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  • Map 2 - Produced for the Australian Government Solicitor in August 2007 showing the Torres Strait Regional Claim (Q6040 of 2001) and the territorial sea as proclaimed under the Seas and Submerged Lands Act 1973 that was updated in 1983 with the adoption of straight baselines. For confidental/internal use by AGS and not for general release.

  • Map produced for Department of Transport and Regional Services showing the Water Side Restricted Zone for APEC on 29 May 2007. for internal use by the Department.

  • Close up map of Submarine Cables and southern protection zone around Clovelly / Tamarama, Sydney. Similiar to a map produced in June 2006 (GeoCat 64812) with small updates. For internal use by ACMA

  • Map produced for the Australian Media and Communication Authority showing the latest positions for submarine cables and latest revision of the extents of the simplified, filled in protection zones off Sydney, NSW,April 2007. Developed from an earlier map produced in March 2006, Geocat 64114. For internal use by ACMA.

  • This map shows the boundary of the security regulated port for the purpose of the Maritime Transport & Office Security Act 2003. 1 Sheet (Colour) June 2010 Not for sale or public distribution Contact Manager LOSAMBA project, PMD

  • This map depicts an unofficial approximation of the putative exclusive economic zones of Australasia and Oceania on a blue imagery background made from ETOPO2 data and Blue Marble. Limits are sourced from the Global Maritime Boundaries dataset by General Dynamics (2008). Not for sale or general release.

  • This map shows the boundary of the Maritime Security Zones for each port for the purpose of the Maritime Transport & Office Security Act 2003. 17 sheets (Colour) October 2009 Not for sale or public distribtion Contact Manager LOSAMBA project, PMD

  • Map produced for the Australian Communications and Media Authority showing submarine cable protection zones in the Sydney area with hydrographic chart detail as background. Overlayed with petroleum permit and petroleum exploration lead data.

  • This map has been created to support the Taruman illegal fishing court case, and is part of a map series. It shows recorded suspected long line locations and aerial photograph locations within Australia's AFZ around Macquarie Island for Exhibit 11/09/05-4.1, Exhibit 11/09/05-4.3, and Exhibit 14/09/05-1.1. It also shows the "MaxSea" ship locations for the Taruman with the additional longline coordinates added to the ship locations and the new ship route generated from these new ship locations.

  • This map was produced as part of a 2006 series depicting Australian commonwealth fisheries and shows the area of the Western Deepwater Trawl Fishery. The series of pdf's are available for public download from AFMA's website and the shapefiles for public download from GA's website. 2007 update with enlargements showing the difference between the current and proposed fishery. Updated in 2007 to take into account the new generalization of the 200metre isobath.