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An orogenic cycle typically follows a sequence of events or stages. These are basin formation and magmatism during extension, inversion and crustal thickening during contractional orogenesis, and finally extensional collapse of the orogen. The Archaean granite-greenstone terranes of the Eastern Yilgarn Craton (EYC) record a major deviation in this sequence of events. Within the overall contractional stage, the EYC underwent a lithospheric-scale extensional event between 2665 Ma and 2655 Ma, resulting in changes to the entire orogenic system. These changes associated with regional extension include: the crustal architecture; greenstone stratigraphy; granite magmatism; thermo-barometry (PTt paths); and structure. Synchronous with these changes was the deposition of the first significant gold, and it is likely that the intra-orogenic extensional event was one of the critical factors in the region's world-class gold endowment.
Tunkillia Deposit Scale Modelling: Predictive Targeting Outcomes predictive mineral discovery CRC - PIRSA 2 - Minotaur Numerical Modelling Project Update #1
Punt Hill Deformation-Fluid-Flow modelling: Predictive Targeting Outcomes predictive mineral discovery CRC - PIRSA 2/Monax Numerical Modelling Project update #1
Final Report Camp- to Deposit-Scale Alteration Footprints in the Kalgoorlie-Kambalda Area Project Y3
F6 Project Final Report Validation of spectral remote sensing data for geological mapping and detection of hydrothermal footprints in the Mount Isa Inlier
Lecture MS2 Architecture
Mineral Systems Q1 Architecture
Mineral Systems Q4 fluid flow drivers and pathways
A novel solution for the tectonic evolution of the Eastern Fold Belt,Mt Isa Inlier
Geophysical methods and advanced inversion methods