Authors / CoAuthors
Cloutier, J. | Ford, A. | Huston, D. | Doublier, M. | Schofield, A. | Waltenberg, K. | de Caritat, P. | Fraser, G. | Beyer, E. | Bastrakov, E. | Czarnota, K.
Maps showing the potential for sediment-hosted base metal mineral systems in Australia. Each of the mineral potential maps is a synthesis of four component layers: sources of metals, energy drivers, lithospheric architecture, and depositional gradients, using a weighted sum to produce the final mineral potential map for the mineral system. Uncertainty maps are provided in conjunction with each of the mineral potential maps that represent the availability of data coverage over Australia for the selected combination of input maps. Uncertainty values range between 0 and 1, with higher uncertainty values being located in areas where more input maps are missing data or have unknown values. The set of input maps used to generate the mineral potential maps is provided along with an assessment criteria table that contains information on the map creation.
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Cnr Jerrabomberra Ave and Hindmarsh Dr GPO Box 378
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Digital Object Identifier
- ( Project )
- EFTF – Exploring for the Future
- ( Project )
- Australia's Resources Framework
- mineral systems
- Mineral potential
- sediment-hosted base metals
- theme.ANZRC Fields of Research.rdf
- Earth SciencesData mining and knowledge discovery
- Published_External
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Maps showing the potential for sediment-hosted base metal mineral systems in Australia. Each of the mineral potential maps is a synthesis of four component layers: sources of metals, energy drivers, lithospheric architecture, and depositional gradients, using a weighted sum to produce the final mineral potential map for the mineral system. Uncertainty maps are provided in conjunction with each of the mineral potential maps that represent the availability of data coverage over Australia for the selected combination of input maps. An assessment criteria table is provided and contains information on the map creation.
Maintenance Information
Topic Category
Series Information
<div>A large number of published datasets were individually transformed to summarise our current understanding of the spatial extents of key mineral system mappable criteria. These individual layers were integrated using weightings within a mineral system component framework to produce national-scale mineral potential assessments for Australian sediment-hosted base metal mineral systems. Update August 2023: </div> <div>· Addition of sediment-hosted Cu mineral potential maps and corresponding uncertainty maps</div> <div>· Addition of input maps for sediment-hosted Cu mineral potential</div> <div>· Addition of input maps for sediment-hosted Zn-Pb mineral potential</div> <div>· Update to assessment criteria table with information on sediment-hosted Cu mineral system</div> <div>· Update to metadata statement for data</div>
Parent Information
[-44.00, -9.00, 112.00, 154.00]
Reference System
Spatial Resolution
Service Information
Association Type - wasDerivedFrom
National mineral potential for sediment-hosted copper mineral systems in Australia
eCat Identifier - 147539,
UUID - 03e8ae79-c71a-4a79-b15b-4e7b7af49c51
Association Type - wasDerivedFrom
National mineral potential for sediment-hosted zinc-lead mineral systems in Australia
eCat Identifier - 147540,
UUID - f1c704a9-7a53-43ad-977f-c2e8ad6f1f5e
Association Type - wasDerivedFrom
Basin ranking analysis for sediment-hosted base metal mineral systems in Australia
eCat Identifier - 147541,
UUID - 15a848dc-1b0e-4cb0-bc83-af8b095ac0ec
Association Type - operatedOnBy
eCat Identifier - 147658,
UUID - f4bd18f3-5688-4c4d-8072-bdedc49a29e6
Association Type - operatedOnBy
eCat Identifier - 147659,
UUID - 7254c4ec-d1a2-4fd5-b72d-e85e55e77f5a
Association Type - operatedOnBy
eCat Identifier - 147660,
UUID - de56a661-ae7d-4bd9-85b5-18d738fdeb50
Downloads and Links
Metadata Statement for Sediment-Hosted Base Metal Mineral Potential Data Package (txt) [4 KB]
Sediment-Hosted Base Metal Assessment Criteria Table (xlsx) [46.9 KB]
Clastic-Dominated Siliciclastic Carbonate Mineral Potential and Data Uncertainty Maps (zip) [271.3 MB]
Clastic-Dominated Siliciclastic Mafic Mineral Potential and Data Uncertainty Maps (zip) [264.7 MB]
Irish-Type Zn-Pb Mineral Potential and Data Uncertainty Maps (zip) [211.5 MB]
Mississippi Valley-Type Mineral Potential and Data Uncertainty Maps (zip) [214.8 MB]
Sediment-Hosted Cu Input Maps (zip) [331 MB]
Sediment-Hosted Cu Mineral Potential and Data Uncertainty (zip) [615.4 MB]
Source Information