Authors / CoAuthors
Digital orthophotography was prepared from aerial photography flown on the 16th, 20th, and 21st of August 1987 and the 1st September 1987 by the Australian Survey Office (now Geoscience Australia) Canberra. AGSO commissioned BHP Engineering, Land Technologies Division to generate orthophotography from the 1987 aerial photography as a component of this Christmas Island GIS project that AGSO undertook on behalf of Territories Office. The orthophotography has a 30cm on-the-ground pixel size. The quality and resolution of the orthophotography is reasonable down to 1:500 scale. An orthophotograph is a computer image of an aerial photograph in which various distortions due to the landscape and camera lens have been removed. This data is based on the aerial photography of Christmas Island flown in August and September 1987. This has been converted to detailed colour orthophotography (at a 30cm ground resolution) presented as one hundred and fifty-seven 1km tiles for the whole of the Island. On most systems not all the orthophotography will be in this directory, due to limitations of disk size. Most orthophotography of disturbed areas (mining or township) is on the core CD-ROM.
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Cnr Jerrabomberra Ave and Hindmarsh Dr GPO Box 378
- GIS Dataset
- Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC)
- Earth Sciences
- Published_Internal
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Colour orthophotography for Christmas Island, with 30cm ground resolution, was achieved by scanning fullsize colour transparencies of aerial photography. The orthophotography was then colour balanced and cut into 1km tiles. The quality of the orthophotographs is impressive, with acceptable resolution down to 1:500 scale. The following table shows the dates of the flights and their corresponding flight run numbers: Date Run Number 21-08-1987 1, 2, 15 01-09-1987 3-7, 10, 14, 16 20-08-1987 11, 17 16-08-1987 8, 9, 12, 13 In September 2003 this dataset was converted to the MGA(GDA94) projection using an x y shift (550015 = x, 8780001 = y) on the CIG85 projection. View the associated metadata sheets: Flight Lines and Photocentres Aerial Photograph Circles
Parent Information
[-10.5667, -10.4167, 105.5333, 105.7167]
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