Authors / CoAuthors
The Kurnell 2008 LiDAR Survey was captured over Kurnell Peninsula (south of Sydney) on 8 December 2008. The source data was captured by AAM Hatch and funded by New South Wales, Department, Land & Property Management and made available under licence for use by Commonwealth, State and Local Commonwealth Government. The vertical accuracy is 0.15m at 1 sigma in open clear ground as specified in the project scope and 0.3m in the horizontal. All data are referenced to GDA94/MGA Zone 56 and AHD. The source data are available as mass points (ASCII XYZ, LAS) and Gridded 1m DEM tiles or 1m or 10m mosaic. A hydrologically enforced elevation model is available for this product, which should be used for any water modelling. Sydney Hydrological Enforced DEM (HDEM) 2007-2008 is a combination of this dataset and the 2007 & 2008 Sydney LiDAR datasets adn should be used for hyrological modelling.
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Cnr Jerrabomberra Ave and Hindmarsh Dr GPO Box 378
- DEM topographic
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- Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC)
- Topology
- Published_Internal
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Laser strikes have been classified into 'ground' and 'non-ground', based upon algorithms tailored for major terrain/vegetation combinations existing in the project area. The definition of the ground may be less accurate in isolated pockets of dissimilar terrain/vegetation combinations. Laser return: Last and first pulse. Data thinning: Points not contributing to the terrain definition within 0.04m removed Captured terrain model: 1.6m average point separation Limitations of use: The definition of the ground under trees and at the boundaries of water bodies may be less accurate. NEDF Metadata Acquisition Start Date: Monday, 8 December 2008 Acquisition End Date: Monday, 8 December 2008 Sensor: LiDAR Device Name: Leica ALS50-II (S/N: 091) Flying Height (AGL): 5500 INS/IMU Used: Honeywell URIS (S/N: 56016277) Number of Runs: UNK Number of Cross Runs: UNK Swath Width: UNK Flight Direction: UNK Swath (side) Overlap: UNK Horizontal Datum: GDA94 Vertical Datum: AHD71 - AusGeoid98 Map Projection: MGA56 Description of Aerotriangulation Process Used: - Description of Rectification Process Used: - Spatial Accuracy Horizontal: 0.3 Spatial Accuracy Vertical: 0.15 Average Point Spacing (per/sqm): 1.4 Laser Return Types: 4 pulses (1st 2nd 3rd 4th and intensity) Data Thinning: Thinned Ground Laser Footprint Size: 0 Calibration certification (Manufacturer/Cert. Company): AAMHatch Limitations of the Data: Laser strikes have been classified into 'ground' and 'non-ground', based upon algorithms tailored for major terrain/vegetation combinations existing in the project area. The definition of the ground may be less accurate in isolated pockets of dissimilar terrain/vegetation combinations. Surface Type: DEM Product Type: Mass Points Classification Type: C2 Grid Resolution: 1 Distribution Format: LAS Processing/Derivation Lineage: AAMHatch WMS:
Parent Information
[-34.045645, -33.989957, 151.12617, 151.23558]
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Kurnell 2008