Wind energy
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Monash University under commission of Geoscience Australia produced an offshore wind capacity factor map assessed at a 150m hub height applying the Bureau of Meteorology 10 year (2009-2018) “Bureau of Meteorology Atmospheric high-resolution Regional Reanalysis for Australia” (BARRA) hindcast model. The wind capacity factor has been calculated using the bounding curve of all scaled power curves for wind turbines available within the Open Energy Platform as of 2021. Average wind capacity factor values were also calculated for the Vestas V126 3.45MW and the GE V130 3.2MW wind turbines and are available in this web map service.
Monash University under commission of Geoscience Australia produced an offshore wind capacity factor map assessed at a 150m hub height applying the Bureau of Meteorology 10 year (2009-2018) “Bureau of Meteorology Atmospheric high-resolution Regional Reanalysis for Australia” (BARRA) hindcast model. The wind capacity factor has been calculated using the bounding curve of all scaled power curves for wind turbines available within the Open Energy Platform as of 2021. Average wind capacity factor values were also calculated for the Vestas V126 3.45MW and the GE V130 3.2MW wind turbines and are available in this web map service.
Monash University under commission of Geoscience Australia produced an offshore wind capacity factor map assessed at a 150m hub height applying the Bureau of Meteorology 10 year (2009-2018) BARRA hindcast model. The wind capacity factor has been calculated using the bounding curve of all scaled power curves for wind turbines available within the Open Energy Platform as of 2021. Average wind capacity factor values were also calculated for the Vestas V126 3.45MW and the GE V130 3.2MW wind turbines.