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  • <div>COMET (The Centre for Observation and Modelling of Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tectonics) uses satellite measurements alongside ground-based observations and geophysical models to study active faults and earthquakes. This talk provides an overview of COMET research products in Türkiye and Central Asia, where interseismic deformation and active faults are directly observable. It also touches on how these products highlight the complexity and difficulty of seismic hazard modelling in Australia.&nbsp;</div><div>Three COMET datasets will be discussed, which each contribute to seismic hazard models. Researchers at COMET have and continue to pioneer INSAR methods including co-seismic interferograms and time-series modelling. For example, the Türkiye (Türkiye) INSAR strain-rate map directly estimates strain-accumulation across faults, while the LICSAR portal and satellite cross-correlation methods are used to quantify co-seismic and post-seismic deformation (including after the devastating 2023 Türkiye-Syria earthquake).&nbsp;</div><div>Similar methods are applied in the Tien Shan, where active faults are identifiable in satellite imagery and elevation data, but rates of activity are uncertain and expensive to obtain through field work. Here COMET and GEM (the Global Earthquake Model) are collaborating to produce block-model informed PSHA inputs using active fault databases, GNSS, and INSAR.&nbsp;</div><div>While these methods are useful in tectonically active regions, they serve to highlight the difficulties facing Australian seismic hazard modelling where similar methods cannot be used due to low (to unobservable) tectonic strain and very long fault recurrence.&nbsp;</div> This paper was presented to the 2023 Australian Earthquake Engineering Conference 23-25 November 2023 (

  • <div>In mid-2022 two paleoseismic trenches were excavated across the Willunga Fault at Sellicks Hill, ~40 km south of Adelaide, at a location where range front faulting displaces a thick colluvial apron, and flexure in the hanging wall has produced an extensional graben. Vertical separation between time-equivalent surfaces within the Willunga Embayment and uplifted Myponga Basin indicate an average uplift rate of 40 m/Myr since 5 Ma across the Willunga fault at the trench location, equivalent to a slip rate of 57 m/Myr across a 45° dipping fault. </div><div> The field sites preserve evidence for at least 4-5 large earthquake events involving approximately 6.9 m of discrete slip on fault planes since the Mid to Late Pleistocene. If the formation of red soil marker horizons in the trenches are assumed to relate to glacial climatic conditions then a slip-rate of 26-46 m/Myr since the Mid Pleistocene is obtained. These deformation rate estimates do not include folding in the hanging wall of the fault, which is likely to be significant at this site as evidenced by the existence of a pronounced hanging wall anticline. In the coming months, the results of dating analysis will allow quantitative constraint to be placed on earthquake timing and slip-rate, and a structural geological study seeks to assess the proportion of deformation partitioned into folding of the hanging wall.</div><div> The 2022 trenches represent the most recent of ten excavated across this fault. Integration of the 2022 data with those from previous investigations will allow fundamental questions to be addressed, such as whether the Willunga fault ruptures to its entire length, or in a segmented fashion, and whether any segmentation behaviour is reflected in local slip-rate estimates. Thereby we hope to significantly improve our understanding of the hazard that this, and other proximal Quaternary-active faults, pose to the greater Adelaide conurbation and its attendant infrastructure.</div> This paper was presented to the 2022 Australian Earthquake Engineering Society (AEES) Conference 24-25 November (

  • <div>The Snowy Monaro region hosts major infrastructure critical to Australia’s energy and water security. It also hosts a number of active faults capable of hosting large earthquakes that may impact this infrastructure. However, to date the hazard and consequent risk from these faults has been poorly characterised. This study presents the results of geological investigations to understand how often large earthquakes occur on these faults, and how big they may be, with a focus on the Jindabyne Thrust and the neighbouring Hill Top Fault. The investigation shows at least three earthquakes on the Jindabyne Thrust, with the most recent event occurring within the Holocene, and also demonstrate late Pleistocene activity of the Hill Top Fault. The new insights into earthquake activity rates have implications for our understanding of seismic hazard and risk in the Snowy Monaro region, and elsewhere in the southeast highlands of Australia. Presented at the 2024 PATA Days (Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics, and Archaeoseismology) workshop, Chile