
spatial data dictionary

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  • The Spatial Data Dictionary is a specification for the capture of geoscientific spatial data. It describes fields for each feature type in a database, containing the themes currently created from Geoscience Australia's databases. It forms a foundation for the production of geoscientific spatial data by specifying rules regarding the structure of such data. The dictionary covers such matters as allowable coverage names, feature types, and attribute values. A theme is a set of spatial objects. Some of the themes in this data dictionary have associated look-up tables. Look-up tables store an additional array of attributes that may be linked to the primary attribute table of a theme. Object type, feature definition, field type, attribute case, compulsion for data entry, a list of valid values and any rules or comments regarding the feature are also given in this data dictionary. The Data Dictionary consists of four modules: • Module 1: Definitions, Rules and Terminology • Module 2: Geology, Geophysical, Geochemistry and Geochronology Themes • Module 3: Mineral Deposits and Mineral Potential Assessment Themes, Surveys and Field Observations Themes • Module 4: Urban Infrastructure Themes, Terrain Physiography Themes, Cartographic Themes