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  • The unfiltered potassium grid is a derivative of the 2019 radiometric grid of Australia. The radiometric, or gamma-ray spectrometric method, measures the natural variations in the gamma-rays detected near the Earth's surface as the result of the natural radioactive decay of potassium (K), uranium (U) and thorium (Th). The data are collected on airborne geophysical surveys conducted by Commonwealth, State and Northern Territory Governments and the private sector. The 2019 unfiltered potassium grid has a cell size of about 100 m (0.001 degrees) and shows potassium element concentrations of the Australia region. Potassium is the seventh most abundant element in the Earth's crust. The potassium concentration grid can be used to locate minerals and compounds containing potassium.

  • The filtered terrestrial dose rate grid is a derivative of the 2019 radiometric or gamma-ray grid of Australia, made of a combination of over 600 individual survey grids. The radiometric, or gamma-ray spectrometric method, measures the natural variations in the gamma-rays detected near the Earth's surface as the result of the natural radioactive decay of potassium (K), uranium (U) and thorium (Th). The data are collected on airborne geophysical surveys conducted by Commonwealth, State and Northern Territory Governments and the private sector. The terrestrial dose rate grid is derived as a linear combination of the filtered K, U and Th grids. A low pass filter is applied to the unfiltered grid to generate the filtered terrestrial dose rate grid. The grid cell size is about 100m (0.001 degrees).

  • The uranium over thorium grid is a derivative of the 2019 radiometric or gamma-ray grid of Australia which is a merge of over 600 individual gamma-ray spectrometric surveys. The radiometric, or gamma-ray spectrometric method, measures the natural variations in the gamma-rays detected near the Earth's surface as the result of the natural radioactive decay of potassium (K), uranium (U) and thorium (Th). The data are collected on airborne geophysical surveys conducted by Commonwealth, State and Northern Territory Governments and the private sector. The 2019 uranium over thorium grid has a cell size of about 100 m (0.001 degrees) and is derived from the filtered uranium and thorium grids.

  • The unfiltered terrestrial dose rate grid is a derivative of the 2019 radiometric or gamma-ray grid of Australia, which is a merge of over 600 individual gamma-ray spectrometric surveys. The radiometric, or gamma-ray spectrometric method, measures the natural variations in the gamma-rays detected near the Earth's surface as the result of the natural radioactive decay of potassium (K), uranium (U) and thorium (Th). The data are collected on airborne geophysical surveys conducted by Commonwealth, State and Northern Territory Governments and the private sector. The unfiltered terrestrial dose rate grid is derived as a linear combination of the unfiltered K, U and Th grids, and has a cell size of about 100m (0.001 degrees).

  • The filtered thorium grid is a derivative of the 2019 radiometric or gamma-ray grid of Australia. The radiometric, or gamma-ray spectrometric method, measures the natural variations in the gamma-rays detected near the Earth's surface as the result of the natural radioactive decay of potassium (K), uranium (U) and thorium (Th). The data are collected on airborne geophysical surveys conducted by Commonwealth, State and Northern Territory Governments and the private sector. The 2019 filtered thorium grid was derived by seamlessly merging over 600 airborne gamma-ray spectrometric surveys. The final grid has a cell size of about 100m (0.001 degrees) and shows thorium element concentrations of the Australia region.

  • The filtered uranium grid is a derivative of the 2019 radiometric or gamma-ray grid of Australia. The radiometric, or gamma-ray spectrometric method, measures the natural variations in the gamma-rays detected near the Earth's surface as the result of the natural radioactive decay of potassium (K), uranium (U) and thorium (Th). The data are collected on airborne geophysical surveys conducted by Commonwealth, State and Northern Territory Governments and the private sector. The 2019 filtered uranium grid was derived by seamlessly merging over 600 airborne gamma-ray spectrometric surveys. The final grid has a cell size of about 100m (0.001 degrees) and shows uranium element concentrations of the Australia region.

  • The uranium squared over thorium grid is a derivative of the 2019 radiometric or gamma-ray grid of Australia. The radiometric, or gamma-ray spectrometric method, measures the natural variations in the gamma-rays detected near the Earth's surface as the result of the natural radioactive decay of potassium (K), uranium (U) and thorium (Th). The data are collected on airborne geophysical surveys conducted by Commonwealth, State and Northern Territory Governments and the private sector. The 2019 uranium squared over thorium was derived by seamlessly merging over 600 airborne gamma-ray spectrometric surveys. The final grid has a cell size of about 100m (0.001 degrees) and is derived from the filtered uranium and thorium grids.

  • The thorium over potassium grid is a derivative of the 2019 radiometric or gamma-ray grid of Australia. The radiometric, or gamma-ray spectrometric method, measures the natural variations in the gamma-rays detected near the Earth's surface as the result of the natural radioactive decay of potassium (K), uranium (U) and thorium (Th). The data are collected on airborne geophysical surveys conducted by Commonwealth, State and Northern Territory Governments and the private sector. The 2019 thorium over potassium was derived by seamlessly merging over 600 airborne gamma-ray spectrometric surveys. The final grid has a cell size of about 100m (0.001 degrees) and is derived from the filtered thorium and potassium grids.

  • The filtered potassium grid is a derivative of the 2019 radiometric or gamma-ray grid of Australia. The radiometric, or gamma-ray spectrometric method, measures the natural variations in the gamma-rays detected near the Earth's surface as the result of the natural radioactive decay of potassium, uranium and thorium. The data are collected on airborne geophysical surveys conducted by Commonwealth, State and Northern Territory Governments and the private sector. The 2019 filtered potassium grid has a cell size of about 100m (0.001 degrees) and shows potassium element concentrations of the Australia region. It was obtained by applying a low-pass filter to the original potassium grid. Potassium is the seventh most abundant element in the Earth's crust. This potassium concentration grid can be used to locate minerals and compounds containing potassium.

  • This image is a greyscale image of the Total Magnetic Intensity of Australia. Total magnetic intensity (TMI) data measures variations in the intensity of the Earth magnetic filed caused by the contrasting content of rock-forming minerals in the Earth crust. Magnetic anomalies can be either positive (field stronger than normal) or negative (field weaker) depending on the susceptibility of the rock. The image is created from the 2019 TMI grid with a grid cell size of ~3 seconds of arc (approximately 80 m). This image only includes airborne-derived TMI data for onshore and near-offshore continental areas. The image shows the magnetic response of subsurface features with contrasting magnetic susceptibilities. The image can also be used to locate structural features such as dykes.