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  • A short article describing the outcomes of the Tasman Frontier Petroleum Industry Workshop held at Geoscience Australia on 8 and 9 March 2012.

  • Speculation is increasing that Proterozoic eastern Australia and western Laurentia represent conjugate rift margins formed during breakup of the NUNA supercontinent and thus share a common history of rift-related basin formation and magmatism. In Australia, this history is preserved within three stacked superbasins formed over 200 Myr in the Mount Isa region (1800-1750 Ma Leichhardt, 1730-1670 Ma Calvert and 1670-1575 Ma Isa), elements of which extend as far east as Georgetown. The Mount Isa basins developed on crystalline basement of comparable (~1840 Ma) age to that underlying the Paleoproterozoic Wernecke Supergroup and Hornby Bay Basin in NW Canada which share a similar tripartite sequence stratigraphy. Sedimentation in both regions was accompanied by magmatism at 1710 Ma, further supporting the notion of a common history. Basin formation in NW Canada and Mount Isa both concluded with contractional orogenesis at ~1600 Ma. Basins along the eastern edge of Proterozoic Australia are characterised by a major influx of sediment derived from juvenile volcanic rocks at ~1655 Ma and a significant Archean input, as indicated by Nd isotopic and detrital zircon data. A source for both these modes is currently not known in Australia although similar detrital zircon populations are documented in the Hornby Bay Basin, and in the Wernecke Supergroup, and juvenile 1660-1620 Ma volcanism occurs within Hornby Bay basin NW Canada. These new data are most consistent with a northern SWEAT-like tectonic reconstruction in a NUNA assembly thus giving an important constraint on continental reconstructions that predate Rodinia.

  • Interpretation of the Capricorn deep seismic reflection survey has provided images which allow us to examine the geodynamic relationships between the Pilbara Craton, Capricorn Orogen and Yilgarn Craton in Western Australia. Prior to the seismic survey, suture zones were proposed at the Talga Fault, between the Pilbara Craton and the Capricorn Orogen, and at the Errabiddy Shear Zone between the Yilgarn Craton and the Glenburgh Terrane, the southernmost component of the Capricorn Orogen. Our interpretation of the seismic lines indicates that there is a suture between the Pilbara Craton and the newly-recognised Bandee Seismic Province. Our interpretation also suggests that the Capricorn Orogen can be subdivided into at least two discrete crustal blocks, with the interpretation of a suture between them at the Lyons River Fault. Finally, the seismic interpretation has confirmed previous interpretations that the crustal architecture between the Narryer Terrane of the Yilgarn Craton and the Glenburgh Terrane consists of a south-dipping structure in the middle to lower crust, with the Errabiddy Shear Zone being an upper crustal thrust system where the Glenburgh Terrane has been thrust to the south over the Narryer Terrane.

  • Numerous disparate and, in many cases, mutually inconsistent models for the Proterozoic amalgamation and evolution of the Australian continent have been published over the past ~15 years. Most of the models involve large-scale relative movements between pre-existing cratonic blocks, as well as accretion of relatively juvenile crust to cratonic margins, via modern style subduction-tectonics. As such, improved geological understanding of the margins of the major constituent cratonic blocks is critical to testing between contrasting evolutionary models. Both the northern and eastern margins of the Gawler Craton, South Australia, are characterised by shear zones with strike lengths of several hundred kilometres; the Karari Shear Zone in the north, and the Kalinjala Shear Zone in the east. Each of these structures preserves evidence for very significant strike-slip motion, but also juxtaposes rocks from different crustal levels indicating significant dip-slip motion. Recently-acquired deep seismic transects across each of these cratonic margins, together with new U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology are interpreted to indicate that the Karari Shear Zone was likely active in at least three episodes through the Paleo- and Mesoproterozoic, and currently preserves an overall north-dipping thrust geometry that dates from the early Mesoproterozoic (~1580 - 1450 Ma). In contrast, on the eastern margin of the craton, the northern part of the Kalinjala Shear Zone preserves an east-dipping bulk extensional geometry that dates from the Paleoproterozoic (~1800 - 1740 Ma). The temporal evolution of the margins of the Gawler Craton provides constraints on models invoking tectonic interaction with other parts of Proterozoic Australia.

  • The Tasman Frontier region includes c. 3,000,000 sq km of seabed that is thought to be underlain by crust with continental affinities: the Lord Howe Rise, Bellona Trough, Challenger Plateau, Dampier Ridge, Middleton Basin, Fairway Basin, New Caledonia Trough, Norfolk Ridge System, Reinga Basin, and deep-water parts of Taranaki and Northland basins. We have compiled and interpreted c. 100,000 line km of archival seismic reflection data. Using seismic stratigraphy tied to Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) wells, we identify a tectonic and stratigraphic event that we refer to as the 'Tectonic Event of the Cenozoic Tasman Area' (TECTA). This Middle Eocene to Late Oligocene event involved regional uplift followed by 1-2 km of tectonic subsidence of topographic highs, and >2 km of tectonic subsidence in the New Caledonia Trough. Strata below the TECTA reflector (or seismic unit in some places) are locally folded or reverse faulted. We present seismic-stratigraphic evidence that numerous islands were transiently created by uplift on the Lord Howe Rise during the TECTA event. We suggest that the underlying cause of the TECTA event was initiation of the subduction system that has since evolved into the Tonga-Kermadec system. Note: Abstract for initial submission; acceptance to be confirmed.

  • The magma-poor southern Australian rifted margin formed as a result of a long history of lithospheric extension that commenced in the Middle Jurassic. Breakup with Antarctica was diachronous, commencing in the west at ~83 Ma and concluding in the east at ~34 Ma. Initial NW-SE ultra-slow to slow seafloor spreading (83-45 Ma), followed by N-S fast spreading (45 Ma-present), resulted in a broad threefold segmentation of the margin: a long E-W oriented divergent margin segment (Bight-western Otway basins); a NW-SE trending transitional segment (central Otway-Sorell basins); and a N-S oriented transform margin (southern Sorell-South Tasman Rise). Segmentation appears to have been strongly controlled by the pre-existing basement structure. The divergent and western transitional margin segments are characterised by a broad region of lithospheric thinning and thick extensional basin development. In this region, a well-developed ocean-continent transition zone includes basement highs interpreted as exhumed sub-continental lithospheric mantle. Mapping of stratigraphic sequences provides insights into the processes that took place at the evolving margin, including the timing of mantle exhumation, and the diachronous nature of crustal thinning and breakup. The orientation and segmentation of the western and transitional margin segments suggests that initial spreading is likely to have been accommodated by short, extension-parallel transform segments. In the easternmost part of transitional zone, lithospheric thinning is not as marked and the continent-ocean boundary is interpreted to comprise both rift and long transform elements. Here, roughly N-S oriented extension resulted in the development of strongly transtensional basins.

  • Continental rifting and the separation of Australia from Antarctica commenced in the Middle-Late Jurassic and progressed from west to east through successive stages of crustal extension, basement-involved syn-rift faulting and thermal subsidence until the Cenozoic. Early syn-rift faults in the Bight Basin developed during NW-SE directed extension and strike mainly NE and E-W, parallel to reactivated basement structures of Paleoproterozoic or younger age in the adjacent Gawler craton. This extension was linked to reactivation of NW-striking basement faults that predetermined not only the point of breakup along the cratonic margin but the position and trend of a major intracontinental strike-slip shear zone along which much of the early displacement between Australia and Antarctica was accommodated. Following a switch to NNE-SSW extension in the Early Cretaceous, the locus of rifting shifted eastwards into the Otway Basin where basin evolution was increasingly influenced by transtensional displacements across reactivated north-south-striking terrane boundaries of Paleozoic age in the Delamerian-Ross and Lachlan Orogens. This transtensional regime persisted until 55 Ma when there was a change to north-south rifting with concomitant development of an ocean-continent transform boundary off western Tasmania and the South Tasman Rise. This boundary follows the trace of an older Paleozoic structure optimally oriented for reactivation as a strike-slip fault during the later stages of continental breakup and is one of two major basement structures for which Antarctic equivalents are readily identified. Some ocean floor fracture zones lie directly along strike from these reactivated basement structures, pointing to a link between basement reactivation and formation of the ocean floor fabrics. Together with the two basement structures, these fabrics serve as an important first order control on palaeogeographic reconstructions of the Australian and Antarctic conjugate margins.

  • Introduction: As part of the Offshore Energy Security Program (2007-2011), Geoscience Australia (GA) undertook an integrated regional study of the deepwater Otway and Sorell basins to improve the understanding of the geology and petroleum prospectivity of the region. The under-explored deepwater Otway and Sorell basins lie offshore of southwestern Victoria and western Tasmania in water depths of 100-4,500 m. The basins developed during rifting and continental separation between Australia and Antarctica from the Cretaceous to Cenozoic and contain up to 10 km of sediment. Significant changes in basin architecture and depositional history from west to east reflect the transition from a divergent rifted continental margin to a transform continental margin. The basins are adjacent to hydrocarbon-producing areas of the Otway Basin, but despite good 2D seismic data coverage, they remain relatively untested and their prospectivity poorly understood. The deepwater (>500 m) section of the Otway Basin has been tested by two wells, of which Somerset 1 recorded minor gas shows. Three wells have been drilled in the Sorell Basin, where minor oil shows were recorded near the base of Cape Sorell 1. Structural framework: Using an integrated approach, new aeromagnetic data, open-file potential field, seismic and exploration well data were used to develop new interpretations of basement structure and basin architecture. This analysis has shown that reactivated north-south Paleozoic structures, particularly the Avoca-Sorell Fault System, controlled the transition from extension through transtension to a dominantly strike-slip tectonic regime along this part of the southern margin. Depocentres to the west of this structure are large and deep in contrast to the narrow elongate depocentres to its east. ...

  • Detrital zircon age patterns are reported for sandstones from the mid-Permian-Triassic part of the accretionary wedge forming the Torlesse Composite Terrane in Otago, New Zealand and from the early Permian Nambucca Block of the New England Orogen, eastern Australia. In Otago, the Triassic Torlesse samples have a major (64%) age group of Permian-Early Triassic components ca. 240, 255 and 280 Ma, and a minor age group (30%) with a Precambrian-early Paleozoic range (ca. 500, 600 and 1000 Ma). In Permian sandstones nearby, the younger group is diminished (30%), and the older group also contains a major (50%) and unusual, Carboniferous group (components at ca. 330-350 Ma). This trend is similar in sandstones from the Nambucca Block, an early Permian extensional basin in the southern New England Orogen, in which Permian zircons are now minor (<20%), and the age patterns are also dominated (40%) by similar Carboniferous age components, ca. 320-350 Ma.

  • Preserved within the Glenelg River Complex of SE Australia is a sequence of metamorphosed late Neoproterozoic-early Cambrian deep marine sediments intruded by mafic rocks ranging in composition from continental tholeiites to mid-ocean ridge basalts. This sequence originated during breakup of the Rodinia supercontinent and is locally host to lenses of variably sheared and serpentinised mantle-derived peridotite (Hummocks Serpentinite) representing the deepest exposed structural levels within the metamorphic complex. Direct tectonic emplacement of these rocks from mantle depths is considered unlikely and the ultramafites are interpreted here as fragments of sub-continental lithosphere originally exhumed at the seafloor during continental breakup through processes analogous to those that produced the hyper-extended continental margins of the North Atlantic. Subsequent to burial beneath marine sediments, the exhumed ultramafic rocks and their newly acquired sedimentary cover were deformed and tectonically dismembered during arc-continent collision accompanying the early Paleozoic Delamerian Orogeny, and transported to higher structural levels in the hangingwalls of west-directed thrust faults. Thrust-hosted metasedimentary rocks yield detrital zircon populations that constrain the age of mantle exhumation and attendant continental breakup to be no later than late Neoproterozoic-earliest Cambrian. A second extensional event commencing ca. 490 Ma overprints the Delamerian-age structures; it was accompanied by granite magmatism and low pressure-high temperature metamorphism but outside the zone of magmatic intrusion failed to erase the original, albeit modified, rift geometry. This geometry originally extended southward into formerly contiguous parts of the Ross Orogen in Antarctica where mafic-ultramafic rocks are similarly hosted by a deformed continental margin sequence.