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Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
The R502 series of maps has been replaced by the National Topographic Map Series (NTMS). The R502 series consists of 542 map sheets and covers Australia at a scale of 1:250,000. It was compiled from aerial photography, but only about one quarter of the series was contoured. The standard sheet size is 1 degree of latitude by 1.5 degrees of longitude. Transverse Mercator map projection and Clark 1858 datum were used. Coverage of the country was completed in 1968.
Records of the Geological Branch laboratory July-December 1961
A regional gravity traverse connecting Quilpie and Roma pendulum stations shows a difference about 1 milligal greater than the pendulum measurements. The results are not interpreted in detail, but low gravity values generally correspond to thicker sediments
This Record describes seismic refraction surveys at a dam site on Pelican Creek and two dam sites on Broken River, near Collinsville in Queensland, made at the request of the Irrigation and Water Supply Commission of Queensland. The seismic velocities are tentatively interpreted in geological terms, and the results are plotted in the form of cross-sections showing the depth and velocity of the various layers
On 12th July 1960, a velocity survey of the Associated Australian Oilfields Pickanjinnie No. 1 bore was made by a Bureau of Mineral Resources seismic party. The bore, about 1 mile south of Pickanjinnie railway station, 20 miles east of Roma, had been drilled to a depth of 5218 ft and was surveyed to the bottom. The formations drilled were Mesozoic to a depth of 4180 ft, Permian to 4835 ft and the equivalent of the Timbury Hills Formation of unknown age to the bottom of the bore. The bore produced petroliferous gas at a rate of over 5 million cubic feet per day from three horizons near the base of the Mesozoic and within the Permian strata.
On 30th March 1960 a seismic velocity survey of the A.A.O. Timbury Hills No.2 bore near Roma, Queensland, was made as a joint investigation by the Bureau of Mineral Resources and Associated Australian Oilfields N.L. The bore is located about two miles north east of Roma (Plate 1) and had been drilled to a depth of 4400 ft. The formations drilled were mainly sandstone and shale of Mesozoic Age to a depth of 3845 ft, where a much harder and denser formation was encountered. This formation is called (by A.A.0.)-the Timbury Hills Formation and marks the base of the Mesozoic sediments at this location in the Great Artesian Basin. No age has yet been assigned to the Timbury Hills Formation. Detailed lithological and electric logs of the bore were made available by A.A.O. to aid in the interpretation of the velocity survey.
In May and June 1959 a regional gravity survey was conducted in Northern and Central Australia to provide additional data for a gravity map of Australia. 131 gravity stations were established, mostly in Northern Territory and Queensland. Commercial air transport was used; its advantages and limitations for this application are discussed. This form of transport enabled a large area to be covered rapidly with fairly accurate observed gravity values; however, the accuracy of the anomalies calculated is low, chiefly because of reliance on barometric levelling.