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Proterozoic Copper Mineralising event on Australian Copper Resources base map, (Map 1) December 2007
Proterozoic Copper Mineralising event on Australian Copper Resources base, 1:5 000 000 (Map 1) December 2007 Version
This dataset is part of a digital geological map of the Granites-Tanami Block which Australian Geological Survey Organisation has prepared by joining together as a seamless coverage 15 of the 1:250 000 geological maps which cover the province.The data layers in the digital map include geology, faults, lineaments structural data, mineral deposits and Australian Geological Survey Organisation drill hole locations. The digital data is available in Arcinfo/ Arcview or Mapinfo format. Topographic and cultural layers are not included: these can be purchased separately from AUSLIG.
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Legacy product - no abstract available
This map shows gold locations by Event, Type and Status. It also shows Proterozoic gold regions and gold occurrences that fall within these regions. The map includes a Time-Space-Event chart, and pie charts.
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Legacy product - no abstract available
The NNW-trending tectonic grain of the Eastern Yilgarn Craton (EYC) was established as a result of predominantly ENE-directed extension (D1 and D3) and E(ENE)-W(WSW) (D2, D4) to NE-SW directed (D5) contraction. The result has been a succession of NNW-striking co-planar, but temporally discrete, fabric elements that can be difficult to reliably interpret at any single location. Despite this, many past workers interpreted the NNW-striking fabric as the result of only one deformation event, and used it as a marker for correlating structural events across the region. In order to unravel the complexity, this paper presents a new six-fold (D1 to D6) deformation nomenclature based on >10000 new mesoscale structural observations including their kinematic analysis and cross cutting relationships. These mesoscale data were referenced with regional 3D map patterns, stratigraphic-magmatic-metallogenic considerations, and deep seismic reflection images. This integrated geodynamic-architectural approach is applicable to solving structural-event histories in other coplanar poly-deformed terrains. Gold mineralisation occurred during the first five events, but was particularly vigorous from D3 onwards. The D3 event marked the most profound change in the tectonic evolution of the EYC, with changes in greenstones, granites and tectonic mode (lithospheric extension and core complexes), with the first significant gold deposited within extensional shear zones that dissected the crust. Later contraction (D4) was imposed at a high angle to the previously established anisotropic architecture. The outcome was the creation of a new dynamic permeability framework which resulted in gold mineralisation during NNW-striking sinistral strike-slip faulting and associated thrusting. A further stress switch (D5) further modified the architecture resulting in N- to NNE-striking dextral strike-slip faulting, and the final period of gold mineralisation before late-stage extension (D6).