Authors / CoAuthors
Arthur, C. | Hu, L. | Allen, N. | Wehner, M.
This National Wind Risk Assessment (NWRA) has been undertaken as a component of the National Climate Risk Assessment, which is led by the Department of Climate Change, Environment, Energy and Water (DCCEEW) and drawing upon the expertise in the Australian Climate Service. The NWRA sits alongside similar risk assessments for flood and peri-urban bushfire hazards. This report provides a summary of the workflow, the contributing elements and a cursory analysis of the resulting risk metrics and is intended for downstream users of the data to understand it’s derivation. A more detailed examination of the results is to be completed at a later date. The NWRA is a quantitative evaluation of the likelihood and magnitude of the physical impacts to the built domain arising from severe wind events. The focus of the assessment is residential separate houses, due to the limited scope of required data to calculate the impacts of these events. It is anticipated that the NWRA will represent one of the most advanced assessments performed in the NCRA, as the available information enables us to work through the hazards, exposed assets, and their vulnerabilities to quantify the impacts from severe wind events. This dataset provides estimated Average Annual Loss values for all ASGS (2021) SA1 regions, based on the wind impacts to residential separate houses. The analysis workflow is fully described in the accompanying document. <b>Note:</b> This product was change to internally available 14 November 2024 as directed by the Australian Climate Services. This status will be reviewed March 2025.
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- ( Project )
- Severe wind
- ( Project )
- wind risk
- severe wind
- risk
- hazard
- average annual loss
- theme.ANZRC Fields of Research.rdf
- Natural hazards
- Published_External
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To provide quantitative information on the risks posed by severe winds to the built environment in Australia
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<div>Created from loss calculations associated with hazard assessment derived from AS/NZS1170.2 (2021). Amended report on feedback from reviewers (update figure labels, consistency of AEP format, add count of buildings to table)</div>
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[-44, -9, 112, 154]
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