PMD*CRC Publication
Type of resources
Publication year
Project M4, M9 and F6 Final Report Enabling Technologies
pmd*CRC Fact Sheet: PIG: Geochemical Model Data Visualisation
Mineral Systems Workshops May 2008 Mineral Systems: What are they?
Gravity and magnetic modelling for 3D applications
Tasmanides - T5 Project Victoria 3D modelling
Eastern Fold Belt Mapping Database
Towards a unified architecture of the Laverton region, WA
Abstract of the Kalinowski et al. (2004) talk at the Barossa CRC meeting in June 2004.
Fu, B., Baker, T., Oliver, N.H.S., Williams, P.J., Ulrich, T., Mernagh, T.P., van Achterberg, E., Ryan, C.G., Marshall, L.J., Rubenach, M.J., Mark, G., Yardley, B.W.D., 2004a. Regional fluid compositions of the Mount Isa Eastern Succession, NW Queensland, Australia. In Barnicoat, A.C., and Korsch, R.J., (eds.) Predictive Mineral Discovery Cooperative Research Centre - Extended Abstracts from the June 2004 Conference. Geocience Australia, Record 2004/9, p. 63-66.
Preliminary "34S data for sulphides from the Menzies Boorara Shear Zone (A. Morey; xls).