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  • <div>In response to the acquisition of national-scale airborne electromagnetic surveys and the development of a national depth estimates database, a new workflow has been established to interpret airborne electromagnetic conductivity sections. This workflow allows for high quantities of high quality interpretation-specific metadata to be attributed to each interpretation line or point. The conductivity sections are interpreted in 2D space, and are registered in 3D space using code developed at Geoscience Australia. This code also verifies stratigraphic unit information against the national Australian Stratigraphic Units Database, and extracts interpretation geometry and geological data, such as depth estimates compiled in the Estimates of Geological and Geophysical Surfaces database. Interpretations made using this workflow are spatially consistent and contain large amounts of useful stratigraphic unit information. These interpretations are made freely-accessible as 1) text files and 3D objects through an electronic catalogue, 2) as point data through a point database accessible via a data portal, and 3) available for 3D visualisation and interrogation through a 3D data portal. These precompetitive data support the construction of national 3D geological architecture models, including cover and basement surface models, and resource prospectivity models. These models are in turn used to inform academia, industry and governments on decision-making, land use, environmental management, hazard mapping, and resource exploration.</div>

  • <div>The presence of Pliocene marine sediments in the Myponga and Meadows basins within the Mt Lofty Ranges south of Adelaide is testament to over 200&nbsp;m of tectonic uplift within the last 5 Myr (e.g., Sandiford 2003, Clark 2014). The spatiotemporal distribution of uplift amongst the various faults within the range and along the range fronts is poorly understood. Consequently, large uncertainties are associated with estimates of the hazard that the faults pose to proximal communities and infrastructure.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>We present the preliminary results of a paleoseismic investigation of the southern Willunga Fault, ~40 km south of Adelaide. Trenches were excavated across the fault to examine the relationships between fault planes and sedimentary strata. Evidence is preserved for 3-5 ground-rupturing earthquakes since the Middle to Late Pleistocene, with single event displacements of 0.5 – 1.7 m. Dating of samples will provide age constraints on the timing of these earthquakes. This most recent part of the uplift history may then be related to the longer-term landscape evolution evidenced by the uplifted basins, providing an enhanced understanding of the present-day seismic hazard.</div> This abstract was presented at the Australian & NZ Geomorphology Group (ANZGG) Conference in Alice Springs 26-30 September 2022.

  • <div>The interpretation of AusAEM airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey conductivity sections in the Canning Basin region delineates the geo-electrical features that correspond to major chronostratigraphic boundaries, and captures detailed stratigraphic information associated with these boundaries. This interpretation forms part of an assessment of the underground hydrogen storage potential of salt features in the Canning Basin region based on integration and interpretation of AEM and other geological and geophysical datasets. A main aim of this work was to interpret the AEM to develop a regional understanding of the near-surface stratigraphy and structural geology. This regional geological framework was complimented by the identification and assessment of possible near-surface salt-related structures, as underground salt bodies have been identified as potential underground hydrogen storage sites. This study interpreted over 20,000 line kilometres of 20&nbsp;km nominally line-spaced AusAEM conductivity sections, covering an area approximately 450,000 km2 to a depth of approximately 500&nbsp;m in northwest Western Australia. These conductivity sections were integrated and interpreted with other geological and geophysical datasets, such as boreholes, potential fields, surface and basement geology maps, and seismic interpretations. This interpretation produced approximately 110,000 depth estimate points or 4,000 3D line segments, each attributed with high-quality geometric, stratigraphic, and ancillary data. The depth estimate points are formatted for Geoscience Australia’s Estimates of Geological and Geophysical Surfaces database, the national repository for formatted depth estimate points. Despite these interpretations being collected to support exploration of salt features for hydrogen storage, they are also intended for use in a wide range of other disciplines, such as mineral, energy and groundwater resource exploration, environmental management, subsurface mapping, tectonic evolution studies, and cover thickness, prospectivity, and economic modelling. Therefore, these interpretations will benefit government, industry and academia interested in the geology of the Canning Basin region.</div>

  • <div>In mid-2022 two paleoseismic trenches were excavated across the Willunga Fault at Sellicks Hill, ~40 km south of Adelaide, at a location where range front faulting displaces a thick colluvial apron, and flexure in the hanging wall has produced an extensional graben. Vertical separation between time-equivalent surfaces within the Willunga Embayment and uplifted Myponga Basin indicate an average uplift rate of 40 m/Myr since 5 Ma across the Willunga fault at the trench location, equivalent to a slip rate of 57 m/Myr across a 45° dipping fault. </div><div> The field sites preserve evidence for at least 4-5 large earthquake events involving approximately 6.9 m of discrete slip on fault planes since the Mid to Late Pleistocene. If the formation of red soil marker horizons in the trenches are assumed to relate to glacial climatic conditions then a slip-rate of 26-46 m/Myr since the Mid Pleistocene is obtained. These deformation rate estimates do not include folding in the hanging wall of the fault, which is likely to be significant at this site as evidenced by the existence of a pronounced hanging wall anticline. In the coming months, the results of dating analysis will allow quantitative constraint to be placed on earthquake timing and slip-rate, and a structural geological study seeks to assess the proportion of deformation partitioned into folding of the hanging wall.</div><div> The 2022 trenches represent the most recent of ten excavated across this fault. Integration of the 2022 data with those from previous investigations will allow fundamental questions to be addressed, such as whether the Willunga fault ruptures to its entire length, or in a segmented fashion, and whether any segmentation behaviour is reflected in local slip-rate estimates. Thereby we hope to significantly improve our understanding of the hazard that this, and other proximal Quaternary-active faults, pose to the greater Adelaide conurbation and its attendant infrastructure.</div> This paper was presented to the 2022 Australian Earthquake Engineering Society (AEES) Conference 24-25 November (

  • <div>Lithospheric structure and composition have direct relevance for our understanding of mineral prospectivity. Aspects of the lithosphere can be imaged using geophysical inversion or analysed from exhumed samples at the surface of the Earth, but it is a challenge to ensure consistency between competing models and datasets. The LitMod platform provides a probabilistic inversion framework that uses geology as the fabric to unify multiple geophysical techniques and incorporates a priori geochemical information. Here, we present results from the application of LitMod to the Australian continent. The rasters summarise the results and performance of a Markov-chain Monte Carlo sampling from the posterior model space. Release FR23 is developed using primary-mode Rayleigh phase velocity grids adapted from Fishwick & Rawlinson (2012).</div><div><br></div><div>Geoscience Australia's Exploring for the Future program provides precompetitive information to inform decision-making by government, community and industry on the sustainable development of Australia's mineral, energy and groundwater resources. By gathering, analysing and interpreting new and existing precompetitive geoscience data and knowledge, we are building a national picture of Australia's geology and resource potential. This leads to a strong economy, resilient society and sustainable environment for the benefit of all Australians. This includes supporting Australia's transition to a low emissions economy, strong resources and agriculture sectors, and economic opportunities and social benefits for Australia's regional and remote communities. The Exploring for the Future program, which commenced in 2016, is an eight year, $225m investment by the Australian Government.</div>

  • <div>Lithospheric structure and composition have direct relevance for our understanding of mineral prospectivity. Aspects of the lithosphere can be imaged using geophysical inversion or analysed from exhumed samples at the surface of the Earth, but it is a challenge to ensure consistency between competing models and datasets. The LitMod platform provides a probabilistic inversion framework that uses geology as the fabric to unify multiple geophysical techniques and incorporates a priori geochemical information. Here, we present results from the application of LitMod to the Australian continent. The rasters summarise the results and performance of a Markov-chain Monte Carlo sampling from the posterior model space. Release KY22 is developed using the primary-mode Rayleigh phase velocity grids of Yoshizawa (2014).</div><div><br></div><div>Geoscience Australia's Exploring for the Future program provides precompetitive information to inform decision-making by government, community and industry on the sustainable development of Australia's mineral, energy and groundwater resources. By gathering, analysing and interpreting new and existing precompetitive geoscience data and knowledge, we are building a national picture of Australia's geology and resource potential. This leads to a strong economy, resilient society and sustainable environment for the benefit of all Australians. This includes supporting Australia's transition to a low emissions economy, strong resources and agriculture sectors, and economic opportunities and social benefits for Australia's regional and remote communities. The Exploring for the Future program, which commenced in 2016, is an eight year, $225m investment by the Australian Government.</div>

  • <div>The city of Lae is Papua New Guinea (PNG)’s second largest, and is the home of PNG’s largest port. Here, a convergence rate of ~50 mm/yr between the South Bismarck Plate and the Australian Plate is accommodated across the Ramu-Markham Fault Zone (RMFZ). The active structures of the RMFZ are relatively closely spaced to the west of Lae. However, the fault zone bifurcates immediately west of the Lae urban area, with one strand continuing to the east, and a second strand trending southeast through Lae City and connecting to the Markham Trench within the Huon Gulf. </div><div>The geomorphology of the Lae region relates to the interaction between riverine (and limited marine) deposition and erosion, and range-building over low-angle thrust faults of the RMFZ. Flights of river terraces imply repeated tectonic uplift events; dating of these terraces will constrain the timing of past earthquakes and associated recurrence intervals. Terrace riser heights are typically on the order of 3 m, indicating causative earthquake events of greater than magnitude 7. </div><div>Future work will expose the most recently active fault traces in trenches to assess single event displacements, and extend the study to the RMFZ north of Nadzab Airport. These results will inform a seismic hazard and risk assessment for Lae city and surrounding region.</div> Presented at the 2023 Australian Earthquake Engineering Society (AEES) Conference

  • <div>Convergent margins are a hallmark feature of modern style plate tectonics. One expression of their operation is metallogenesis, which therefore may yield important insights into secular changes in styles of convergence and subduction. A global comparison of metallogenesis along convergent margins of over 20 well-endowed provinces indicates a consistent and systematic progression of mineral deposit types. We term this progression the convergent margin metallogenic cycle (CMMC). </div><div> This CMMC mirrors convergent margin evolution. Each metallogenic cycle begins with the formation of porphyry copper deposits and/or volcanic-hosted massive sulphide deposits, associated with arc construction and back arc basin formation, respectively. When the convergent margin transitions into contraction/orogenesis due to processes such as accretion, flattening of subduction, or continent-continent collision, mineral deposits that form include orogenic gold and structurally hosted base metal deposits. Post-contractional extension is marked by the formation of intrusion related rare metal (tin, tungsten, molybdenum) and gold deposits, pegmatites, and alkaline porphyry copper deposits, closing the CMMC. </div><div> Our analysis of the metallogenic record reveals that prior to ~3 Ga, metallogenesis is episodic and non-systematic, with CMMCs not recognised. From the mid- to late Mesoarchean onwards, CMMCs are observed in all provinces analysed, and display systematic trends through time: the Meso- to Neoarchean metallogenic provinces are characterized by a single metallogenic cycle, whereas in the Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic provinces, both single and multiple metallogenic cycles occur. From the middle Neoproterozoic onwards multiple metallogenic cycles are the rule. This evolution is accompanied by an increase in the duration of metallogenesis, ranging from ~100 to 180 million years in the Meso- to Neoarchean and 220 to more than 400 million years since the late Proterozoic.&nbsp;</div><div> We interpret these trends to reflect secular changes in tectonic processes and Earth evolution. The emergence of CMMCs from ~3 Ga provides independent evidence for the operation of some early form of subduction since this time. The fact that CMMCs are recognized in all provinces of mid-Meso- to Neoarchean age suggests that subduction was the common <em>modus operandi</em> rather than an exception. The first appearance of multiple metallogenic cycles in the Paleoproterozoic may reflect the strengthening of cratonic margins by tectonothermal maturation since formation in the Archean. Long-lived metallogenesis and multiple metallogenic cycles in the Neoproterozoic and Phanerozoic are linked to deep-slab break-off, or modern, subduction in which the internal strength of the subducting slab allows maintenance of slab coherency.&nbsp;&nbsp;</div><div> This Abstract was submitted/presented to the 2023 6th International Archean Symposium (6IAS) 25 - 27 July (

  • <div> A key issue for explorers in Australia is the abundant sedimentary and regolith cover obscuring access to underlying potentially prospective rocks. &nbsp;Multilayered chronostratigraphic interpretation of regional broad line-spaced (~20&nbsp;km) airborne electromagnetic (AEM) conductivity sections have led to breakthroughs in Australia’s near-surface geoscience. &nbsp;A dedicated/systematic workflow has been developed to characterise the thickness of cover and the depth to basement rocks, by delineating contact geometries, and by capturing stratigraphic units, their ages and relationships. &nbsp;Results provide a fundamental geological framework, currently covering 27% of the Australian continent, or approximately 2,085,000&nbsp;km2. &nbsp;Delivery as precompetitive data in various non-proprietary formats and on various platforms ensures that these interpretations represent an enduring and meaningful contribution to academia, government and industry.&nbsp;The outputs support resource exploration, hazard mapping, environmental management, and uncertainty attribution.&nbsp;This work encourages exploration investment, can reduce exploration risks and costs, helps expand search area whilst aiding target identification, and allows users to make well-informed decisions. Presented herein are some key findings from interpretations in potentially prospective, yet in some cases, underexplored regions from around Australia.&nbsp;</div> This abstract was submitted & presented to the 8th International Airborne Electromagnetics Workshop (AEM2023) (

  • <div>The Lake Eyre surface water catchment covers around 1,200,000 km2 of central Australia, about one-sixth of the entire continent. It is one of the largest endorheic river basins in the world and contains iconic arid streams such as the Diamantina, Finke and Georgina rivers, and Cooper Creek. The Lake Eyre region supports diverse native fauna and flora, including nationally significant groundwater-dependent ecosystems such as springs and wetlands which are important cultural sites for Aboriginal Australians.</div><div><br></div><div>Much of the Lake Eyre catchment is underlain by the geological Lake Eyre Basin (LEB). The LEB includes major sedimentary depocentres such as the Tirari and Callabonna sub-basins which have been active sites of deposition throughout the Cenozoic. The stratigraphy of the LEB is dominated by the Eyre, Namba and Etadunna formations, as well as overlying Pliocene to Quaternary sediments.</div><div><br></div><div>The National Groundwater Systems Project, part of Geoscience Australia's Exploring for the Future Program (, is transforming our understanding of the nation's major aquifer systems. With an initial focus on the Lake Eyre Basin, we have applied an integrated geoscience systems approach to model the basin's regional stratigraphy and geological architecture. This analysis has significantly improved understanding of the extent and thickness of the main stratigraphic units, leading to new insights into the conceptualisation of aquifer systems in the LEB.</div><div><br></div><div>Developing the new understanding of the LEB involved compilation and standardisation of data acquired from thousands of petroleum, minerals and groundwater bores. This enabled consistent stratigraphic analysis of the major geological surfaces across all state and territory boundaries. In places, the new borehole dataset was integrated with biostratigraphic and petrophysical data, as well as airborne electromagnetic (AEM) data acquired through AusAEM ( The analysis and integration of diverse geoscience datasets helped to better constrain the key stratigraphic horizons and improved our overall confidence in the geological interpretations.</div><div><br></div><div>The new geological modelling of the LEB has highlighted the diverse sedimentary history of the basin and provided insights into the influence of geological structures on modern groundwater flow systems. Our work has refined the margins of the key depocentres of the Callabonna and Tirari sub-basins, and shown that their sediment sequences are up to 400 m thick. We have also revised maximum thickness estimates for the main units of the Eyre Formation (185 m), Namba Formation (265 m) and Etadunna Formation (180 m).</div><div><br></div><div>The geometry, distribution and thickness of sediments in the LEB is influenced by geological structures. Many structural features at or near surface are related to deeper structures that can be traced into the underlying Eromanga and Cooper basins. The occurrence of neotectonic features, coupled with insights from geomorphological studies, implies that structural deformation continues to influence the evolution of the basin. Structures also affect the hydrogeology of the LEB, particularly by compartmentalising groundwater flow systems in some areas. For example, the shallow groundwater system of the Cooper Creek floodplain is likely segregated from groundwater in the nearby Callabonna Sub-basin due to structural highs in the underlying Eromanga Basin.</div><div> Abstract submitted and presented at the 2023 Australian Earth Science Convention (AESC), Perth WA (