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  • Geoscience Australia and the Australian Institute of Marine Science are conducting seabed mapping surveys in northern Australia to generate regional baseline information on seabed environments. The data are being made available to Australia's offshore oil and gas industry to assess the wider significance of planned infrastructure developments designed to bring on regional gas reserves. In 2009 the first of these surveys focused on the Van Diemen Rise, a series of submerged carbonate banks and channels on the tropical, macrotidal northern Australian shelf. Data reveal a relatively complex seabed geomorphology comprising banks, terraces, plains, ridges, and deep/hole/valleys. Banks, terraces and ridges are characterised by partially-cemented coarse carbonate sands supporting species-rich sponge and octacoral communities.The plains and deep/hole/valleys are dominated by muddy fine to medium carbonate sands containing abundant polychaetes and crustaceans. The survey data will be combined with regional datasets to provide a synthesis of seabed environments for the northern Australian shelf. Follow-up surveys are planned for August 2010 and late 2011.

  • This study tested the performance of 16 species models in predicting the distribution of sponges on the Australian continental shelf using a common set of environmental variables. The models included traditional regression and more recently developed machine learning models. The results demonstrate that the spatial distributions of sponge as a species group can be successfully predicted. A new method of deriving pseudo-absence data (weighted pseudo-absence) was compared with random pseudo-absence data - the new data were able to improve modelling performance for all the models both in terms of statistics (~10%) and in the predicted spatial distributions. Overall, machine learning models achieved the best prediction performance. The direct variable of bottom water temperature and the resource variables that describe bottom water nutrient status were found to be useful surrogates for sponge distribution at the broad regional scale. This study demonstrates that predictive modelling techniques can enhance our understanding of processes that influence spatial patterns of benthic marine biodiversity. Ecological Informatics

  • This dataset contains species identifications of echinoderms collected during survey GA2476 (R.V. Solander, 12 August - 15 September 2008). Animals were collected from the Western Australian Margin with a BODO sediment grab or rock dredge. Specimens were lodged at Museum of Victoria on the 10 March 2009. Species-level identifications were undertaken by Tim O'Hara at the Museum of Victoria and were delivered to Geoscience Australia on the 24 April 2009. See GA Record 2009/02 for further details on survey methods and specimen acquisition. Data is presented here exactly as delivered by the taxonomist, and Geoscience Australia is unable to verify the accuracy of the taxonomic identifications.

  • Submerged relict reef systems and modern coral communities discovered around the Balls Pyramid shelf are presented as new evidence of extensive carbonate production at the boundary of reef-forming seas. Balls Pyramid is the southernmost island in a chain of island-reefs in the southwest Pacific Ocean, 24 km south of the southernmost known coral reef in the Pacific Ocean at Lord Howe Island. This paper explores the detailed geomorphic structure of the shelf through the production of a high resolution bathymetric model from multibeam echosounder data and depth estimates from satellite imagery. Key seafloor features identified include a large, mid shelf reef dominating the shelf landscape in 20 - 60 m water depth, mid shelf basins and channels, and shelf margin terrace sequences in 50 - 100 m depth. Sub-bottom profiles, backscatter, drill core and vibro-core data are used to investigate the seafloor composition. Drill cores extracted from the submerged reef surface confirm coral, coralline algae and cemented sands composition, and vibro-core material extracted from unconsolidated areas demonstrate substantial accumulation of carbonates shed from the reef surface. Underwater video imagery reveals abundant modern mesophotic reef communities, including hard corals, colonising the relict reef surface. This paper reveals prolific past reef growth and abundant modern coral growth on what was previously considered to be a planated volcanic shelf outside of reef-forming seas, thus extending understanding of reef evolution at, and beyond, the limits of growth.

  • A growing need to manage marine biodiversity at local, regional and global scales cannot be met by applying the limited existing biological data sets. Abiotic surrogacy is increasingly valuable in filling the gaps in our knowledge of biodiversity hotspots, habitats needed by endangered or commercially valuable species and systems or processes important to the sustained provision of ecosystem services. This review examines the utility of abiotic surrogates across spatial scales with particular regard to how abiotic variables are tied to processes which affect biodiversity and how easily those variables can be measured at scales relevant to resource management decisions.

  • Unlike land based environments, relatively little is known about what the seafloor around Australia looks like or has living on it. Geoscience Australia undertakes a range of marine surveys to improve the understanding and the management of Australia's marine environments. One component of the research involves the use a towed video system to directly observe coastal and deep sea environments and identify what habitats occur there and the organisms that live there. In some regions these surveys build on existing knowledge, but in many areas, particularly in deep offshore sites, these devices provide the first images of the seafloor. This data package includes towed video and still images acquired on GA surveys from 2007 onwards. Between 2007 and 2013, this included 21 marine surveys (including Antarctic waters). Using a winch on the ship, the video system is lowered to 1-2 metres above the seafloor and then towed along at 1-2 knots. This speed and altitude allows the video camera to record sharp images of the seafloor while covering distances of up to 1-2 km. Video footage is sent up a cable to the ship so it can be viewed in real time. The hours of footage collected on the seafloor provide a wealth of information about the geological features, habitats and life forms occurring throughout Australia's marine jurisdiction.

  • Geoscience Australia (GA), the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources within the Northern Territory Government (DENR) undertook collaborative seabed mapping surveys (GA0351/SOL6187, GA4452/SOL6432 and combined GA0361 & GA0362) in the Darwin-Bynoe Harbour region between 2015 and 2018. This seabed mapping project forms a core component of a four-year collaborative research program between DENR, GA and AIMS, which was funded by the INPEX-operated Ichthys LNG Project to DENR, with co-investment by GA and AIMS. The purpose of the program is to improve knowledge of the marine environments in the Darwin and Bynoe Harbour regions through the collation and acquisition of baseline data that enable the creation of habitat maps to better inform marine resource management decisions. Mapping and sampling in the survey area utilised multibeam echosounders, sub-bottom profilers, underwater cameras and grab samplers. In total, this data package extends over an area of 1978 km2, including 1754 km2 mapped using multibeam echosounders, during four marine surveys over 247 days. The baseline environmental data acquired in this program provides new insights into the marine environments of the Greater Darwin and Bynoe Harbour region, will inform future environmental assessments in the region and help build our knowledge of seabed features and processes in tropical northern Australia.

  • This dataset contains species identifications of echinoderms collected during survey TAN0713 (R.V. Tangaroa, 7 Oct - 22 Nov 2007). Animals were collected from the Faust and Capel basins and Gifford Guyot with a boxcore, rock dredge, or epibenthic sled. Specimens were lodged at Museum of Victoria in June 2008. Species-level identifications were undertaken by Tim O'Hara at the Museum of Victoria and were delivered to Geoscience Australia on 1 July 2008. See GA Record 2009/22 for further details on survey methods and specimen acquisition. Data is presented here exactly as delivered by the taxonomist, and Geoscience Australia is unable to verify the accuracy of the taxonomic identifications.

  • New mapping by Geoscience Australia has identified 713 submarine canyons on the Australian margin and an additional 40 within external territorial seas. Ninety-five canyons are classified as shelf-incising and the remainders are located on the continental slope and classed as blind canyons. A range of metrics were derived to describe canyon form and distribution and used to identify morphologically unique canyons. This poster illustrates this dataset in the context of the national network of Commonwealth Marine Reserves.

  • Geoscience Australia carried out marine surveys in Jervis Bay (NSW) in 2007, 2008 and 2009 (GA303, GA305, GA309, GA312) to map seabed bathymetry and characterise benthic environments through colocated sampling of surface sediments (for textural and biogeochemical analysis) and infauna, observation of benthic habitats using underwater towed video and stills photography, and measurement of ocean tides and wave generated currents. Data and samples were acquired using the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) Research Vessel Kimbla. Bathymetric mapping, sampling and tide/wave measurement were concentrated in a 3x5 km survey grid (named Darling Road Grid, DRG) within the southern part of the Jervis Bay, incorporating the bay entrance. Additional sampling and stills photography plus bathymetric mapping along transits was undertaken at representative habitat types outside the DRG. Sample diversity indices calculated in PRIMER (version 6) using the species level data from JBinfauna_species (25Oct10).xls.