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  • <div>GeoInsight was an 18-month pilot project developed in the latter part of Geoscience Australia’s Exploring for the Future Program (2016–2024). The aim of this pilot was to develop a new approach to communicating geological information to non-technical audiences, that is, non-geoscience professionals. The pilot was developed using a human-centred design approach in which user needs were forefront considerations. Interviews and testing found that users wanted a simple and fast, plain-language experience which provided basic information and provided pathways for further research. GeoInsight’s vision is to be an accessible experience that curates information and data from across the Geoscience Australia ecosystem, helping users make decisions and refine their research approach, quickly and confidently.</div><div><br></div><div>Geoscience Australia hosts a wealth of geoscientific data, and the quantity of data available in the geosciences is expanding rapidly. This requires newly developed applications such as the GeoInsight pilot to be adaptable and malleable to changes and updates within this data. As such, utilising the existing Oracle databases, web service publication and platform development workflows currently employed within Geoscience Australia (GA) were optimal choices for data delivery for the GeoInsight pilot.&nbsp;This record is intended to give an overview of the how and why of the technical infrastructure of this project. It aims to summarise how the underlying databases were used for both existing and new data, as well as development of web services to supply the data to the pilot application.&nbsp;</div>

  • This database contains geochemical analyses of over 7000 samples collected from or near mineral deposits from 60 countries, compiled by the Critical Minerals Mapping Initiative (CMMI), a collaboration between Geoscience Australia (GA), the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) and the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Data was compiled from a number of publicly-available sources, including federal and provincial government mineral deposit and geochemistry databases, and the ore samples normalised to average crustal abundance (OSNACA) database compiled by the Centre for Exploration Targeting at the University of Western Australia. Geochemical data cover the majority of the periodic table, with metadata on analytical methods and detection limits. Where available, sample descriptions include lithology, mineralogy, and host stratigraphic units. Mineral deposits are classified according to the CMMI mineral deposit classification scheme (Hofstra et al., 2021). Location information includes deposit or prospect name, and sampling location (i.e., mine, field site, or borehole collar). This dataset will be updated periodically as more data become available. Geoscience Australia: D Champion, O Raymond, D Huston, M Sexton, E Bastrakov, S van der Wielen, G Butcher, S Hawkins, J Lane, K Czarnota, I Schroder, S McAlpine, A Britt Geological Survey of Canada: K Lauzière, C Lawley, M Gadd, J-L Pilote, A Haji Egeh, F Létourneau United States Geological Survey: M Granitto, A Hofstra, D Kreiner, P Emsbo, K Kelley, B Wang, G Case, G Graham Geological Survey of Queensland: V Lisitsin

  • <div>This guide and template details data requirements for submission of mineral deposit geochemical data to the Critical Minerals in Ores (CMiO) database, hosted by Geoscience Australia, in partnership with the United States Geological Survey and the Geological Survey of Canada. The CMiO database is designed to capture multielement geochemical data from a wide variety of critical mineral-bearing deposits around the world. Samples included within this database must be well-characterized and come from localities that have been sufficiently studied to have a reasonable constraint on their deposit type and environment of formation. As such, only samples analysed by modern geochemical methods, and with certain minimum metadata attribution, can be accepted. Data that is submitted to the CMiO database will also be published via the Geoscience Australia Portal ( and Critical Minerals Mapping Initiative Portal (;</div><div><br></div>

  • <div>These videos provide tutorials on how to use the Geoscience Australia Data portal in the classroom. They include a guide for basic navigation, how to load 2D map data sets (elevation, surface geology and critical minerals) as well as accessing a 3D data model (earthquakes).&nbsp;Additionally, they demonstrate how to directly compare multiple data and how to share collated data through a shareable link.</div><div>Videos included:</div><div>-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Introduction to using the Geoscience Australia Data Portal (2:15)</div><div>-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;How to access elevation, surface geology and critical minerals data in the Geoscience Australia Data Portal (4:26)</div><div>- How to view the global distribution of earthquakes using the Geoscience Australia Data Portal (2:51)</div><div><br></div><div>These videos are suitable for use by secondary students and adults.</div>

  • The importance of critical minerals and the need to expand and diversify critical mineral supply chains has been endorsed by the Federal governments of Australia, Canada, and the United States. The geoscience organizations of Geoscience Australia, the Geological Survey of Canada and the U.S. Geological Survey have created the Critical Minerals Mapping Initiative to build a diversified critical minerals industry in Australia, Canada, and the United States by developing a better understanding of known critical mineral resources, determining geologic controls on critical mineral distribution for deposits currently producing byproducts, identifying new sources of supply through critical mineral potential mapping and quantitative mineral assessments, and promoting critical mineral discovery in all three countries.

  • <div>Australia's Identified Mineral Resources is an annual national assessment that takes a long-term view of Australian mineral resources likely to be available for mining. The assessment also includes evaluations of long-term trends in mineral resources, world rankings, summaries of significant exploration results and brief reviews of mining industry developments.</div>

  • The National Geochemical Survey of Australia (NGSA) is Australia’s only internally consistent, continental-scale geochemical atlas and dataset (<a href=""></a>). The present dataset provides additional geochemical data for Li, Be, Cs, and Rb acquired as part of the Australian Government-funded Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program and in support of the Australian Government’s 2023-2030 Critical Minerals Strategy. The dataset fills a knowledge gap about Li distribution in Australia over areas dominated by transported regolith. The main ‘total’ element analysis method deployed for NGSA was based on making a fused bead using lithium-borate flux for XRF then ICP-MS analysis. Consequently, the samples could not be meaningfully analysed for Li. All 1315 NGSA milled coarse-fraction (<2 mm) top (“TOS”) catchment outlet sediment samples, taken from 0 to 10 cm depth in floodplain landforms, were analysed in the current project following the digestion method that provides near-total concentrations of Li, Be, Cs, and Rb. The samples were analysed by the commercial laboratory analysis service provider Bureau Veritas in Perth using low-level mixed acid (a mixture of nitric, perchloric and hydrofluoric acids) digestion with elements determined by ICP-MS (Bureau Veritas methods MA110 and MA112). The data are reported in the same format as the NGSA dataset, allowing for seamless integration with previously released NGSA data. Further details on the QA/QC procedures as well as data interpretation will be reported elsewhere. This data release also includes four continental-scale geochemical maps for Li, Be, Cs, and Rb built from these analytical data. This dataset, in conjunction with previous data published by NGSA, will be of use to mineral exploration and prospectivity modelling around Australia by providing geochemical baselines for Li, Be, Cs, and Rb, as well as identifying regions of anomalism. Additionally, these data also have relevance to other applications in earth and environmental sciences.

  • Critical minerals are pivotal to human society in industrialised and developing economies. Many critical minerals are irreplaceable inputs for technological and industrial advancements, especially renewable energy systems, electric vehicles, rechargeable batteries, consumer electronics, telecommunications, specialty alloys, and defence technologies. Critical minerals are metals, non-metals and mineral compounds that are economically important and are also subject to high risks of supply. “Criticality” is a subjective concept; countries develop their own lists of critical minerals based on the relative importance of particular minerals to their industrial needs and strategic assessment of supply risks. Lists are reviewed and changed over time. Commonly appearing on lists of high criticality are: antimony, barite, beryllium, bismuth, cesium, chromium, cobalt, germanium, indium, lithium, manganese, niobium, platinum-group elements (PGE), potash, rare earth elements (REE), rhenium, rubidium, scandium, strontium, tantalum, tellurium, rhenium, tungsten, and vanadium. The supply of critical minerals is an area of great growth potential, based on increasing technological demands and uses at a global level. Australia is one of the world’s principal producers of several key major mineral commodities (e.g. bauxite, coal, copper, lead, gold, ilmenite, iron ore, nickel, rutile, zircon, and zinc). Although some critical minerals are mined as primary products (e.g. REE, lithium, potash), many critical minerals are extracted as companion products from base or precious metal production (e.g. PGE from nickel sulfide ores, or indium from zinc concentrate). Considering that Australia has leading expertise in mining and metallurgical processing as well as extensive mineral resources likely to contain critical minerals, there is a clear opportunity for Australia to develop into a major, transparent and reliable supplier of critical minerals for the global economy. Based on a conservative estimate, Australia could add approximately $9.4 billion of value to the nation's mineral and metal production (currently valued at $112.2 billion, or an increase of about 8%) through the production of four critical commodities (hafnium, niobium, rare earth elements and scandium) from existing mines and favourable deposits. Full realisation of this and potentially even greater production is significantly affected by other factors, including: insufficient knowledge of critical minerals in Australian deposits and their behaviour during metallurgical processing due to limited reporting by industry; few geological studies dedicated to assessing and facilitating the discovery of critical mineral resources in Australia; the need for new mining technology and services to economically extract critical minerals; gaps in capabilities of domestic smelters/refineries to process critical minerals. These issues require further research and investigation in order for Australia to maximise its position in global critical minerals markets. This study was commissioned by Geoscience Australia in collaboration with RMIT and Monash University to summarise key aspects of the current state of critical minerals in Australia. The report covers: global demand and supply; Australia’s resource potential; an overview of ‘criticality’ assessment methods; estimates of potential economic value; and future research needs for critical minerals in Australia.

  • <div>Earth observation is a fast and cost-effective method for greenfields exploration of critical minerals at a continental to regional scale. A broad range of optical satellite sensors are now available to mineral explorers for collecting Earth observation information (EOI) at various spatial and spectral resolutions, with different capabilities for direct identification of mineral groups and/or species as well as selected chemical elements. The spectral resolution of many of the latest imaging spectroscopy satellite systems (e.g., PRISMA -; EnMap -; EMIT - allow the mapping of the relative mineral abundance and, in selected cases, even the chemical composition of hydrothermal alteration minerals and pegmatite indicator minerals, such as white mica, chlorite and tourmaline. More specialised hyperspectral satellite systems, such as DESIS ( feature a very high spectral resolution (235 bands at 2.55 nm sampling and 3.5 nm full width half maximum) across parts of the Visible to Near-Infrared (VNIR) wavelength range, opening up the possibility for direct mapping of rare earth elements, such as neodymium. The pixel size of the imaging spectroscopy satellite systems is commonly 30 m, which can be sufficient to map hydrothermal footprints of ore deposits or surface expressions of typical rare element host rocks, such as pegmatites and carbonatites. However, airborne hyperspectral surveys still provide a higher spatial resolution, which can be essential in a given mineral exploration campaign. Selected multispectral satellite systems, such as ASTER ( and WorldView3 ( do have bands at important wavelength ranges in the shortwave infrared, but not with high enough spectral resolution&nbsp;to clearly identify many indicator minerals for critical minerals deposits. Most publicly available satellite imagery comprises multispectral systems that are focussed on the VNIR, such as Landsat and Sentinel, but which allow the direct identification of only very few mineral groups (mainly iron oxides) and not hydroxylated vector minerals (e.g., white mica, chlorite, tourmaline). This work aims to provide a summary of currently available optical satellite sensors and high-level comparison of their applications for critical minerals exploration. In addition to the spatial and spectral resolution, the impact of, for example, signal-to-noise ratio, striping and band width on accurate mineral and element mapping is discussed. For this, case studies are presented that demonstrate the potential use of the respective sensors for different stages of an exploration campaign and also the opportunities for integration with other geoscience data across scales. This abstract was presented to the 13th IEEE GRSS Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing (WHISPERS) November 2023 (

  • <div>A PowerPoint presentation given by Chief of Minerals, Energy and Groundwater Division Dr Andrew Heap at NT Resources Week 2023. </div><div><br></div><div>This presentation had the theme of 'Precompetitive geoscience - Uncovering our critical minerals potential.'</div>