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  • Several products were produced from the Total Magnetic Intensity (TMI) Grid of Australia 2019, seventh edition (eCat ID 131505). The grid was found to include 3 extreme, high-amplitude cultural data spikes from current and historical aluminium smelters in Victoria and Tasmania. Also, 3 data spikes of unknown origin were located in the Hunter region of NSW. These 6 data spikes were removed from the gridded data. The following products were produced from the grid with the data spikes removed: 1. Total Magnetic Intensity (TMI) edited grid (.ers) 2. Variable Reduction to Pole (VRTP) grid (.ers) 3. First Vertical Derivative (1VD) grid (.ers) 4. Half Vertical Derivative (05VD) grid (.ers) 5. Pseudo-Gravity (PGrav) grid (.ers) 6. Pseudo-Gravity, Total Horizontal Derivative (THD) grid (.ers) 7. Susceptibility (Sus) grid (.ers) 8. Variable Vertical Gradient (VBzz) grid (.ers) 9. Analytic Signal (AS; Total Gradient) grid (.ers) 10. Tilt Angle (Tilt; Phase Map) grid (.ers) 11. Tilt Angle (Tilt; Phase Map), Total Horizontal Derivative (THD) grid (.ers) 12. Upward Continuation (UC) Residual (Res) Filters (0 to 100 km; 12 grids) 13. Mutliscale Edge Detection Polygons (for each MGA zone; .shp) 14. Analytic Signal Phase Polygons (.shp) 15. GeoTiff Images (of all grids; .tif)

  • Geoscience Australia houses one of the world's largest collections of petroleum data. Much of this data is non-confidential and available to the petroleum industry, research organisations and the public. The collection includes seismic survey data submitted by industry under legislative requirements as well as data collected by research projects and marine surveys undertaken by Geoscience Australia or other government agencies or institutions. The collection comprises digital 2D and 3D seismic survey field data, navigation data, processed data, velocity data, observer's logs, operational reports, processing reports, bathymetry data, potential field data (gravity and magnetic) and also hard-copy data submitted during the pre-digital era including seismic sections and other analogue formats <b>Value: </b> Data used for interpreting the geologic structure of the subsurface. This work can be used for the assessment of resource potential. <b>This data can be discovered through the National Offshore Petroleum Information Management System (NOPIMS) -</b>