Build Environment and Design
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This point dataset contains the major airport hangar facilities in Australia.
The National Telephone Exchanges Dataset presents the spatial locations of Australia's known Telephone Exchanges. The purpose of the National Telephone Exchanges Dataset is to support decision makers from and all levels of National, State and Local Government, Industry and other interested parties to make better, and more informed decisions based on evidence based information to underpin future emergency management planning and communications management decisions.
Note: A more recent version of this product is available. This dataset contains spatial locations in point format as a representation of Electricity Transmission Substations in Australia. For government use only. Access through negotiation with Geoscience Australia
The datasets contain spatial locations in point format as a representation of embassies, high commissions and consulate facilities/missions in Australia.
This point dataset contains the air traffic services centres in Australia.
This point dataset contains the Australian Coastal Maritime Navigation Aids including 'traditional-type' lighthouses and the newer solar powered automated lights.
The dataset contains the spatial locations, in point format, of Australia's major international, domestic and regional airport terminals.
Note: A more recent version of this product is available. This dataset contains the high voltage electricity transmission lines that make up the electricity transmission network in Australia. For government use only. Access through negotiation with Geoscience Australia
The National Major Dam Walls dataset presents the spatial locations; in point and polygon format, of all known major dam walls within Australia.
This point dataset contains the major airport control towers in Australia.