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  • Geoscience Australia (GA) has embarked on a project to update the seismic hazard model for Australia through the National Seismic Hazard Assessment (NSHA18) project. The draft NSHA18 update yields many important advances on its predecessors, including: 1) calculation in a full probabilistic framework using the Global Earthquake Model’s OpenQuake-engine; 2) consistent expression of earthquake magni-tudes in terms of moment magnitude, MW; 3) inclusion of epistemic uncertainty through the use of alterna-tive source models; 4) inclusion of a national fault-source model based on the Australian Neotectonic Features database; 5) the use of modern ground-motion models; and 6) inclusion of epistemic uncertainty on seismic source models, ground-motion models and fault occurrence and earthquake clustering models. The draft NSHA18 seismic design ground motions are significantly lower than those in the current (1991-era) AS1170.4–2007 hazard map at the 1/500-year annual ground-motion exceedance probability (AEP) level. However, draft values at lower probabilities (i.e., 1/2475-year AEP) are entirely consistent, in terms of the percentage area of land mass exceeding different ground-motion thresholds, with other Stable Continental Regions (e.g., central & eastern United States). The large reduction in seismic hazard at the 1/500-year AEP level has led to engineering design professionals questioning whether the new draft design values will provide enough structural resilience to potential seismic loads from rare large earthquakes. This process underscores the challenges in developing national-scale probabilistic seismic hazard analyses (PSHAs) in slowly-deforming regions, where a 1/500-year AEP design level is likely to be much lower than the ANCOLD Maximum Credible Earthquake (MCE) ground motions. Consequently, a robust discussion among the Standards Australia code committee, hazard practitioners and end users is required to consider alternative hazard and/or risk objectives for future standards. Site-specific PSHAs undertaken for owners and operators of extreme and high consequence dams generally require hazard evaluations at lower probabilities than for typical structural design as recommended in AS1170.4. However, modern national assessments, such as the NSHA18, can provide a benchmark in terms of recommended seismicity models, fault-source models, ground-motion models, as well as hazard values, for low-probability site-specific analyses. With a new understanding of earthquake processes in Australia leading to lower ground-motion hazard values for higher probability events (e.g., 1/500-year AEP), we should also ask whether the currently recommended design probabilities provide an acceptable level of seismic resilience to critical facilities (such as dams) and regular structures. Abstract presented at the 2017 Australian National Committee on Large Dams (ANCOLD) Conference

  • An updated National Seismic Hazard Assessment of Australia was released in 2018 (the NSHA18). This assessment leveraged off advances in earthquake-hazard science in Australia and analogue tectonic regions to offer many improvements over its predecessors. The outcomes of the assessment represent a significant shift in the way national-scale seismic hazard is modelled in Australia, and so challenged long-held notions of seismic hazard amongst the Australian seismological and earthquake engineering community. The NSHA18 is one of the most complex national-scale seismic hazard assessments conducted to date, comprising 19 independent seismic source models (contributed by Geoscience Australia and third-party contributors) with three tectonic region types, each represented by at least six ground motion models each. The NSHA18 applied a classical probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) using a weighted logic tree approach, where the model weights were determined through two structured expert elicitation workshops. The response from the participants of these workshops was overwhelmingly positive and the participants appreciated the opportunity to contribute towards the model’s development. Since the model’s publication, Geoscience Australia has been able to reflect on the choices made both through the expert elicitation process and through decisions made by the NSHA18 team. The consequences of those choices on the production of the final seismic hazard model may not have been fully appreciated prior to embarking on the development of the NSHA18, nor during the expert elicitation workshops. The development of the NSHA18 revealed several philosophical challenges in terms of characterising seismic hazard in regions of low seismicity such as Australia. Chief among these are: 1) the inclusion of neotectonic faults, whose rupture characteristics are underexplored and poorly understood; 2) processes for the adjustment and conversion of historical earthquake magnitudes to be consistently expressed in terms of moment magnitude; 3) the relative weighting of different seismic-source classes (i.e., background, regional, smoothed seismicity, etc) for different regions of interest and exceedance probabilities; 4) the assignment of Gutenberg-Richter b-values for most seismic source models based on b-values determined from broad neotectonic domains, and; 5) the characterisation and assignment of ground-motion models used for different tectonic regimes. This paper discusses lessons learned through the development of the NSHA18, identifies successes in the expert elicitation and modelling processes, and explores some of the abovementioned challenges that could be reviewed for future editions of the model. Abstract presented at the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE )

  • In plate boundary regions moderate to large earthquakes are often sufficiently frequent that fundamental seismic parameters such as the recurrence intervals of large earthquakes and maximum credible earthquake (Mmax) can be estimated with some degree of confidence. The same is not true for the Stable Continental Regions (SCRs) of the world. Large earthquakes are so infrequent that the data distributions upon which recurrence and Mmax estimates are based are heavily skewed towards magnitudes below Mw5.0, and so require significant extrapolation up to magnitudes for which the most damaging ground-shaking might be expected. The rarity of validating evidence from surface rupturing palaeo-earthquakes typically limits the confidence with which these extrapolated statistical parameters may be applied. Herein we present a new earthquake catalogue containing, in addition to the historic record of seismicity, 150 palaeo-earthquakes derived from 60 palaeo-earthquake features spanning the last > 100 ka of the history of the Precambrian shield and fringing extended margin of southwest Western Australia. From this combined dataset we show that Mmax in non-extended-SCR is M7.25 ± 0.1 and in extended-SCR is M7.65 ± 0.1. We also demonstrate that in the 230,000 km2 area of non-extended-SCR crust, the rate of seismic activity required to build these scarps is one tenth of the contemporary seismicity in the area, consistent with episodic or clustered models describing SCR earthquake recurrence. A dominance in the landscape of earthquake scarps reflecting multiple events suggests that the largest earthquakes are likely to occur on pre-existing faults. We expect these results might apply to most areas of non-extended-SCR worldwide.

  • We present a preliminary probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) of a site in the Otway basin, Victoria, Australia, as part of the CO2CRC Otway Project for CO2 storage risk. The study involves estimating the likelihood of future strong earthquake shaking at the site and utilizes three datasets: (1) active faults, (2) historical seismicity, and (3) geodetic surface velocities. Our analysis of geodetic data reveals strain rates at the limit of detectability and not significantly different from zero. Consequently, we do not develop a geodetic-based source model for this Otway model. We construct logic trees to capture epistemic uncertainty in both the fault and seismicity source parameters and in the ground-motion prediction. A new feature for seismic hazard modeling in Australia, and rarely dealt with in low-seismicity regions elsewhere, is the treatment of fault episodicity (long-term activity versus inactivity) in our Otway model. Seismic hazard curves for the combined (fault and distributed seismicity) source model show that hazard is generally low, with peak ground acceleration estimates of less than 0.1g at annual probabilities of 10-3-10-4/yr. Our preliminary analysis therefore indicates that the site is exposed to a low seismic hazard that is consistent with the intraplate tectonic setting of the region and unlikely to pose a significant hazard for CO2 containment and infrastructure.

  • <p>The mechanisms that lead to the localisation of stable continental region (SCR) seismicity, and strain more generally, remain poorly understood. Recent work has emphasised correlations between the historical record of earthquake epicentres and lateral changes in the thickness, composition and/or viscosity (thermal state) of the lithospheric mantle, as inferred from seismic velocity/attenuation constraints. Fluid flow and the distribution of heat production within the crust have also been cited as controls on the location of contemporary seismicity. The plate margin-centric hypothesis that the loading rate of crustal faults can been understood in terms of the strain rate of the underlying lithospheric mantle has been challenged in that a space-geodetic strain signal is yet to be measured in many SCRs. Alternatives involving the release of elastic energy from a pre-stressed lithosphere have been proposed. <p>The Australian SCR crust preserves a rich but largely unexplored record of seismogenic crustal deformation spanning a time period much greater than that provided by the historical record of seismicity. Variations in the distribution, cumulative displacement, and recurrence characteristics of neotectonic faults provide important constraint for models of strain localisation mechanisms within SCR crust, with global application. This paper presents two endmember case studies that illustrate the variation in deformation characteristics encountered within Australian SCR crust, and which demonstrate the range and nature of the constraint that might be imposed on models describing crustal deformation and seismic hazard.

  • Seismicity in the intraplate southwest of Western Australia is poorly understood, despite evidence for potentially damaging earthquakes of magnitude>M6. Identifying stress-focusing geological structures near significant earthquake sequences assists in understanding why these earthquakes occur in seemingly random locations across a region of more than 250 000 km2. On 16 September 2018, an ML5.7 earthquake occurred near Lake Muir in the southwest of Western Australia and was followed by an ML5.4 aftershock. The main earthquake formed a mainly northtrending fault scarp ~5 km in length and with a maximum vertical displacement of ~40 cm. The main event was followed by a series of aftershocks, one of which had a magnitude of ML5.4. Using high-resolution aeromagnetic data, we analyse bedrock geology in a wide area surrounding the new scarp and map a series of major east–west-trending faults segmenting eight distinct geological domains, as well as a network of less prominent northwest-trending faults, one of which aligns with the southern segment of the scarp. Surface faulting, surface deformation and earthquake focal mechanism studies suggest movements on north- and northeast-trending structures. The main shock, the aftershocks, surface faulting and changes in InSAR-derived surface elevation all occur in a region bounded to the south by a prominent northwest-trending fault and to the north by a west-northwest-trending domain-bounding structure. Thus, we interpret the north-trending thrust fault associated with the main Lake Muir event as due to local stress concentration of the regional east–west stress field at the intersection of these structures. Further, we propose that a particularly large west-northwest-trending structure may be broadly focusing stress in the Lake Muir area. These findings encourage similar studies to be undertaken in other areas of Australia’s southwest to further the current understanding of seismic release in the region. <b>Citation: </b>S. Standen, M. Dentith & D. Clark (2021) A geophysical investigation of the 2018 Lake Muir earthquake sequence: reactivated Precambrian structures controlling modern seismicity,<i>Australian Journal of Earth Sciences</i>, 68:5, 717-730, DOI: 10.1080/08120099.2021.1848924

  • <div>The Snowy Monaro region hosts major infrastructure critical to Australia’s energy and water security. It also hosts a number of active faults capable of hosting large earthquakes that may impact this infrastructure. However, to date the hazard and consequent risk from these faults has been poorly characterised. This study presents the results of geological investigations to understand how often large earthquakes occur on these faults, and how big they may be, with a focus on the Jindabyne Thrust and the neighbouring Hill Top Fault. The investigation shows at least three earthquakes on the Jindabyne Thrust, with the most recent event occurring within the Holocene, and also demonstrate late Pleistocene activity of the Hill Top Fault. The new insights into earthquake activity rates have implications for our understanding of seismic hazard and risk in the Snowy Monaro region, and elsewhere in the southeast highlands of Australia. Presented at the 2024 PATA Days (Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics, and Archaeoseismology) workshop, Chile

  • Australia's CO2CRC Otway Site hosts a carbon capture and storage (CCS) demonstration facility that has, to date, injected over 80,000 tonnes of CO2 into two separate geological reservoirs. The reservoir geology is well understood and the site has been the subject of several seismic investigations, though relatively little is known about the near-surface geology and how potential leaks from the injection wells would migrate, particularly within the Port Campbell Limestone. No shallow core has been taken from relevant petroleum wells or water bores, and although there is extensive exposure in the prominent sea cliffs, these are mostly inaccessible. In order to further define the structure and geology of the Port Campbell Limestone at the Otway site, a high-resolution, shallow focused, 3D seismic survey has recently been conducted. The assessment of the near-surface geology described in this paper was used to assist with planning the survey. Using available data, the Port Campbell Limestone is assessed as a series of laterally continuous intercalated limestone, marl, and marly limestones. Interpretation of three previously acquired 3D seismic surveys using a minimum similarity attribute demonstrates evidence for a shallow, steeply east-dipping fault striking approximately NNW-SSE directly below the Otway site. This is observed from approximately 100 m to 380 m depth below surface, where it appears to die out. In the shallow section, the fault is undetectable primarily due to low seismic resolution, and so it is unknown how shallow it propagates. Extrapolation of the fault to the surface projects to between the wells Naylor-1 and CRC-1. A recently acquired high-resolution 3D seismic survey over the study area will allow for this fault to be further delineated. Appeared in the Energy Procedia Journal, Volume 114, Pages 4424-4435, July 2017

  • Tectonic geomorphology along the continental margin of Western Australia indicates the presence of an approximately 2000 km long zone of dextral-oblique neotectonic faults and folds referred to as the Western Australian shear zone (WASZ). The WASZ reoccupies older rift related structures that initially formed during periods of continental-scale fragmentation in the Paleozoic and Mesozoic Eras. Reactivation in the WASZ is coincident with late Neogene reorganization of Australia’s plate boundaries and realignment of the intraplate stress field. Neotectonic deformation in the southern WASZ is dominated by transpressional inversion within the extended crustal domain between Australian oceanic crust to the west and non-extended Australian continental crust to the east. The WASZ appears to accommodate differential motion expressed as dextral transpression between oceanic and non-extended continental tectonic blocks—or micro-plates.

  • <div>The Kati Thanda – Lake Eyre Basin (KT–LEB) covers about 1.2 million square kilometres of outback Australia. Although the basin is sparsely populated and relatively undeveloped it hosts nationally significant environmental and cultural heritage, including unique desert rivers, sweeping arid landscapes, and clusters of major artesian springs. The basin experiences climatic extremes that intermittently cycle between prolonged droughts and massive inland floods, with groundwater resources playing a critical role in supporting the many communities, industries, ecological systems, and thriving First Nations culture of the KT–LEB.</div><div><br></div><div>As part of Geoscience Australia’s National Groundwater Systems Project (in the Exploring for the Future Program) this report brings together contemporary data and information relevant to understanding the regional geology, hydrogeology and groundwater systems of Cenozoic rocks and sediments of the KT–LEB. This work represents the first whole-of-basin assessment into these vitally important shallow groundwater resources, which have previously received far less scientific attention than the deeper groundwater systems of the underlying Eromanga Basin (part of the Great Artesian Basin). The new knowledge and insights about the geology and hydrogeology of the basin generated by this study will benefit the many users of groundwater within the region and will help to improve sustainable management and use of groundwater resources across the KT–LEB.</div><div><br></div>