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  • This dataset presents a three hourly accumulation of bushfire boundaries throughout the 2021/22 bushfire season (1/9/2021 - 30/4/22) for all Australian jurisdictions who have the technical ability and/or appropriate licence conditions to provide this information. The accuracy and completeness of the data attributes within this webservice is reliant on each jurisdictional source and the information they elect to publish into their historical bushfire boundary data products. The update frequency of the underlying data varies across the jurisdictions and therefore data may not be present in some areas. No filtering has been performed where source data overlaps.

  • The Australian National Exposure Information System (NEXIS) collates the best publicly-available information, statistics, spatial and survey data into comprehensive and nationally-consistent exposure information datasets. Where data is limited, models are used to apply statistics based on similar areas. Exposure Information products are created at the national, state or local level to understand the elements at risk during an event or as a key input for analysis in risk assessments. <b>Value: </b>NEXIS products are not intended for operational purposes at the building or individual feature level. Its strength is to provide consistent aggregated exposure information for individual event footprints or at standard community, local, state and national geographies such as the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Statistical Areas (SA) or Local Government Areas (LGA). <b>Scope: </b>National detailed exposure information of the number of people, dwellings, other buildings and structures, businesses, agricultural and environmental assets. Further information can be found at the following URL:

  • This service represents operational bushfire boundaries updated on a 15 minute interval throughout the 2021/22 bushfire season (1/9/2021 - 30/4/2022) for all Australian jurisdictions who have the technical ability and/or appropriate licence conditions to provide this information. The accuracy and completeness of the data attributes within this webservice is reliant on each jurisdictional source and the information they elect to publish into their operational bushfire boundary data products. The update frequency of the underlying data varies across the jurisdictions and therefore data may not be present in some areas. No filtering has been performed where source data overlaps.