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  • The Natural Fields EM Forum was held in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, on February 26, 2012, in conjunction with the ASEG 22nd International Geophysical Conference & Exhibition 2012. The forum was organised to review the current state of development of natural field EM methods (NFEM), being those methods that utilise the ambient electromagnetic field rather than deploying an additional active source as an element of a survey. NFEM methods are used to acquire data from which various parameters can be obtained to help interpret the electrical characteristics of the subsurface.

  • Geoscience Australia (GA) has been acquiring both broadband and long-period magnetotelluric (MT) data over the last few years along deep seismic reflection survey lines across Australia, often in collaboration with the States/Territory geological surveys and the University of Adelaide. Recently, new three-dimensional (3D) inversion code has become available from Oregon State University. This code is parallelised and has been compiled on the NCI supercomputer at the Australian National University. Much of the structure of the Earth in the regions of the seismic surveys is complex and 3D, and MT data acquired along profiles in such regions are better imaged by using 3D code rather than 1D or 2D code. Preliminary conductivity models produced from the Youanmi MT survey in Western Australia correlate well with interpreted seismic structures and contain more geological information than previous 2D models. GA has commenced a program to re-model with the new code MT data previously acquired to provide more robust information on the conductivity structure of the shallow to deep Earth in the vicinity of the seismic transects.

  • To investigate the standard electrical conductivity profile beneath a continent, we conducted a magnetotelluric (MT) observation with long dipole span near Alice Springs, central Australia. We utilized geomagnetic data acquired at the Alice Springs geomagnetic observatory operated by Geoscience Australia. Using the BIRRP processing code (Chave and Thomson, 2004), we estimated the MT and GDS (geomagnetic depth sounding) transfer functions for periods from 100 to 10 to 6 sec. The MT-compatible response functions converted from GDS response functions are resistive compared to the Canadian Shield (Chave et al., 1993) for periods around 10 to 5 sec. The calculated MT responses also have generally high apparent resistivity values over the entire period range. We inverted the average MT responses into a one-dimensional conductivity profile using Occam inversion (Constable et al., 1987). The resultant conductivity profile is extremely resistive (0.001 to 0.0001 S/m) down to the mantle transition zone. We compared this one-dimensional structure with electrical conductivity profiles predicted from compositional models of the earth's upper mantle by calculating phase diagrams in the CFMAS (CaO-FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2) system. The on-craton and off-craton chemical composition models (Rudnick et al., 1998) were adopted for the tectosphere. The Perple_X (e.g. Connolly, 2005) programs were used to obtain mineral proportions and compositions with depth. The calculated conductivity profiles with on- and off-craton models show significantly larger magnitude than the observed. The result suggests the continental lithosphere (tectosphere) beneath Australia is extremely dry and its temperature profile is cooler than that used in the calculation.

  • Magnetotelluric (MT) data have been acquired in 2008 and 2009 at 40 broadband (0:01 s to 500 s) and 12 long-period (10 s to 10 000 s) sites along the east-west deep seismic reflection transect of northern Eyre Peninsula, South Australia. The MT survey is a joint project between the University of Adelaide and Geoscience Australia and is funded by the Australian Government as part of the Onshore Energy Security Program. Long-period sites are spaced 20 km apart and broadband sites infill this spacing to 10 km with also some 5 km spacing. This ensures sufficient coverage to map the upper crustal to upper mantle structures beneath northern Eyre Peninsula.

  • 2009 Georgina-Arunta Seismic and MT Surveys - Acquisition and Processing

  • The Record contains extended abstracts to accompany presentations at the GOMA (Gawler Craton-Officer Basin-Musgrave Province-Amadeus Basin) seismic and MT workshop, Adelaide 25 November 2010.

  • As part of the Australian Government's Onshore Energy Security Program and the Queensland Government's Smart Mining and Smart Exploration initiatives, deep seismic reflection surveys (~2300 line km) were conducted in North Queensland to establish the architecture and geodynamic framework of this area in 2006 (Mt Isa Survey; also involving OZ Minerals and pmd*CRC) and 2007 (Cloncurry-Georgetown-Charters Towers Survey; also involving AuScope). The purpose here is to use new geodynamic insights inferred from the seismic and other data to provide comments on the large-scale geodynamic controls on energy and other mineral potential in North Queensland.

  • The Australian Government's Onshore Energy Security Program (2006-2011) was completed recently by Geoscience Australia. The five year program provides pre-competitive geoscience data and value-added products for assessment of hydrocarbon, uranium, geothermal energy and mineral resources. As part of the program, broadband and long period magnetotelluric (MT) data have been acquired by Geoscience Australia in collaboration with relevant state and territory geoscience agencies and universities throughout Australia. The regional-scale MT profiles, which consist of more than 640 sites over 3700 km in distance, were obtained along 12 deep seismic reflection transects across potential mineral provinces and frontier sedimentary basins. New insights into the regional-scale electrical resistivity distributions and mechanisms gained from the MT data increase knowledge about lithospheric structures, tectonic processes, and regional geological features. For example, the MT results show resistivity contrasts at terrane boundaries and fault systems; Sedimentary basins, some shear zones, fluids, and melts exhibit significant low resistivity compared with the surrounding crust or upper mantle. The MT data complement deep seismic reflection, potential field and other geophysical and geological data for multi-disciplinary investigations of crustal architecture in the study regions. The integrated results demonstrate that there are significant spatial correlations between different geophysical data. The multi-disciplinary data reduce uncertainties and limitations of data considered separately and produce a more effective and reliable interpretation, especially for regions that have complex geological structures. They also improve the understanding of the mineral and energy potential in these regions.

  • Geoscience Australia (GA) and the Geological Surveys of Queensland (GSQ) and NSW (GSNSW) are undertaking a multi-year, multi-disciplinary collaborative project with the aim of characterising the largely unexplored southern Thomson Oregon region (Figure 1). As part of this, a number of precompetitive geophysical datasets have been acquired or are planned to be acquired within the southern Thomson region. These datasets will support an improved understanding of the: - thickness and nature of cover; - geology obscured by recent sedimentary cover or regolith; and, - mineral systems potential of the region. Magnetotellurics is a passive geophysical technique which records the earth's natural time-varying electrical and magnetic fields to provide a measure of the subsurface conductivity/resistivity (these two physical properties are related as resistivity is the inverse of conductivity). The frequencies of magnetic and electrical sources recorded provide different depth information - audiomagnetotellurics (AMT) which records higher frequency data and images shallower electrical structure, while broadband MT (BBMT) records lower frequencies that image relatively deeper electrical structure. Although the depth of investigation of the technique varies according to the local resistivity structure, in general AMT images the shallowest upper crust only (14 km depth) and BBMT images the crust (~60 km depth). For the southern Thomson region, BBMT was acquired along 2 long and one shorter transect to provide pictures of the entire crust of the region, while AMT was acquired along shorter and higher-resolution lines to provide knowledge of the cover of the region. Within this document we detail the acquisition, processing and analysis of the MT data, and present preliminary resistivity models. These data, their analyses and models are released as underpinning datasets to support future geophysical analyses and geological interpretation. Accordingly, this report focuses primarily on the core geophysical aspects from acquisition through to preliminary modelling.

  • In 2007, three seismic lines were collected by Geoscience Australia and the Geological Survey of Queensland from Cloncurry to south of Charters Towers via Croydon and Georgetown, and a fourth line by AuScope to the northeast of Mt Surprise. Signals were recorded to ~20 seconds two-way travel time (TWT), which equates to about 60 kilometres in depth. The recent lines are among the latest in a series of deep seismic profiles conducted across Queensland since 1980.