Authors / CoAuthors
Bailey, A. | wang | Grosjean, E. | Carson, C. | Butcher, G. | Jarrett, A.J.M. | Henson, P.
NDI Carrara 1 is the first stratigraphic test of the Carrara Sub-basin, a newly discovered depocentre in the South Nicholson region that was identified on newly acquired seismic surveys undertaken as part of the Exploring for the Future program. NDI Carrara 1 intersected a thick sequence of Proterozoic aged siliciclastic and carbonate rocks, which host several intervals of interest to hydrocarbon explorers due to affinities with the known Proterozoic shale gas plays of the Beetaloo Sub-basin and the Lawn Hill Platform. These include two organic-rich black shale sequences and a thick sequence of interbedded black shales and silty-sandstones where numerous hydrocarbon shows are demonstrated. An extensive suite of wireline logs was acquired from total depth to the near surface, and continuous core was recovered through the Proterozoic interval. Geoscience Australia and partners are undertaking an extensive program of analytical work to understand the depositional, structural, and diagenetic history of the sediments intersected by NDI Carrara 1, alongside their resource potential. This study characterises petrophysical and geomechanical properties of the Proterozoic interval of NDI Carrara 1 through interpretation of wireline logging data and integration of some of this interpretation with results of geochemical analyses. High interpreted TOC content and a high calculated net shale ratio, alongside high estimated hydrocarbon saturations suggest a high potential for unconventional gas resources in the Proterozoic shale intervals of the Carrara Sub-basin; an assessment supported by gas peaks, particularly methane, measured in mud-logging gas profiles during drilling. Shale brittleness indices and interpreted present-day stresses highlight areas that are likely to be favourable for unconventional gas techniques and which may form attractive shale gas plays. Interpretation of the L210 and L212 seismic surveys suggests that the intersected sequences are laterally extensive and continuous throughout the Carrara Sub-basin, potentially forming a significant new hydrocarbon province and continuing the Proterozoic shale play fairway across the Northern Territory and northwest Queensland. This Abstract was submitted/presented to the 2022 Central Australian Basins Symposium IV (CABS) 29-30 August (
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- EFTF – Exploring for the Future
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- MinEx CRC – Mineral Exploration Cooperative Research Centre
- EFTF – Exploring For The Future
- NDI Carrara 1
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Conference paper for CABS IV presenting results from the NDI Carrara 1 well.
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Central Australian Basins Symposium (CABS) IV 29-30 December 2022 Darwin NT
<div>This study was completed under the Exploring for the Future initiative, as part of the NDI Carrara 1 related Onshore Energy component.</div>
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[-21.4046, -15.793, 132.3664, 139.8393]
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