Geomorphology and Regolith and Landscape Evolution
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This unique, interactive map shows how crowdsourced photographs can help to highlight some of Australia's great geological features. The interactive map, built using the ESRI Storymap functionality, combines geolocation information with superb imagery gathered by amateur and professional photographers. The map features the best 68 images selected from over 300 entries in the 2015 Top GeoShot photographic competition.
Abstract: The extent to which fluids may leak from sedimentary basins to the seabed is a critical issue for assessing the potential of a basin for carbon capture and storage. The Petrel Sub-basin, located beneath central and eastern Joseph Bonaparte Gulf in tropical northern Australia, is identified as potentially suitable for the geological storage of CO2 because of its geological characteristics and proximity to offshore gas and petroleum resources. In May 2012, a multidisciplinary marine survey was undertaken to collect data in two targeted areas of the Petrel Sub-basin to facilitate an assessment of CO2 storage potential. Multibeam bathymetry and backscatter mapping (650 km2 over 5,300 line km), combined with acoustic sub-bottom profiling (650 line km) and geomorphological and sediment characterisation of the seabed was undertaken above the CO2 supercritical seal boundary of the sub-basin. Features identified in the high resolution (2 m) bathymetry data include carbonate banks, ridges, pockmark fields and fields of low amplitude hummocks located directly adjacent to banks. Unit and composite pockmarks and clusters of pockmarks are present on plains and adjacent to, and on, carbonate ridges. It is postulated that there are three possible sources for fluids and fluidised gas involved in pockmark formation: deep fluids from the basin, post-Cretaceous intra-formational, layer-bound fluids, and shallow-sourced fluidised gas from the breakdown of organic matter following the Holocene marine transgression of Joseph Bonaparte Gulf.
This flythrough highlights canyon environments within the Gascoyne Marine Park offshore northwestern Australia. The Cape Range Canyon is a relatively narrow, linear canyon that initiates on the continental slope, but is connected to the shelf via a narrow channel. The walls of the canyon are steep and reveal a history of slumping and retrogressive failure, that have broadened the canyon over time. The floor contains a series of deep plunge pools, indicative of the action of sediment-laden turbidity currents in further eroding this canyon. Epibenthos within the canyons was relatively sparse and likely regulated by disturbance associated with sedimentation in the canyons. Rock overhangs often supported the highest densities of benthic suspension feeders, including glass sponges, octocorals, and ascidians. Bathymetry data and seafloor imagery for this flythrough was collected by the Schmidt Ocean Institute during survey FK200308. Funding was provided by Schmidt Ocean Institute, Geoscience Australia, the Australian Government’s National Environmental Science Program (NESP) Marine Biodiversity Hub, the Director of National Parks, and the Foundation for the WA Museum through a Woodside Marine Biodiversity Grant.
Here we present the surficial geology map for the Vestfold Hills, East Antarctica. On the coast of Prydz Bay, the region is one of the largest ice-free areas in Antarctica. Surficial geology mapping at 1:2000 was undertaken with field observations in the 2018/19 and 2019/20 summer seasons as well as aerial photography and satellite imagery interpretation. Units are based on the Geological Survey of Canada Surficial Data Model Version 2.4.0 (Deblonde et al 2019).
Publicly available bathymetry and geophysical data has been used to map geomorphic features of the Antarctic continental margin and adjoining ocean basins at scales of 1:1-2 million. The key bathymetry datasets used were GEBCO08 and ETOPO2 satellite bathymetry (Smith & Sandwell 1997), in addition to seismic lines in key areas. Twenty-seven geomorphic units were identified based on interpretation of the seafloor bathymetry with polygons digitised by hand in ArcGIS. Seafloor features were classified largely based on the International Hydrographic Organisation (2001) classification of undersea features, and expanded to include additional features, including those likely to have specific substrate types and influence on oceanography. This approach improves the technique as a predictor of physical conditions that may influence seafloor communities. The geomorphic map has been used for developing a benthic bioregionalisation and for developing a representative system of Marine Protected Areas for East Antarctica. Slight modifications have been made since original publication in O'Brien et al. 2009 and Post et al. 2014. These include: - updating of some feature names; - combining "wave affected banks" with "shelf banks" - Combining "coastal terrance" with "island coastal terrane" as "Coastal/Shelf Terrane" - replacing canyon vectors with polygons by using a buffer around the vectors Further details of the original mapping can be found in: O'Brien, P.E., Post, A.L., Romeyn, R., 2009. Antarctic-wide geomorphology as an aid to habitat mapping and locating Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems, Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems Workshop, Paper WS-VME-09/10. CCAMLR, La Jolla, California, USA. Post, A.L., Meijers, A.J.S., Fraser, A.D., Meiners, K.M., Ayers, J., Bindoff, N.L., Griffiths, H.J., Van de Putte, A.P., O'Brien, P.E., Swadling, K.M., Raymond, B., 2014. Chapter 14. Environmental Setting, In: De Broyer, C., Koubbi, P., Griffiths, H.J., Raymond, B., d'Udekem d'Acoz, C., et al. (Eds.), Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, Cambridge, pp. 46-64.
The East Antarctic slope on the Sabrina margin has been shaped by diverse processes related to repeated glaciation. Differences in slope along this margin have driven variations in sedimentation that explain the gully morphology. Areas of lower slope angles have led to rapid sediment deposition during glacial expansion to the shelf edge, and subsequent sediment failure. Gullies in these areas are typically extremely U-shaped, initiate well below the shelf break, are relatively straight and long, and have low incision depths. Areas of higher slope angles enhance the flow of erosive turbidity currents during glaciations associated with the release of sediment-laden basal meltwaters. The meltwater flows create gullies that typically initiate at or near the shelf break, are V-shaped in profiles, have high sinuosity, deep incision depths and a relatively short down slope extent. The short down slope extent reflects a reduced sediment load associated with increased seawater entrainment as the slope becomes more concave in profile. These differences in gully morphology have important habitat implications, associated with differences in the structure and beta-diversity of the seafloor communities. This upper slope region also supports seafloor communities that are distinct from those on the adjacent shelf, highlighting the uniqueness of this environment for biodiversity. <b>Citation:</b> A.L. Post, P.E. O'Brien, S. Edwards, A.G. Carroll, K. Malakoff, L.K. Armand, Upper slope processes and seafloor ecosystems on the Sabrina continental slope, East Antarctica, <i>Marine Geology</i>, Volume 422, 2020, 106091, ISSN 0025-3227,
Repeat multibeam mapping of two slope-confined canyons on the northwest Australian margin provides new understanding of the processes that are active in shaping these environments. The Cape Range and Cloates Canyons initiate on the mid- to lower continental slope, but are connected to the shelf via small channels and gullies. These canyons were first mapped systematically with multibeam sonar in 2008 and were remapped in 2020 during a biodiversity survey that also collected high-resolution imagery and biological samples from a deep-water Remotely Operated Vehicle. Comparison of features between the two surveys indicates active sliding, minor headwall retreat and continued excavation of deep floor depressions, reflecting the action of high energy turbidity currents. Significantly, intact blades of displaced seagrass imaged throughout both canyons at depths up to 4200 m indicates that sediment sourced from the adjacent continental shelf is being channelled through these canyon systems. Sedimentation likely regulates benthic communities in these canyons, with imagery showing highest densities of sessile invertebrates in habitats protected from sedimentation (e.g. rock overhangs). Repeat mapping provides an understanding of the dynamics of these canyons and a context for assessing and monitoring the stability of the seabed habitats within a marine reserve. <b>Citation:</b> Alexandra L. Post, Rachel Przeslawski, Rachel Nanson, Justy Siwabessy, Deborah Smith, Lisa A. Kirkendale, Nerida G. Wilson, Modern dynamics, morphology and habitats of slope-confined canyons on the northwest Australian margin, <i>Marine Geology</i>, 2022, 106694, ISSN 0025-3227,
The deep waters within the Gascoyne Marine Park have been largely unexplored for their seafloor biodiversity. Survey FK200308 on the RV Falkor targeted two canyons within the Gascoyne Marine Park to understand and map the distribution and diversity of marine habitats and biota within the Cape Range and Cloates Canyons. These canyons were targeted to better understand their ecological significance as a conduit between shelf environments adjacent to the Ningaloo Reef and the abyssal plain. They occur within the habitat protection and multiple use zones of the Gascoyne Marine Park off north-western Australia. Survey FK200308 was led by researchers at the Western Australian Museum, and included scientists from Geoscience Australia, Curtin University, Macquarie University and Scripps Institute of Oceanography. Multibeam sonar was used to map parts of the marine park, while a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) was deployed to undertake a comprehensive taxon inventory of the North-West canyon fauna based on underwater imagery and sampling. Additional biological samples were collected via plankton sampling, as well as fish and crustacean traps on a lander, and stand-alone fish trap deployments. Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS) were deployed at select sites to capture cryptic benthic organisms over several years. DNA samples from the water column (eDNA) were collected to enable a broader understanding of the biodiversity of the region, and to provide a methodological comparison to the organisms present at the time of sampling. The key drivers for this survey were to collect Information to enhance our understanding of the Gascoyne Marine Park and deep-sea environments throughout Western Australia, and to facilitate comparisons between the north-west and eastern and southern Australian deep-sea waters. This information can be applied to inform management plans, scientific research and industry activities for the North-West. Specifically, this survey provided: • A faunal inventory as a baseline information for monitoring deep water WA environments. A total of 2570 seafloor images were annotated from quantitative transects, more than 1000 specimens were collected and up to 30 new species discovered. • High resolution mapping of the seafloor across an area of 11,250 km2 revealed a detailed understanding of seabed habitats and environments in the Gascoyne Marine Park, and a regional context in which to interpret the faunal inventory. • Repeat multibeam mapping of the Cape Range and Cloates Canyons informed our understanding of seabed stability in the canyons of the Gascoyne Marine park, illustrating a rare case of true monitoring using multibeam in Australian waters. • The use of a state-of-the-art ROV across 20 deployments helped inform a new ROV field manual (Monk et al. 2020), adding to the existing suite of standard operating procedures supported by Parks Australia ( This survey confirmed that canyons within the Gascoyne Marine Park are important ecological systems, supporting numerous deep-sea species, many of which were discovered to be new to science. The advanced capabilities of the ROV SuBastian to navigate and image complex near vertical walls and overhangs within the canyons revealed patterns in the distribution of the seafloor taxa consistent with small-scale environmental variability. Repeat multibeam mapping revealed a dynamic canyon system that continues to be shaped by turbidity events. The occurrence of reworked seagrass blades within the canyons provided new understanding of these canyon systems as an active conduit between shallow shelf and abyssal environments. The distribution of the seabed biota revealed through quantitative ROV transects emphasised the importance of disturbance patterns in shaping the canyon ecosystems.
Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) enhances recharge to aquifers. As part of the Exploring for the Future Southern Stuart Corridor project, remotely sensed data were used to map regolith materials and landforms, and to identify areas that represent potential MAR target areas for future investigation. Nine areas were identified, predominantly associated with alluvial landforms in low-gradient landscape settings. The surface materials are typically sandy, or sandy and silty, with the prospective areas overlying newly identified groundwater resources associated with Paleozoic sedimentary rocks of the Wiso and Georgina basins. The workflow used here can be rapidly rolled out across broader areas, and can be supplemented by higher-resolution, longer time-series remote-sensing data, coupled with data analytics, modelling and expert knowledge. Such an approach will help to identify areas of the arid interior that may be suitable for MAR schemes that could supplement water for remote communities, and agricultural and other natural resource developments. <b>Citation:</b> Smith, M.L., Hostetler, S. and Northey, J., 2020. Managed aquifer recharge prospectivity mapping in the Northern Territory arid zone using remotely sensed data. In: Czarnota, K., Roach, I., Abbott, S., Haynes, M., Kositcin, N., Ray, A. and Slatter, E. (eds.) Exploring for the Future: Extended Abstracts, Geoscience Australia, Canberra, 1–4.
This flythrough shows the seafloor bathymetry, cores and canyon names for the Sabrina slope region of East Antarctica. Indigenous names for canyons were proposed following consultation with the Noongar people in Western Australia, the region of Western Australia that was formerly conjugate to the Sabrina margin. Canyon names are as follows: 1. Boongorang Canyon (Blowing in the wind) 2. Manang Canyon (Pool of Water Canyon) 3. Maadjit Canyon (Water Serpent Canyon) 4. Jeffrey Canyon (after Shirley Jeffrey, diatom researcher) 5. Morka Canyon (Winter Canyon) 6. Minang-a Canyon (Whale Canyon)