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  • To test existing geological interpretations and the regional stratigraphic relationships of the Carrara Sub-basin with adjacent resource-rich provinces, the deep stratigraphic drill hole NDI Carrara 1 was located on the western flanks of the Carrara Sub-basin, on the seismic line 17GA-SN1. The recovery of high quality near-continuous core from the Carrara Sub-basin, in concert with the spectrum of baseline analytical work being conducted by Geoscience Australia through the EFTF program, as well as other work by government and university researchers is greatly improving our understanding of this new basin. While recently published geochemistry baseline datasets have provided valuable insight into the Carrara Sub-basin, the age of the sedimentary rocks intersected by NDI Carrara 1 and their chronostratigraphic relationships with adjacent resource rich regions has remained an outstanding question. In this contribution, we present new sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) geochronology results from NDI Carrara 1 and establish regional stratigraphic correlations to better understand the energy and base-metal resource potential of this exciting frontier basin in northern Australia.