Authors / CoAuthors
Chenon, C.
In November 1964, the Bureau of Mineral Resources made a brief experimental seismic survey near Cockroach Wdterhole in the centre of the Tobermory 1:250,000 map area, Northern Territory. This survey was designed as part of a more extensive reconnaissance seismic survey to be made in 1964 and 1965 on areas of outcropping Lower Palaeozoic rocks in the southern part of the Georgina Basln. In this initial part of the survey a shortial profile was shot using a simple recording technique and noise tests and tests of various shot and geophone arrangements were carried out. It was established that, despite diffibult drilling conditions and the prevalence of random, high frequency noise, a suitable seismic technique for reconnaissance in this area, which it was hoped was representative of a very extensive region, could be developed.
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Cnr Jerrabomberra Ave and Hindmarsh Dr GPO Box 378
- Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC)
- Seismology and Seismic Exploration
- ( {1} )
- HVC_144637
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- Seismic Data seismic survey
- ( Theme )
- seismic reflection
- ( Theme )
- petroleum exploration
- ( Theme )
- seismic velocity
- ( Theme )
- geophysics
- ( {1} )
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- Published_External
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Since 1956 the Bureau of Mineral Resources (BMR) has been making reconnaissance geological and geophysical investigations of the Georgina Basin in Queensland and the Northern Territory. As part of this programme, the BMR Seismic Party No. 1 carried out setstic surreys in the south-eastern part of the basin between the Toko Syncline and Canary in 1963 (Robertson, 1965) and 1964 (Jones, 1965). Prior to completion of the latter survey it was decided to follow it with a seismic reconnaissance survey to investigate the general configuration of the basin over the large area of outcropping Lower Palaeozoic sediments that occur in the southern part of the Georgina Basin in the region of the Northern Territory - Queensland border. This survey was originally scheduled to commence in September 1964 and to continue throughout 1965 with a break in the field season during the summer months from December to March. It was planned to commence the survey with a programme of experimental work designed to develop a suitable technique for reconnaissance seismic work on the Lower Palaeozoic formations, which cover a very extensive area. Completion of the survey in the south-eastern Georgina Basin in 1964 was delayed until late in October, with the result that only about four weeks remained in the 1964 field season for work on the Lower Palaeozoic areas. This time was devot-ed to experimental work to develop a suitable shooting technique, on the understanding that the testing programme would, if necessary, be continued at the beginning of the 1965 field season. At the request of the BMR, the author, geophysicist from the Institut Francais du Petrole spent two weeks with the party in November to advise on the conduct of the experimental programme.
Parent Information
[-22.5, -22.25, 137.25, 137.5]
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