2017, 21 new offshore petroleum exploration areas have been released. The majority of the areas are located along the North West Shelf spanning the Westralian Superbasin from the Bonaparte Basin in the north-east to the Northern Carnarvon Basin in the south-west. New areas have been released in offshore south-eastern Australia with new opportunities provided in the Otway, Bass and Gippsland basins. Two large areas in the northern Perth Basin, an offshore frontier, complete the 2017 Acreage Release. All Release Areas are supported by industry nominations and one new cash bid area has been offered in the Dampier Sub-basin. Geoscience Australia continues to support industry activities by acquiring, interpreting and integrating pre-competitive datasets that are made freely available as part of the agency’s regional petroleum geological studies. A new regional 2D seismic survey was acquired in the Houtman Sub-basin of the Perth Basin, forming the basis of the latest prospectivity study carried out by Geoscience Australia. The results of the study are presented in the technical program of the 2017 APPEA conference. A wealth of seismic and well data, submitted under the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 (OPGSSA) are made available through the National Offshore Petroleum Information Management System (NOPIMS). Additional datasets are accessible through Geoscience Australia’s data repository. Presented at the 2017 Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Conference.

  • <div>Ideally when combining different 3D seismic surveys differences in acquisition parameters warrant full pre-stack reprocessing from field data. However, there are occasions where this is not possible due to time, financial or data access constraints; a valuable alternative is post-stack merging and enhancement of existing migrations. The offshore Otway Basin was the subject of such a project, the objective of which was to produce a regularised and seamless 3D dataset of the highest possible quality, within a two-month turnaround time. The input migrated volumes varied by data extent, migration methodology, angle range and grid orientation. 14 input volumes totalling 8,092 km2 were post-stack merged and processed to produce a continuous and consistent volume, enabling more efficient and effective interpretation of the region. The surveys were regularised onto a common grid, optimised for structural trend, prior to survey matching. DUG’s mis-tie analysis algorithm, applied over a time window optimised for interpretation of key</div><div>events, was used to derive corrections for timing, phase and amplitude, using the Investigator North survey as a reference. This was followed by time-variant spectral and amplitude matching, with gain corrections applied, to improve continuity between volumes. Additional enhancements including noise removal and lateral amplitude scaling were also applied. The final merged volume offers significant uplift over the inputs providing better imaging of structure and event and dramatically improving the efficiency and quality of interpretation. This enables rapid reconnaissance of the area by explorers. Presented at the Australian Energy Producers (AEP) Conference & Exhibition