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  • Titles in this newsletter: BMR strikes the world's oldest oil Murray Basin: Mid-Tertiary palynological biostratigraphy and climate Heard on the Kerguelen Plateau Structural and tectonic styles in the Eromanga Basin Farewell: John Ferguson Microbiologically enhanced oil recovery Database directory New source for industrial minerals' prices Reviews: Selected recent publications Characterisation of Australian petroleum accumulations BMR's new numerical resevoir simulator PASSCAL: a new high-resolution seismic study of the continents BMR's marine tau-p studies in preparation for a survey of the Exmouth Plateau Central Eromanga region: new ideas on the maturation history and development In-situ crustal stress measurements A new advance in dating weathered profiles BMR's contribution to the Circum-Pacific Map Project Reservoir fluid (PVT) analysis Publication of Project Investigator-1 charts Crustal geophysics research in Europe Highlights of a recent phosphate workshop and symposium, SE USA Review: The Canberra Geomagnetic Workshop, May 1985 BMR's Intergraph workstation Australia/USSR Earth-science co-operation Honour: Liz Truswell New image-processed magnetics for the 'Top End' GPS surveying for the Earth sciences Hydrocarbon indications off western Tasmania

  • Titles in this newsletter: New hydrocarbon plays in the Bass Basin New gravity standards An exhaustive study of Permian coals concludes Release of new gravity and terrain data sets Recent BMR publications and data releases The Clarence-Moreton Basin: a multidisciplinary study begins BMR to host ISMI meeting Space-shuttle radar research soon to be launched BMR commences new offshore research program Four new petroleum-oriented cruises in the southwest Pacific Fission-track analysis to provide clues to sedimentary basin thermal histories AUSTCO: a computer-based well data system Lamproite: a new important primary source of diamond Developing methods for hydrocarbon assessment of Precambrian basins Future direction of airborne geophysical mapping and interpretation Long-wavelength magnetic anomalies Lake George: preliminary palynology of deep sediments Uranium deposits handbooks forthcoming RAD's enhanced oil recovery studies Conodont colour alteration applied to thermal maturation and mineralisation studies New stratigraphic correlations in the Tennant Creek inlier McArthur Basin hydrocarbon assessment studies

  • Titles in this newsletter: Platinum group minerals from a layer in the Munni Munni Complex of the Pilbara Block Review of Baas Becking Geobiological Laboratory BMR enhances database activity The Exmouth Plateau revisited Gold medal awarded to BMR Welcome: Dick Henley Palaeogeographic map project Corrigendum: 'Red Book' New Australian distributor Southwest Pacific research cruise Murray Basin subsurface stratigraphic database Towards the integration of image processing and computer graphics in BMR Woodlark Triple junction: Sonar imagery from a spreading back-arc basin Marine heatflow: A new field for Australian marine geoscience Stable isotopic evidence for high rates of organic carbon accumulation in the Late Proterozoic The notion and motion of the Australian lithosphere Computer modelling for gold tax inquiry French expeditions to the southern Kerguelen Plateau Global Geosciences Transect Project Seismic symposium Reflections of an Australian's visit to China: Rifts and resources World Ni resources 1986 BMR Research Symposium, 13-14 November - program Hydrocarbon fluid inclusions and timing of oil migration

  • Titles in this newsletter: Thermogenic gases in the offshore Otway Basin and western Tasmania margin Applied Extension Tectonics 1987 BMR Research Symposium, 24-26 November, Canberra Government Geoscience Database Policy Advisory Committee (GGDPAC) Seabed sampling off southeast Australia Geochemical research cruise off northern NSW finds evidence for new mechanism of marine phosphorite formation North Perth Basin project Recent publications and data releases More power to the Marine Division: RV Rig Seismic's seismic source upgraded Thick-skinned tectonics in central Australia: Deep seismic results from a multidisciplinary study New Hydrogeological Map of Australia Thrust sheets in the northeastern Amadeus Basin, NT: stratigraphic repetition enhances hydrocarbon prospects New model for evolution of Amadeus Basin Book review: Recent advances in understanding Precambrian gold deposits, edited by S.E. Ho & D.I. Groves Chemical modelling of ore fluids: the CSIRO-SGTE THERMODATA programs established at BMR Extensional tectonics in the Tumut Trough BMR completes study of hydrocarbon prospectivity of the Middle Proterozoic McArthur Basin McArthur Basin Bulletin released Seismic survey provides new information on eastern margin of Surat Basin, Qld Palaeogeographic Maps project: drawing to a close as a successor waits in the wings Googong Dam and the Upper Naas Valley earthquake of 4 April 1987 Cadoux earthquake, 7 March 1987

  • Titles in this newsletter: Graphite-bearing ignimbrites and granites at Croydon, Queensland, and their relationship to gold mineralisation Extension tectonics extended: new results from the Mount Isa Inlier A New Mount Isa Bulletin Collaborative regional geochemical survey in Kalimantan: results of gold analyses New tectonic map of the Tasman Fold Belt System Biomarker research and its application in petroleum exploration Petroleum potential of the Clarence-Moreton Basin upgraded Professor Rutland honoured Bass and Otway Basin study folios ISMI-cobalt: a new report on world cobalt reserves Landsat Thematic Mapper: a valuable geological tool, but... Brave new world in cartography Kimberlites and diamonds in China A possible joint Sino-Australian project in Xinjiang, China Probing the Canning's secrets: a new, five year study Ordovician magmatism, gold mineralisation, and an integrated tectonic model for the Ordovician and Silurian history of the Lachlan Fold Belt in NSW Growth of the Lachlan Orogen by eastwards accretion AMEC's Working Party on Gemstone Processing Bicentennial earthquakes at Tennant Creek Release of the Australian Geomagnetic Reference Field, 1985 New datafile on WA gold deposits Recent publications and data releases

  • Titles in this newsletter: New mapping extends Drummond Basin gold potential Significance of ultrabasic components of the Giles Complex, central Australia Gold potential of early shear zones near Leonora, WA Kalgoorlie regolith results New platinum-group metals report New publications on SW Pacific geology and mineral resources Sequence-stratigraphy, rifts and tides at Mount Isa First palaeomagnetic data:Permo-Carboniferous epithermal activity in the Flinders Ranges? BMR in Indonesia Ocean Drilling Program (Leg 123) drills near Exmouth Plateau Under-way geochemical exploration for offshore petroleum Offshore mineral studies at BMR Bathymetric maps: Offshore Resource Framework Map Series Zeolites and potassium minerals in central Australian salt lakes New facts on old phosphates: Middle Cambrian, Georgina Basin Radioactive tenterhooks Recent publications, maps and data releases BMR publications, maps and data releases and how to obtain them News briefs

  • Titles in this newsletter: Mike Etheridge on 'Recent and Future Trends in Geoscience Mapping' Irian Jaya full-colour geoscientific maps released Dr Stan Ozimic Recognising sinters in epithermal gold deposits Plotting spatial data held in an RDBMS Present-day formation waters provide clues to origins of Canning Basin Zn-Pb deposits Geoscience Mapping Towards the 21 st Century: 1989 BMR Research Symposium, 7-9 November, Canberra The airship and the earth scientist Abolition of the Resource Assessment Division and the transfer of functions World graphite resources report New study completed on Bonaparte Basin petroleum accumulations Regional seismic profiling provides new information on tectonic evolutionand possible petroleum plays in the Amadeus Basin, central Australia National Geoscience Mapping Accord Recent publications, maps and data releases BMR publications, maps and data releases and how to obtain them News briefs

  • Titles in this newsletter: Localisation of mineralisation at Coronation Hill, etc. High-uranium granites and uranium deposits, Kakadu region Stream-sediment geochemistry, Kakadu Conservation Zone New results from the Mount Isa Geotraverse Localisation of the Sons of Gwalia gold deposit, WA LEONORA (WA) geological sheets released GDA upgrade Deep-sea polymetallic sulphides Mud Tank Carbonatite Finger-printing diamonds using nitrogen Workshop on hydrodynamics of basin fluids BMR Mineral Data Analysis System (MDA) Northern Drummond Basin epithermal gold setting Chemical modelling of Canning Basin Zn-Pb deposits Intraplate Volcanism in Eastern Australia & New Zealand Do lamprophyres have high precious-metal contents? Giles Complex, central Australia

  • Titles in this newsletter: Development of new play concepts using sequence stratigraphy: Devonian- Carboniferous, Canning Basin, Western Australia Ashmore-Cartier prospectivity study, Bonaparte Basin: Ashmore Platform, Vulcan Sub-basin, and Jabiru Terrace Multidisciplinary studies in the Vulcan Sub-basin,Timor Sea Browse Basin Petroleum Prospectivity Study Absolute magnitude of Neogene sea-level fluctuations Eyre Sub-basin: structural framework and hydrocarbon potential Enhanced oil recovery: results and opportunities Towards a balanced future BMR marine program: new basins, new approaches, new ideas Seismic interpretation and mapping of the western Tasmanian margin Age control on sedimentary sequences A prospective sequence in the northern Arafura Basin, NT Preliminary interpretations of BMR and industry seismic from sedimentary basins in eastern Australia Controls on composition of oils and source rocks Palaeogeographic, palaeoenvironmental and age controls on the composition of petroleum source rocks and their derived oils Current development of the BMR National Petroleum Database