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  • <div>This data package contains interpretations of airborne electromagnetic (AEM) conductivity sections in the Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program’s Eastern Resources Corridor (ERC) study area, in south eastern Australia. Conductivity sections from 3 AEM surveys were interpreted to provide a continuous interpretation across the study area – the EFTF AusAEM ERC (Ley-Cooper, 2021), the Frome Embayment TEMPEST (Costelloe et al., 2012) and the MinEx CRC Mundi (Brodie, 2021) AEM surveys. Selected lines from the Frome Embayment TEMPEST and MinEx CRC Mundi surveys were chosen for interpretation to align with the 20&nbsp;km line-spaced EFTF AusAEM ERC survey (Figure 1).</div><div>The aim of this study was to interpret the AEM conductivity sections to develop a regional understanding of the near-surface stratigraphy and structural architecture. To ensure that the interpretations took into account the local geological features, the AEM conductivity sections were integrated and interpreted with other geological and geophysical datasets, such as boreholes, potential fields, surface and basement geology maps, and seismic interpretations. This approach provides a near-surface fundamental regional geological framework to support more detailed investigations. </div><div>This study interpreted between the ground surface and 500&nbsp;m depth along almost 30,000 line kilometres of nominally 20&nbsp;km line-spaced AEM conductivity sections, across an area of approximately 550,000&nbsp;km2. These interpretations delineate the geo-electrical features that correspond to major chronostratigraphic boundaries, and capture detailed stratigraphic information associated with these boundaries. These interpretations produced approximately 170,000 depth estimate points or approximately 9,100 3D line segments, each attributed with high-quality geometric, stratigraphic, and ancillary data. The depth estimate points are formatted for compliance with Geoscience Australia’s (GA) Estimates of Geological and Geophysical Surfaces (EGGS) database, the national repository for standardised depth estimate points. </div><div>Results from these interpretations provided support to stratigraphic drillhole targeting, as part of the Delamerian Margins NSW National Drilling Initiative campaign, a collaboration between GA’s EFTF program, the MinEx CRC National Drilling Initiative and the Geological Survey of New South Wales. The interpretations have applications in a wide range of disciplines, such as mineral, energy and groundwater resource exploration, environmental management, subsurface mapping, tectonic evolution studies, and cover thickness, prospectivity, and economic modelling. It is anticipated that these interpretations will benefit government, industry and academia with interest in the geology of the ERC region.</div>

  • This paper presents the development of a new settlement model to predict the long-term settlement of municipal solid wastes (MSWs). The total settlement of the MSWs results from the direct loss of solids due to decomposition and compression due to stress variation induced by loss of solids, flow of gas and liquid and mechanical creep. The geotechnical properties of MSWs are considered as functions of degrees of biodegradation (DOB). To validate the model, two settlement profilers (2.5 years) and three geodetic monitoring networks (2 years) were installed at Mugga Lane Landfill, ACT, Australia to monitor the settlement of an MSW lift and three closed landfill cells, respectively. The settlement rates of the landfill cells with the ages of 7, 8, 14, and 8, 9 and 15 years are 0.53, 0.35, 0.06 and 0.46, 0.36, 0.05 mm/day, respectively. In addition, 5 large scale and 3 small scale bioreactors were set up in the field and laboratory to address the long-term physical, mechanical and biochemical behaviours of the MSWs under different stress levels. The predicted settlement is compared to the test results from the bioreactors, in-situ monitoring data and the settlement predicted using an existing model, which has been improved by coupling the geotechnical properties of MSWs with DOBs. The predicted settlement using the proposed model well fits the test results and monitoring data. The settlement strain is predicted to be 28.2 % during the filling stage of the landfill and 5.9 % in 5 years after the closure. <b>Citation:</b> Yuekai Xie, Jianfeng Xue, Alistair Deane, Numerical modelling of settlement of municipal solid waste in landfills coupled with effects of biodegradation, <o>Waste Management</i>, Volume 163, 2023, Pages 108-121, ISSN 0956-053X,