From 1 - 10 / 1082
  • Map(s) of F (fluorine) concentration (Total content, Aqua Regia soluble content, and/or Mobile Metal Ion soluble content) in Top Outlet Sediment (TOS) and/or Bottom Outlet Sediment (BOS) samples, dry-sieved to <2 mm and/or <75 um grain size fractions. Source: The Geochemical Atlas of Australia (Caritat and Cooper, 2011)

  • Map(s) of Lu (lutetium) concentration (Total content, Aqua Regia soluble content, and/or Mobile Metal Ion soluble content) in Top Outlet Sediment (TOS) and/or Bottom Outlet Sediment (BOS) samples, dry-sieved to <2 mm and/or <75 um grain size fractions. Source: The Geochemical Atlas of Australia (Caritat and Cooper, 2011)

  • Map(s) of Na (sodium) concentration (Total content, Aqua Regia soluble content, and/or Mobile Metal Ion soluble content) in Top Outlet Sediment (TOS) and/or Bottom Outlet Sediment (BOS) samples, dry-sieved to <2 mm and/or <75 um grain size fractions. Source: The Geochemical Atlas of Australia (Caritat and Cooper, 2011)

  • Map(s) of Si (silicon) concentration (Total content, Aqua Regia soluble content, and/or Mobile Metal Ion soluble content) in Top Outlet Sediment (TOS) and/or Bottom Outlet Sediment (BOS) samples, dry-sieved to <2 mm and/or <75 um grain size fractions. Source: The Geochemical Atlas of Australia (Caritat and Cooper, 2011)

  • Map(s) of Ta (tantalum) concentration (Total content, Aqua Regia soluble content, and/or Mobile Metal Ion soluble content) in Top Outlet Sediment (TOS) and/or Bottom Outlet Sediment (BOS) samples, dry-sieved to <2 mm and/or <75 um grain size fractions. Source: The Geochemical Atlas of Australia (Caritat and Cooper, 2011)

  • Map(s) of Te (tellurium) concentration (Total content, Aqua Regia soluble content, and/or Mobile Metal Ion soluble content) in Top Outlet Sediment (TOS) and/or Bottom Outlet Sediment (BOS) samples, dry-sieved to <2 mm and/or <75 um grain size fractions. Source: The Geochemical Atlas of Australia (Caritat and Cooper, 2011)

  • 5 maps showing the offshore petroleum blocks in the Shared Area of the Perth Treaty. Also supplied were 4 Excel spreadsheets containing the listing of the blocks within the Perth Treaty. Requested by NOPTA 5th December 2012. Supplied as DRAFT in December, resubmitted without draft & new title on 12th February 2013 to RET & DFAT. LOSAMBA register 674.

  • Map showing location of currently producing oil and gas fileds and potential future producing fields. Location and extent of oil and gas pipelines (existing and proposed) is also shown.

  • This map shows the boundary of the security regulated port for the purpose of the Maritime Transport & Office Security Act 2003. x Sheets (Colour) March 2010 Not for sale or public distribution. Contact Manager LOSAMBA project, PMD.

  • This map is produced fro the Australian Fisheries Management Authority to assist in their enforcement of Australia's Maritime Bounadries. It has an explanation of the maritime boundaries and their coordinates in the Arafura Sea and Torres Strait. Originally produced using the Indonesian language. This version is an English translation. It is not for sale or public release by Geoscience Australia. Public release is thru DEH and AFMA.