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  • Geoscience Australia has undertaken a regional seismic mapping study of the offshore Otway Basin extending across the explored inner basin to the frontier deep-water region. Seismic interpretation covers over 18000 line-km of new and reprocessed data acquired in the 2020 Otway Basin seismic program and over 40000 line-km of legacy 2D seismic data. We present new basin-scale isochore maps that show the distribution of the Cretaceous depocentres. Maps for the Lower Cretaceous Crayfish and Eumeralla supersequences, together with those recently published for the Upper Cretaceous Shipwreck and Sherbrook Supersequences, completes the set of isochore maps for the main tectonostratigraphic basin intervals. Mapping of basement involved faults has revealed structural fabrics that have influenced depocentre development. The tectonostratigraphic development of depocentres and maps of deep crustal units delineate crustal thinning trends related to late Cretaceous extension phases. This work highlights the need to review and update structural elements. For example, the boundary between the Otway and Sorell basins is now geologically constrained. The refinements to the tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Otway Basin presented here have important implications for the distribution and potential maturity of petroleum systems, especially with regard to heat flow associated with crustal extension. Presented at the 2024 Australian Energy Producers Conference & Exhibition (AEP) (

  • <div>The active seismic and passive seismic database contains metadata about Australian land seismic surveys acquired by Geoscience Australia and its collaborative partners. </div><div>For active seismic this is onshore surveys with metadata including survey header data, line location and positional information, and the energy source type and parameters used to acquire the seismic line data. For passive seismic this metadata includes information about station name and location, start and end dates, operators and instruments. Each also contains a field that contains links to the published data. </div><div><br></div><div>The active and passive seismic database is a subset of tables within the larger Geophysical Surveys and Datasets Database and development of these databases was completed as part of the second phase of the Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program (2020-2024). The resource is accessible via the Geoscience Australia Portal&nbsp;(, under 'Geophysics'. Use 'active seismic' or 'passive seismic' as search terms. </div><div><br></div>

  • Interpretation of 2014–2015 deep crustal seismic reflection and magnetotelluric data has revised the architecture and geodynamic framework of western Queensland, with implications for the assembly and dispersal of the supercontinents Nuna, Rodinia and Gondwana. In the Mount Isa Province, crustal-scale boundaries of the Leichhardt River Domain, Kalkadoon-Leichhardt Domain and Eastern Subprovince are mapped in the third dimension. The Leichhardt River and Kalkadoon-Leichhardt domains have similar Nd isotopic T 2DM model ages to provinces to the west, indicating they were part of ancestral North Australian Craton (NAC); the Eastern Subprovince is a separate terrane, with the Pilgrim Fault a collisional suture. The Gidyea Suture Zone separates the Mount Isa Province from the subsurface Numil Seismic Province. To the east, the west-dipping Yappar Fault separates east-dipping structures in the west from west-dipping structures in the east, forming a classic doubly vergent orogen within the upper plate of a convergent margin. The northwestern boundary of the Bernfels Seismic Province, the Kynuna Fault, truncates the Gidyea Suture Zone, implying this seismic province was welded to the NAC prior to initial deposition of the Etheridge Province. The Cork Fault truncates the north-south grain of the Mount Isa Province; the easternmost part of the NAC has been excised, presumably during breakup of Nuna. The subsurface Brighton Downs Seismic Province, formerly part of the northern Thomson Orogen, is a discrete seismic province, located between the NAC and the Thomson Orogen, and welded to the NAC during the accretion of Rodinia. Basement to the Thomson Orogen is a collage of microplates, accreted to the Brighton Downs Seismic Province during the assembly of Gondwana. By 530 Ma, eastern Australia faced an open Pacific Ocean, with the Thomson Orogen in a backarc setting. Thus, northeastern Australia contains a record of repeated continental accretion and breakup over at least three supercontinent cycles. <b>Citation: </b>Russell J. Korsch, Michael P. Doublier, Dominic D. Brown, Janelle M. Simpson, Andrew J. Cross, Ross D. Costelloe, Wenping Jiang, Crustal architecture and tectonic development of western Queensland, Australia, based on deep seismic reflection profiling: Implications for Proterozoic continental assembly and dispersal, <i>Tectonophysics</i>, Volume 878, 2024, 230302, ISSN 0040-1951,

  • Following deep seismic reflection surveys on the Yilgarn and Pilbara cratons by Geoscience Australia with the Geological Survey of Western Australia and on the Superior Craton by the Canadian Lithoprobe program, these cratons are now some of the best surveyed Archean regions on Earth. We present seismic images that highlight how variations in crustal architecture relate to differences in Archean tectonic processes between cratons. All cratons are characterized by a mostly non-reflective 4–12 km-thick uppermost crust due to the presence of large granitoid plutons and gneissic domains. Localized regions of upper crustal seismic reflectivity are typically interpreted as supracrustal rocks and mafic sills or faults and shear zones. The middle and lower Archean crust contains variably complex geometries of relatively high amplitude reflections, though in some regions, such as the Eastern Goldfields Superterrane and the Abitibi Greenstone Belt, the lower crust appears less reflective than the middle crust. Crustal thicknesses vary from 30 km in the eastern Pilbara to 35–40 km across much of the Yilgarn and Superior, though thicknesses as great as 45–52 km occur locally in the latter two cratons. The characteristics of the Archean crust-mantle boundary, or Moho, which is commonly well-defined, differs between cratons, indicating significant variations in the tectonic processes that have driven the final stages of crustal evolution. Dipping reflections in the uppermost mantle linked to convergent crustal structures are interpreted as relict subduction scars. In the southern Superior Craton, Moho offsets and northdipping reflections in the middle and lower crust arose through successive underthrusting of Meso-Neoarchean island arcs, oceanic plateaux and microcontinental fragments, as they accreted against a pre-existing northern nucleus (e.g. North Caribou and Opatica terranes). Seismic reflection lines reveal a doubly vergent orogen above north-dipping mantle reflections that indicate subduction drive accretion. Post-orogenic crustal extension, which is inferred from crustal-scale normal shear zones and dropped greenstone belts, has not erased the original accretionary crustal architecture. In contrast, in the Yilgarn Craton interior, accretionary structures are less clear and there are no prominent offsets in the Moho. In the Youanmi Terrane, which represents the cratonic nucleus, a pervasive fabric of listric east-dipping mid-crustal reflections soles out into the upper part of subhorizontal lower crustal reflections. We interpret this reflective fabric to be the result of widespread crustal collapse during the late stage of craton evolution at c. 2.65–2.6 Ga that also produced subsidence of the upper crust. Though terrane boundaries can be identified in seismic data across the Eastern Goldfields Superterrane, these boundaries have commonly been modified by extension, which also overprinted any accretionary lower crustal structures, perhaps simultaneous with widespread intrusion of post-tectonic melts. Exhumation of moderately reflective, amphibolite to granulite facies crust in the Narryer Terrane above dipping mantle reflectors indicates that shortening along the northwestern edge of the Yilgarn Craton was subduction driven. In the eastern Pilbara Craton, shallowly dipping to subhorizontal reflections in the middle and lower crust preclude crustal-scale vertical tectonic movements and imply that the vertical displacements inferred from surface mapping were largely confined to the upper crust. <div>The abstract accompanies a talk the describes the architecture and and related tectonic processes of several Archean cratons based on reflection seismic interpretations. </div> This Abstract was submitted to & presented at the 2023 6th International Archean Symposium (6IAS) 25 - 27 July (

  • The L210 South Nicholson 1096 km-long deep seismic reflection lines were acquired from 6 June to 14 August, 2017. The survey involved the acquisition of seismic reflection and gravity data along five traverses, 17GA-SN1 (375 km), 17GA-SN2 (213 km), 17GA-SN3 (58 km), 17GA-SN3 (98 km), and 17GA-SN5 (352 km). The South Nicholson seismic survey was undertaken in collaboration with and funded by: The energy theme in Geoscience Australia - Exploring for the Future; Northern Territory Geological Survey (NTGS); Department of Natural Resources and Mines - through the Geological Survey of Queensland (GSQ); and AuScope. Raw data for this survey are available on request from - Quote eCat# 116881

  • <div><strong>Output Type: </strong>Exploring for the Future Extended Abstract</div><div><br></div><div><strong>Short Abstract: </strong>The thickness and thermal structure of continental lithosphere influences the location of seismic and volcanic hazards and is important for predicting long-term evolution of landscapes, sedimentary basins, and the distribution of natural resources. In this project, we have developed new, continental-scale models of the thermomechanical structure of the Australian plate. We begin by compiling an inventory of >15,000 geochemical analyses of peridotitic xenoliths and xenocrysts from across the continent that have been carried up to the surface in volcanic eruptions. We apply thermobarometric techniques to constrain their pressure and temperature of equilibration and perform steady-state heat flow modelling to assess the paleogeotherm beneath these sites. We subsequently use the paleogeotherms as constraints in a Bayesian calibration of anelasticity at seismic frequencies to provide a mapping between seismic velocity and temperature as a function of pressure. We apply this method to several regional-scale seismic tomography models, allowing the temperature to be continuously mapped throughout the Australian lithospheric and asthenospheric mantle. Our models include assessment of uncertainties and can be used to query thermomechanical properties, such as lithospheric thickness, heat flow through the Moho, and the Curie depth.</div><div><br></div><div><strong>Citation: </strong>Hoggard, M.J., Hazzard, J., Sudholz, Z., Richards, F., Duvernay, T., Austermann, J., Jaques, A.L., Yaxley, G., Czarnota, K. & Haynes, M., 2024. Thermochemical models of the Australian plate. In: Czarnota, K. (ed.) Exploring for the Future: Extended Abstracts, Geoscience Australia, Canberra.</div>

  • <div>The architecture of the lithosphere controls the distribution of thermal, compositional and rheological interfaces. It therefore plays a fundamental role in modulating key ore-forming processes including the generation, transport, fractionation, and contamination of melts.&nbsp;Recognition of its importance has led to renewed efforts in recent years to incorporate constraints on lithospheric structure into the targeting of prospective regions for mineral exploration. One example is a suggested relationship between the genesis of porphyry copper deposits – known to be associated with evolved, silica-rich magmas – and the thickness of the crust.&nbsp;Here, using a new compilation of spot measurements, we explore the utility of crustal thickness as an exploration tool for porphyry copper deposits.</div> This Abstract was submitted & presented at the 2022 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 12-16 December (

  • <div>The Australian Government’s Data Driven Discoveries program has reprocessed 60 selected multi-era legacy seismic lines, covering approximately 2,520 km across the Adavale Basin, south-central Queensland. Reprocessing of legacy seismic data from the Adavale Basin aims to create a modern, consistent and integrated seismic dataset that provides new insights into the geological structure of the basin and deepens our understanding of the basin’s minerals, energy, underground storage and groundwater potential.</div><div><br></div><div>The reprocessed lines were chosen to tie into 5 wells that were previously sampled for chemostratigraphic analysis through the Data Driven Discoveries program (Riley et al., 2023, eCat 147773), including Allendale 1, Boree 1, Gilmore 1, Quilberry 1 and Stafford 1. The Adavale Basin 2D Reprocessed Seismic Data Package also complements new deep crustal seismic data being acquired in the Adavale Basin by the program.</div><div><br></div><div>The reprocessing workflow prioritised enhancing the image quality of the selected legacy seismic lines, reducing noise, and fine-tuning frequency content for specific target depths. Techniques employed included creating a 3D static model, applying noise attenuation methods, surface-consistent deconvolution, and constructing an accurate velocity model to optimise pre-stack time and depth migration. </div><div><br></div><div>Both stacks and gather data are provided in SEG-Y format, along with navigation data, velocity, and statics.</div><div><strong>&nbsp;</strong></div><div><strong>Processed gather data for this survey are available on request from - Quote eCat# 149018</strong></div>

  • <div>Lithospheric structure and composition have direct relevance for our understanding of mineral prospectivity. Aspects of the lithosphere can be imaged using geophysical inversion or analysed from exhumed samples at the surface of the Earth, but it is a challenge to ensure consistency between competing models and datasets. The LitMod platform provides a probabilistic inversion framework that uses geology as the fabric to unify multiple geophysical techniques and incorporates a priori geochemical information. Here, we present results from the application of LitMod to the Australian continent. The rasters summarise the results and performance of a Markov-chain Monte Carlo sampling from the posterior model space. Release FR23 is developed using primary-mode Rayleigh phase velocity grids adapted from Fishwick & Rawlinson (2012).</div><div><br></div><div>Geoscience Australia's Exploring for the Future program provides precompetitive information to inform decision-making by government, community and industry on the sustainable development of Australia's mineral, energy and groundwater resources. By gathering, analysing and interpreting new and existing precompetitive geoscience data and knowledge, we are building a national picture of Australia's geology and resource potential. This leads to a strong economy, resilient society and sustainable environment for the benefit of all Australians. This includes supporting Australia's transition to a low emissions economy, strong resources and agriculture sectors, and economic opportunities and social benefits for Australia's regional and remote communities. The Exploring for the Future program, which commenced in 2016, is an eight year, $225m investment by the Australian Government.</div>

  • <div>The Australian Government's Data Driven Discoveries program, in collaboration with the Geological Survey of Queensland, has collected 1715 km of deep crustal seismic data across the Adavale Basin in South-Central Queensland. The L215 Adavale Basin Deep Crustal Seismic Survey was conducted between April and July 2023. The survey acquired 7 regional seismic lines, including 23GA-A1 (550 km), 23GA-A2 (196 km), 23GA-A3 (262 km), 23GA-A4 (94 km), 23GA-A5 (239 km), 23GA-A6 (161 km), and 23GA-A7 (213 km) across the basin. The acquisition of these lines occurred both during the day and night near the towns of Adavale, Charleville, Augathella, Blackall, westward towards Windorah, and north beyond Jericho.</div><div><br></div><div>The Adavale Basin Deep Crustal Seismic Survey complements previous work completed under the Data Driven Discoveries Program, including the Adavale Basin 2D Reprocessed Seismic Data Package (eCat No. 149018) and the newly defined chemostratigraphic framework for the basin (Riley et al., 2023, eCat No. 147773). The survey will deliver a significant uplift in regional shallow and deep crustal seismic information for the Adavale Basin, providing a modern, high-fold dataset that will enhance understanding of the basin's stratigraphy, hydrogeology, resource potential, and underground salt storage opportunities.</div><div><br></div><div><strong>The raw shot gather data acquired during the survey are now available from Geoscience Australia. To request this data, please email and include the reference 'eCat#149289' in your message.</strong></div>