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Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
Micro-Raman spectroscopy has become an important, versatile, non-destructive technique that is well-suited for the study of minerals and the inclusions they may contain. This technique is particularly useful in cases where the more common techniques (e.g. electron microprobe or X-ray diffraction analysis) cannot be used, for example, because of the impossibility to separate or prepare the sample to be studied. Another advantage of micro-Raman spectroscopy is that polymorphs with the same chemical composition can be easily distinguished. Furthermore, the Raman mapping technique can be used to generate a spectroscopic map of the sample. The wealth of detailed spectral information produced during Raman mapping has made this an extremely valuable technique for detailed studies of internally heterogeneous minerals. Because of the ability to perform analyses non-destructively, the micro-Raman technique has become an extremely valuable tool in the study of gemstones, which includes their identification and the identification of inclusions, and the detection of potential treatments done to enhance their colour and clarity. For example Millsteed et al. (2005) used micro-Raman spectroscopy for the characterisation of rhodonite from Broken Hill and also the solid and fluid inclusions trapped within the rhodonite. Raman analysis has also been applied to the study of minerals that were fully or partially amorphised due to the effects of radioactivity, as for instance in radiation-damaged zircon, monazite and biotite. The Raman spectra provide information on the degree of short-range order and crystallinity, respectively. Another application based on crystillinity has been the characterisation of carbonaceous materials ranging from kerogens to granulite-facies graphite. This has led to the development of new geothermometers based on the Raman spectra of carbonaceous materials in metasediments (e.g. Beyssac et al., 2002).
Legacy product - no abstract available
This report comprises descriptions of certain rocks collected by Dr. H.G. Raggatt in the Torquay - Airey's Inlet area, Victoria. The rocks are isolated specimens and no general conclusions applicable to the group as a whole have been drawn.
Cenozoic basins of the Lake Frome region in South Australia contain most of Australia's known resources of sandstone-hosted uranium mineralisation. In addition to the currently operating Beverley uranium mine, two other deposits have been approved for mining (Honeymoon, Four Mile East) and discoveries continue to be made in the region (e.g., Beverley North; Heathgate Resources, announcement September 2009). While the known resources are significant, the potential of the region for very large uranium deposits has not been well understood, in part because of limited knowledge of the regional and district scale geological controls on uranium mineralisation. The multidisciplinary study reported herein applies a 'mineral systems' approach to identify and map the principal geological controls on the location of known uranium mineralisation in the Lake Frome region. This new framework is aimed at providing a basis for refined exploration targeting of areas with potential for major undiscovered deposits, thus reducing investment risk for the exploration industry. There are two resources available. 1. GA Record 2009/040 PDF format 2. GA Record 2009/040 Resource Pack ZIP File (Includes GA Record 2009/040, Figure 3.3, Figure 3.4, Figure 3.5, Figure 3.6, Figure 3.7)
Legacy product - no abstract available