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  • A bathymetric survey of Darwin Harbour was undertaken during the period 24 June to 20 August 2011 by iXSurvey Australia Pty Ltd for the Department of Natural Resources, Environment, The Arts and Sport (NRETAS) in collaboration with Geoscience Australia (GA), the Darwin Port Corporation (DPC) and the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) using GA's Kongsberg EM3002D multibeam sonar system and DPC's vessel Matthew Flinders.

  • Geoscience Australia carried out marine surveys in southeast Tasmania in 2008 and 2009 (GA0315) to map seabed bathymetry and characterise benthic environments through observation of habitats using underwater towed video. Data was acquired using the Tasmania Aquaculture and Fisheries Institute (TAFI) Research Vessel Challenger. Bathymetric mapping was undertaken in seven survey areas, including: Freycinet Pensinula (83 sq km, east coast and shelf); Tasman Peninsula (117 sq km, east coast and shelf); Port Arthur and adjacent open coast (17 sq km); The Friars (41 sq km, south of Bruny Island); lower Huon River estuary (39 sq km); D Entrecastreaux Channel (7 sq km, at Tinderbox north of Bruny Island), and; Maria Island (3 sq km, western side). Video characterisations of the seabed concentrated on areas of bedrock reef and adjacent seabed in all mapped areas, except for D Entrecastreaux Channel and Maria Island. The "challenger" folder contains raw multibeam backscatter data from two surveys archived seperately in 0306_tasman1 and 0315_se_tasmania. The raw multibeam backscatter data were collected along survey lines using GAs Kongsberg SIMRAD EM3002 in single head configuration from aboard MV Challenger.

  • This dataset contains backscatter homogeneity data from seabed mapping surveys on the Van Diemen Rise in the eastern Joseph Bonaparte Gulf of the Timor Sea. The survey was conducted under a Memorandum of Understanding between Geoscience Australia (GA) and the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) in two consecutive years 2009 (GA survey number GA-0322 and AIMS survey number SOL4934) and 2010 (GA survey number GA-0325 and AIMS survey number SOL5117). The surveys obtained detailed geological (sedimentological, geochemical, geophysical) and biological data (macro-benthic and infaunal diversity, community structure) for the banks, channels and plains to investigate relationships between the physical environment and associated biota for biodiversity prediction. The surveys also provide Arafura-Timor Sea, and wider northern Australian marine region context for the benthic biodiversity of the Van Diemen Rise. Four study areas were investigated across the outer to inner shelf. Refer to the GA record 'Methodologies for seabed substrate characterisation using multibeam bathymetry, backscatter, and video data: A case study for the Eastern Joseph Bonaparte Gulf, Northern Australia' for further information on processing techniques applied (GeoCat: 74092; GA Record: 2013/11).

  • This dataset contains hardness prediction data from seabed mapping surveys on the Van Diemen Rise in the eastern Joseph Bonaparte Gulf of the Timor Sea. The survey was conducted under a Memorandum of Understanding between Geoscience Australia (GA) and the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) in two consecutive years 2009 (GA survey number GA-0322 and AIMS survey number SOL4934) and 2010 (GA survey number GA-0325 and AIMS survey number SOL5117). The surveys obtained detailed geological (sedimentological, geochemical, geophysical) and biological data (macro-benthic and infaunal diversity, community structure) for the banks, channels and plains to investigate relationships between the physical environment and associated biota for biodiversity prediction. The surveys also provide Arafura-Timor Sea, and wider northern Australian marine region context for the benthic biodiversity of the Van Diemen Rise. Four study areas were investigated across the outer to inner shelf. Refer to the GA record 'Methodologies for seabed substrate characterisation using multibeam bathymetry, backscatter, and video data: A case study for the Eastern Joseph Bonaparte Gulf, Northern Australia' for further information on processing techniques applied (GeoCat: 74092; GA Record: 2013/11).

  • Geoscience Australia carried out marine surveys in southeast Tasmania in 2008 and 2009 (GA0315) to map seabed bathymetry and characterise benthic environments through observation of habitats using underwater towed video. Data was acquired using the Tasmania Aquaculture and Fisheries Institute (TAFI) Research Vessel Challenger. Bathymetric mapping was undertaken in seven survey areas, including: Freycinet Pensinula (83 sq km, east coast and shelf); Tasman Peninsula (117 sq km, east coast and shelf); Port Arthur and adjacent open coast (17 sq km); The Friars (41 sq km, south of Bruny Island); lower Huon River estuary (39 sq km); D Entrecastreaux Channel (7 sq km, at Tinderbox north of Bruny Island), and; Maria Island (3 sq km, western side). Video characterisations of the seabed concentrated on areas of bedrock reef and adjacent seabed in all mapped areas, except for D Entrecastreaux Channel and Maria Island. The datasets contains 7 backscatter grids of the south east Tasmania Shelf produced from the processed EM3002 backscatter data of the survey area using the CMST-GA MB Process.

  • This dataset contains probability values of rocky/hard seabed (multibeam angular backscatter response derived product) from seabed mapping surveys in Darwin Harbour. The survey was undertaken during the period 24 June to 20 August 2011 by iXSurvey Australia Pty Ltd for the Department of Natural Resources, Environment, The Arts and Sport (NRETAS) in collaboration with Geoscience Australia (GA), the Darwin Port Corporation (DPC) and the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) using GA's Kongsberg EM3002D multibeam sonar system and DPC's vessel Matthew Flinders. The survey obtained detailed bathymetric map of Darwin Harbour. Refer to the GA record ' Mapping and Classification of Darwin Harbour Seabed' for further information on processing techniques applied (GeoCat: 79212; GA Record: 2015/xx)

  • This dataset contains hardness classification data from seabed mapping surveys on the Van Diemen Rise in the eastern Joseph Bonaparte Gulf of the Timor Sea. The survey was conducted under a Memorandum of Understanding between Geoscience Australia (GA) and the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) in two consecutive years 2009 (GA survey number GA-0322 and AIMS survey number SOL4934) and 2010 (GA survey number GA-0325 and AIMS survey number SOL5117). The surveys obtained detailed geological (sedimentological, geochemical, geophysical) and biological data (macro-benthic and infaunal diversity, community structure) for the banks, channels and plains to investigate relationships between the physical environment and associated biota for biodiversity prediction. The surveys also provide Arafura-Timor Sea, and wider northern Australian marine region context for the benthic biodiversity of the Van Diemen Rise. Four study areas were investigated across the outer to inner shelf. Refer to the GA record 'Methodologies for seabed substrate characterisation using multibeam bathymetry, backscatter, and video data: A case study for the Eastern Joseph Bonaparte Gulf, Northern Australia' for further information on processing techniques applied (GeoCat: 74092; GA Record: 2013/11).

  • This dataset contains multibeam sonar angular backscatter response curve data of area A1 from seabed mapping surveys on the Van Diemen Rise in the eastern Joseph Bonaparte Gulf of the Timor Sea. The survey was conducted under a Memorandum of Understanding between Geoscience Australia (GA) and the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) in two consecutive years 2009 (GA survey number GA-0322 and AIMS survey number SOL4934) and 2010 (GA survey number GA-0325 and AIMS survey number SOL5117). The surveys obtained detailed geological (sedimentological, geochemical, geophysical) and biological data (macro-benthic and infaunal diversity, community structure) for the banks, channels and plains to investigate relationships between the physical environment and associated biota for biodiversity prediction. The surveys also provide Arafura-Timor Sea, and wider northern Australian marine region context for the benthic biodiversity of the Van Diemen Rise. Four study areas were investigated across the outer to inner shelf. Refer to the GA record 'Methodologies for seabed substrate characterisation using multibeam bathymetry, backscatter, and video data: A case study for the Eastern Joseph Bonaparte Gulf, Northern Australia' for further information on processing techniques applied (GeoCat: 74092; GA Record: 2013/11).

  • Geoscience Australia carried out a marine survey on Lord Howe Island shelf (NSW) in 2008 (SS062008) to map seabed bathymetry and characterise benthic environments through colocated sampling of surface sediments and infauna, rock coring, observation of benthic habitats using underwater towed video, and measurement of ocean tides and wavegenerated currents. Subbottom profile data was also collected to map sediment thickness and shelf stratigraphy. Data and samples were acquired using the National Facility Research Vessel Southern Surveyor. Bathymetric data from this survey was merged with other preexisting bathymetric data (including LADS) to generate a grid covering 1034 sq km. As part of a separate Geoscience Australia survey in 2007 (TAN0713), an oceanographic mooring was deployed on the northern edge of Lord Howe Island shelf. The mooring was recovered during the 2008 survey following a 6 month deployment. The "2461_ss062008" folder contains processed multibeam backscatter data of the Lord Howe Rise. The SIMRAD EM300 multibeam backscatter data were processed using the CMST-GA MB Process, a multibeam processing toolbox codeveloped by Geoscience Australia and Curtin University of Technology.

  • Geoscience Australia carried out a marine survey on Carnarvon shelf (WA) in 2008 (SOL4769) to map seabed bathymetry and characterise benthic environments through colocated sampling of surface sediments and infauna, observation of benthic habitats using underwater towed video and stills photography, and measurement of ocean tides and wave generated currents. Data and samples were acquired using the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) Research Vessel Solander. Bathymetric mapping, sampling and video transects were completed in three survey areas that extended seaward from Ningaloo Reef to the shelf edge, including: Mandu Creek (80 sq km); Point Cloates (281 sq km), and; Gnaraloo (321 sq km). Additional bathymetric mapping (but no sampling or video) was completed between Mandu creek and Point Cloates, covering 277 sq km and north of Mandu Creek, covering 79 sq km. Two oceanographic moorings were deployed in the Point Cloates survey area. The survey also mapped and sampled an area to the northeast of the Muiron Islands covering 52 sq km. The "0308_carnarvon_shelf" folder contains raw multibeam backscatter data of the Carnarvorn Shelf. The raw multibeam backscatter data were collected along survey lines using GAs Kongsberg SIMRAD EM3002 in single head configuration from aboard RV Solander.