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  • The Surface Hydrology Points (Regional) dataset provides a set of related features classes to be used as the basis of the production of consistent hydrological information. This dataset contains a geometric representation of major hydrographic point elements - both natural and artificial. This dataset is the best available data supplied by Jurisdictions and aggregated by Geoscience Australia it is intended for defining hydrological features.

  • Eddy Covariance (EC) has been proposed as a surface monitoring solution for long-term deployment at CCS sites. However, its suitability when applied to a highly inhomogeneous source area- as would be the case for a small-scale CO2 surface leak- has been poorly established. For this reason, EC has been implemented for two controlled CO2 releases conducted at the Ginninderra controlled release facility, with the aim of determining the technique's suitability for the location, detection and quantification of a small magnitude CO2 leak (144 kg/d). By comparing results from the two release experiments, this poster highlights the variable success of using EC for detection, and how this may depend on changing experimental and climatic variables such as leak location, tower height and depth to groundwater. The detection significance of grouped EC measurements will be established through statistical analysis using Cramer-Von Mises tests. In addition, the application of two EC towers concurrently for leak detection and location will be explored, with a second tower deployed for the latter portion of the 2013 release experiment. Quantification of the leak using EC was attempted, but due to the problems in the fundamental assumptions of the technique, no substantive progress could be made. This will be explained with respect to the 'lost' CO2 from the system in part due to advection and diffusion. Presented at the 2014 CO2CRC Research Symposium

  • The Surface Hydrology Lines (Regional) dataset provides a set of related features classes to be used as the basis of the production of consistent hydrological information. This dataset contains a geometric representation of major hydrographic line elements - both natural and artificial. This dataset is the best available data supplied by Jurisdictions and aggregated by Geoscience Australia. It is intended for defining hydrological features with attributes.

  • The Surface Hydrology polygon (Regional) dataset provides a set of related features classes to be used as the basis of the production of consistent hydrological information. This dataset contains a geometric representation of major hydrographic polygon elements - both natural and artificial. This dataset is the best available data supplied by Jurisdictions and aggregated by Geoscience Australia. It is intended for defining hydrological features wtih attributes.

  • This service has been created specifically for display in the National Map and the symbology displayed may not suit other mapping applications. The service includes natural and man-made surface hydrology features, such as water courses (including directional flow paths), lakes, dams and other water bodies and marine themes. The data is sourced from Geoscience Australia 250K Topographic data and Surface Hydrology data. The service contains layer scale dependencies.

  • The Flood Study Summary Services support discovery and retrieval of flood hazard information. The services return metadata and data for flood studies and flood inundation maps held in the 'Australian Flood Studies Database'. The same information is available through a user interface at A 'flood study' is a comprehensive technical investigation of flood behaviour. It defines the nature and extent flood hazard across the floodplain by providing information on the extent, level and velocity of floodwaters and on the distribution of flood flows. Flood studies are typically commissioned by government, and conducted by experts from specialist engineering firms or government agencies. Key outputs from flood studies include detailed reports, and maps showing inundation, depth, velocity and hazard for events of various likelihoods. The services are deliverables fom the National Flood Risk Information Project. The main aim of the project is to make flood risk information accessible from a central location. Geoscience Australia will facilitate this through the development of the National Flood Risk Information Portal. Over the four years the project will launch a new phase of the portal prior to the commencement of each annual disaster season. Each phase will increase the amount of flood risk information that is publicly accessible and increase stakeholder capability in the production and use of flood risk information. flood-study-search returns summary layers and links to rich metadata about flood maps and the studies that produced them. flood-study-map returns layers for individual flood inundation maps. Typically a single layer shows the flood inundation for a particular likelihood or historical event in a flood study area. To retrieve flood inundation maps from these services, we recommend: 1. querying flood-study-search to obtain flood inundation map URIs, then 2. using the flood inundation map URIs to retrieve maps separately from flood-study-map. The ownership of each flood study remains with the commissioning organisation and/or author as indicated with each study, and users of the database should refer to the reports themselves to determine any constraints in their usage.

  • This web service delivers data from an aggregation of sources, including several Geoscience Australia databases (provinces (PROVS), mineral resources (OZMIN), energy systems (AERA, ENERGY_SYSTEMS) and water (HYDROGEOLOGY). Information is grouped based on a modified version of the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2021 Indigenous Regions (IREG). Data covers population centres, top industries, a regional summary, groundwater resources and uses, energy production and potential across six sources and two energy storage options. Mineral production and potential covers 36 commodities that are grouped into 13 groups.

  • This service has been created specifically for display in the National Map and the symbology displayed may not suit other mapping applications. Information included within the service includes the point locations for surface hydrology, including natural and man-made features such as water courses (including directional flow paths), lakes, dams and other water bodies and marine themes. The data is sourced from Geoscience Australia 250K Topographic data and Surface Hydrology data. The service contains layer scale dependencies.

  • The WOfS summary statistic represents, for each pixel, the percentage of time that water is detected at the surface relative to the total number of clear observations. Due to the 25-m by 25-m pixel size of Landsat data, only features greater than 25m by 25m are detected and only features covering multiple pixels are consistently detected. The WOfS summary statistic was produced over the McBride and Nulla Basalt provinces for the entire period of available data (1987 to 2018). Pixels were polygonised and classified in order to visually enhance key data in the imagery. Areas depicted in the dataset have been exaggerated to enable visibility.

  • Following the drilling of a shallow natural CO<sub>2</sub> reservoir at the Qinghai research site, west of Haidong, China, it was discovered that CO<sub>2</sub> was continuously leaking from the wellbore due to well-failure. The site has become a useful research facility in China for studying CO<sub>2</sub> leakage and monitoring technologies for application to geological storage sites of CO<sub>2</sub>. During an eight day period in 2014, soil gas and soil flux surveys were conducted to characterise the distribution, magnitude and likely source of the leaking CO<sub>2</sub> . Two different sampling patterns were utilised during soil flux surveys. A regular sampling grid was used to spatially map out the two high-flux zones which were located 20–50 m away from the wellhead. An irregular sampling grid, with higher sampling density in the high-flux zones, allowed for more accurate mapping of the leak distribution and estimation of total field emission rate using cubic interpolation. The total CO<sub>2</sub> emission rate for the site was estimated at 649-1015 kgCO<sub>2</sub>/d and there appeared to be some degree of spatial correlation between observed CO<sub>2</sub> fluxes and elevated surface H<sub>2</sub>O fluxes. Sixteen soil gas wells were installed across the field to test the real-time application of Romanak et al.’s (2012) process-based approach for soil gas measurements (using ratios of major soil gas components to identify the CO<sub>2</sub> source) using a portable multi-gas analyser. Results clearly identified CO<sub>2</sub> as being derived from one exogenous source, and are consistent with gas samples collected for laboratory analysis. Carbon-13 isotopes in the centre of each leak zone (−0.21‰ and −0.22‰) indicate the underlying CO<sub>2</sub> is likely sourced from the thermal decomposition of marine carbonates. Surface soil mineralisation (predominantly calcite) can be used to infer prior distribution of the CO<sub>2</sub> hotspots and as a consequence highlighted plume migration of 20m in 11 years. The broadening of the affected area beyond the wellbore at the Qinghai research site markedly increases the area that needs surveying at sufficient density to detect a leak. This challenges the role of soil gas and soil flux in a CCS monitoring and verification program for leak detection, suggesting that these techniques may be better applied for characterising the source and emission rate of a CO<sub>2</sub> leak, respectively. <b>Citation:</b> I.F. Schroder, H. Zhang, C. Zhang, A.J. Feitz, The role of soil flux and soil gas monitoring in the characterisation of a CO2 surface leak: A case study in Qinghai, China, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 54, Part 1, 2016, Pages 84-95, ISSN 1750-5836,