Point Located /Grid
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No abstract available
Data acquired as part of the Kombolgie VTEMTM Airborne Electromagnetic Survey have been inverted using a layered earth inversion algorithm. Interpretation products have been derived from the inversion results. The inversion results and derived products have been released by Geoscience Australia as a digital data package. The survey was funded under the Australian Government's Onshore Energy Security Program, and was managed and interpreted by Geoscience Australia's Airborne Electromagnetic Acquisition and Interpretation Project. The Kombolgie survey area, in the Pine Creek Orogen of the Northern Territory, covered sections of the Cobourg Peninsula, Junction Bay, Alligator River, Milingimbi, Mount Evelyn, Katherine, and Urapunga 1:250 000 map sheets. It covered a total of 8 800 line km and an area of 32 000 km2. The data were acquired under contract by Geotech Airborne Pty. Ltd. using its VTEMTM helicopter-borne electromagnetic system. The inversions were carried out using the GA-LEI layered-earth inversion software developed at Geoscience Australia. Products include the layer conductivities, depth and elevation slices, and sections. The products are in digital form in both point-located and gridded formats. They are available for download from the Geoscience Australia website.
Linespacing for the survey is 150 metres
Linespacing for the survey is 150 metres
Gawler Mineral Promotion Project - Tunkillia airborne electromagnetic, magnetic and elevation survey
Airborne Geophysical Data Acquired as part of the Gawler Mineral Promotion Project. Includes point located, gridded and image data. TEMPEST electromagnetics, magnetics and elevation data.
Linespacing for the survey is 150 metres
No abstract available
Airborne Geophysical Data Acquired as part of the Gawler Mineral Promotion Project. Includes point located, gridded and image data. TEMPEST electromagnetics, magnetics and elevation data.
Linespacing for the survey is 100 metres
Linespacing for the survey is Transect metres