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This National Electricity Transmission Substations dataset presents the spatial locations, in point format, of all known electricity transmission substations within Australia.
This point dataset contains the major power stations in Australia including all those that feed into the electricity transmission network.
Document distribution and location of a variety of built infrastructure features, including: ports, power stations, electricity transmission lines and substations. <b>Value: </b>These locations are not authoritative or comprehensive, but represent a valuable resource for visualisation, decision support and planning activities. <b>Scope: </b>National dataset at resolution relevant for presentation of regional spatial data such as digital maps or regional decision making, ie., does not include many small scale or local distribution infrastructure types such as lines to houses.
The Electricity Transmission Lines Database presents the spatial location; in line format, all known high voltage electricity transmission lines that make up the electricity transmission network within Australia.
<b> Removed from distribution 30/09/2020 on advice of Barry New</b> This point dataset contains the major ports in Australian waters that include infrastructure facilities where maritime vessels have the ability to load and unload commodities.