Authors / CoAuthors
Budd, A.R. | Hazell, M. | Sedgmen, A. | Sedgmen, L.
These data represent whole rock geochemical analyses from the OZCHEM Database. Each analysis includes a geographic location and a geological description, which includes the host stratigraphic unit, where known, and the lithology. Most samples have been collected by Geoscience Australia field parties. These data are a snapshot at the "Ending Date" of the current database entries and are also a subset of the full database managed by GA which includes data from Papua NewGuinea, Antarctica, Solomon Islands and New Zealand.
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- GIS DatasetNational
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- geoscience
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- geoscience databases
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- geochemistry
- AU
- Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC)
- Earth Sciences
- Published_Internal
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The data within this data set is imported from Geoscience Australia's corporate ORACLE ROCKCHEM database. Only selected items are represented in the dataset and the following description details the method used to represent the raw geochemical values of elements.The original data was extracted from Geoscience Australia's corporate National Geoscience Mapping Accord (NGMA) database and Geoscience Australia's whole rock geochemistry database ROCKCHEM. AML's were used to code raw values of the elements:- 1. Elements with values < 0 were assigned to a group 0 2. All elements were coded using the "Composition of the bulk continental crust"(Rudnick, R.L., 1995) table which shows the normal compositional value of an element within the crust. The values for each element were ramped into 10 classes in the case of major elements (SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, FeO, Fe2O3tot, MnO, MgO, CaO, Na2O,K2O, P2O5, H2Oplus, H2Omin, CO2, LOI, REST and TOTAL) and 13-14 classes for trace elements, from least to highest abundance. The first class contains values between 0 and the abundance of the element in the continental crust ("a"). The second class - between "a" and 2"a" ...... the tenth class contains values between 9"a" and 10"a". For trace elements the classes above 10 used a logarithmic scale: class 11 contains values between 10"a" and 100"a", 12 - between 100"a" and 1000"a", 13 - between 1000"a" and 10000"a" and 14 - 10000"a" and 100000"a" 3. All non-coded elements and raw data was then removed from this coverage. References : 1.Rudnick, R.L., 1995. Making Continental Crust. Nature, Vol 378, December 1995, pp 571 - 578, Table 1 "Bulk crustal estimate of the continental crust" pp 576. 2. Internet page table "GERM Average Continental Crust Data" editor Dr Roberta Rudnick part of the GERM (Geochemical Earth Reference Model) internet page at the below address:- NOTE : current compositional data values sourced May 1998
Parent Information
[-42.0, -11.0, 113.0, 151.0]
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