marine geomorphology
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<div>Australia’s vast marine estate offers high-quality offshore wind resources that have the potential to help produce the renewable energy that Australia will need to achieve its net zero emissions targets. Mature offshore renewable industries in Europe have demonstrated that marine geoscience is critical for supporting the sustainable development, installation, operation and decommissioning of offshore wind farms. Geoscience information is used to design targeted seabed surveys and identify areas suitable for offshore infrastructure, thereby reducing uncertainty and investment risk. These data also provide important regional context for environmental impact assessments and informs evidence-based decisions consistent with government policies and regulations. Effective geomorphic characterisation of the seabed requires a standardised, multi-scalar and collaborative approach to produce definitive geomorphology maps that can support these applications. These maps synthesise interpretations of bathymetry, shallow geology, sedimentology and ecology data, to illustrate the distribution and diversity of seabed features, compositions and processes, including sediment dynamics and seabed stability. We present mapped examples demonstrating the utility of a nationally consistent seabed geomorphology mapping scheme (developed in collaboration with European agencies), for application to a broad range of geographic settings and policy-needs, including the sustainable development of offshore renewable energy in Australia. Presented at the 2024 AMSA-NZMSS Conference Hobart Tas
<div>The development of Australia’s offshore renewable energy (ORE) industry can learn and benefit from decades of international experience and research. However, local knowledge of our unique receiving environment and the organisms that depend on it is critical for ensuring development minimises impacts on marine ecosystems. Long-term monitoring and adaptive management strategies that consistently evaluate and address environmental impacts of offshore wind farms will be necessary throughout the operational lifespan of ORE. This collaborative National Environmental Science Program project established an inventory of environmental and cultural data and best practice monitoring standards to support regulatory decision-making for ORE development for current proposed and declared areas: Hunter, Gippsland and Bass Strait, Illawarra, Southern Ocean and south-west Western Australia. We provide detail on 1) potential impacts of installation, operation, and decommissioning; 2) best practice standards for monitoring; 3) cultural and environmental values of Indigenous communities with links to development areas; 4) seabed geomorphology and habitat characterisation; potential interactions with oceanography and 5) the seasonality and distribution of interacting species. The inventory, which is available to the Government, proponents, and researchers, will improve the effectiveness of future research for the sustainable development of ORE in Australia. Presented at the 2024 AMSA-NZMSS Conference Hobart Tas
<div><em>Seabed geomorphology</em> describes the shape and evolution of underwater landscapes. These landscapes interact with ocean currents to create diverse marine habitats. Similar to geological maps on land, maps of seabed geomorphology are vital for making informed decisions to support the sustainable growth of our Ocean Economy.</div><div><br></div><div>As we gather more detailed seabed data and face increasing ocean pressures, there's a need for new, standardised maps that support consistent decision making at multiple scales and between administrative jurisdictions. Dr Rachel Nanson and an international team have developed a new seabed geomorphology classification system that is designed to simplify complex seabed interpretations into a map format that is accessible to a broad range of end users.</div><div><br></div><div>This approach is being adopted internationally and is currently being implemented by Geoscience Australia. We are using the method to map parts of Australia’s extensive Marine Park network and to support government to make informed decisions regarding Australia’s rapidly expanding Offshore Renewable Energy sector</div>
This brief report updates the ‘Two-part Seabed Geomorphology classification scheme’ of Dove et al. (2016) and presents a new glossary (Part 1) of Seabed Morphology features. This Morphology glossary is intended to provide marine scientists with an accurate and robust way to characterise the seabed. Each glossary entry includes a feature definition and a representative schematic diagram to support clear and consistent classification. Feature terms and definitions are primarily drawn from the IHO guide for undersea feature names, which are herein modified and augmented with additional terms to ensure the final feature catalogue and glossary encompasses the diversity of morphologies observed at the seabed, while also minimising duplication and/or ambiguity. This updated classification system and new glossary are the result of a collaboration between marine geoscientists from marine mapping programmes/networks in Norway (MAREANO), Ireland (INFOMAR), UK (MAREMAP), and Australia (Geoscience Australia) (MIM-GA). A subsequent report will present the (Part 2) Geomorphology feature glossary. <b>Citation:</b> Dove, Dayton, Nanson, Rachel, Bjarnadóttir, Lilja R., Guinan, Janine, Gafeira, Joana, Post, Alix, Dolan, Margaret F.J., Stewart, Heather, Arosio, Riccardo, & Scott, Gill. (2020). <i>A two-part Seabed Geomorphology classification scheme (v.2); Part 1: Morphology Features Glossary.</i> Zenodo.
<div>Australia’s vast ocean estate offers significant potential for the emerging ocean energy industry. Capitalising on this opportunity is critical to achieving Australia’s net zero targets. Yet, Australia’s oceans remain largely unexplored, with <10% of the continental shelf mapped in sufficient detail to inform government and industry decisions. </div><div> </div><div>Pre-competitive geoscience information is a critical input to support the ocean energy sector. This includes seabed mapping information such as bathymetry compilations and seabed geomorphology maps. These integrated, multidisciplinary datasets increase our understanding of Australia’s seabed at regional and national scales, with wide-ranging applications and benefits across multiple ocean sectors. </div><div> </div><div>Pre-competitive geoscience information is used to inform more targeted surveying and identify areas suitable for offshore infrastructure, reducing investment risk. It also provides important regional context for environmental impact assessments and informs evidence-based decisions consistent with government policies and regulations. </div><div> </div><div>Australia’s seabed mapping data is limited in extent, fragmented, difficult to access, and held in various formats across different organisations. Geoscience Australia, in collaboration with the Australian Hydrographic Office, James Cook University, and the University of Sydney, is creating a series of bathymetry compilations, including in the Bass Strait region. These high-quality datasets bring together disparate data to create seamless surfaces and provide a complete three-dimensional picture of the seafloor. Individual survey datasets and bathymetry compilations are available through the AusSeabed Marine Data Portal. </div><div> </div><div>Interpretation of these bathymetry compilations and complementary datasets to produce seabed geomorphology maps provides further insights into seabed features and processes such as sediment dynamics and seabed stability. Applying a nationally consistent approach, these geomorphology maps provide baseline data to effectively evaluate, monitor, and manage environmental impacts from ocean energy developments. </div><div> </div><div>This robust scientific information enables government and industry to sustainably manage Australia’s oceans, drive growth of Australia’s ocean economy, and protect our marine environment. Presented at the 2024 International Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE)