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This web service provides access to the Foundation Facilities Points dataset. This contains the spatial location of publicly available data showing private and public hospitals, aged care facilities, education facilities and emergency management facilities.
This web service provides access to the Foundation Facilities Points dataset. This contains the spatial location of publicly available data showing private and public hospitals, aged care facilities, education facilities and emergency management facilities.
This web service provides access to the Foundation Facilities Points dataset. This contains the spatial location of publicly available data showing private and public hospitals, aged care facilities, education facilities and emergency management facilities.
The Surface Geology web map service provides two seamless national coverages of Australian bedrock and surficial geology, compiled at 1:1 million scale (displays only at scales less than 1:1500000), and 1:2.5 million scale (displays only at scales greater than 1:1500000). It also contains 1:5 million scale geological regions and metamorphic geology. The service represents outcropping or near-outcropping bedrock units, and unconsolidated or poorly consolidated regolith material covering bedrock.
The Surface Geology web map service provides two seamless national coverages of Australian bedrock and surficial geology, compiled at 1:1 million scale (displays only at scales less than 1:1500000), and 1:2.5 million scale (displays only at scales greater than 1:1500000). It also contains 1:5 million scale geological regions and metamorphic geology. The service represents outcropping or near-outcropping bedrock units, and unconsolidated or poorly consolidated regolith material covering bedrock.
The Surface Geology web map service provides two seamless national coverages of Australian bedrock and surficial geology, compiled at 1:1 million scale (displays only at scales less than 1:1500000), and 1:2.5 million scale (displays only at scales greater than 1:1500000). It also contains 1:5 million scale geological regions and metamorphic geology. The service represents outcropping or near-outcropping bedrock units, and unconsolidated or poorly consolidated regolith material covering bedrock.
This web service provides access to the Geoscience Australia (GA) ISOTOPE database containing compiled age and isotopic data from a range of published and unpublished (GA and non-GA) sources. The web service includes point layers (WFS, WMS, WMTS) with age and isotopic attribute information from the ISOTOPE database, and raster layers (WMS, WMTS, WCS) comprising the Isotopic Atlas grids which are interpolations of the point located age and isotope data in the ISOTOPE database.
This web service provides access to the Geoscience Australia (GA) ISOTOPE database containing compiled age and isotopic data from a range of published and unpublished (GA and non-GA) sources. The web service includes point layers (WFS, WMS, WMTS) with age and isotopic attribute information from the ISOTOPE database, and raster layers (WMS, WMTS, WCS) comprising the Isotopic Atlas grids which are interpolations of the point located age and isotope data in the ISOTOPE database.
This web service provides access to the Geoscience Australia (GA) ISOTOPE database containing compiled age and isotopic data from a range of published and unpublished (GA and non-GA) sources. The web service includes point layers (WFS, WMS, WMTS) with age and isotopic attribute information from the ISOTOPE database, and raster layers (WMS, WMTS, WCS) comprising the Isotopic Atlas grids which are interpolations of the point located age and isotope data in the ISOTOPE database.
The Foundation Facility Point product contains five facility types, Private Hospitals, Public Hospitals, Aged Care Facilities, Educational Facilities and Emergency Management Facilities. The Foundation Facility Point Database presents the spatial location; in point format, of publicly available data. Facility Points are derived from various sources and consistency is mixed across Australia.