Authors / CoAuthors
Jolly, I. | Gow, L. | Davies, P. | O'Grady, A. | Leaney, F. | Crosbie, R. | Wilford, J. | Kilgour, P.
Determination of an accurate groundwater balance for a region requires estimation of recharge and discharge rates and, where possible, knowledge of their spatial distribution. Where the value of the resource warrants it, detailed recharge and discharge studies are commissioned. These studies provide comprehensive empirical information on spatial and temporal variability of recharge, and the relationship between recharge rates and soil, regolith, landform and vegetation parameters. Where the value of the resource does not warrant detailed research, much cruder approaches (such as the estimation of recharge as a simple percentage of rainfall or the assumption that discharge is non-existent) are used. The CSIRO-led Recharge Discharge Mapping in Data Poor Areas Project jointly undertaken with Geoscience Australia (GA) developed a nationally consistent approach to recharge and discharge estimation for data poor areas which provide an intermediate solution between the use of simple approximations and the results of detailed field and modelling studies. Initially made available via GA's MapConnect website, the data layers in this dataset provide the means for hydrologists to populate the Recharge Estimation spreadsheet and the Discharge Estimation spreadsheet which may be sourced from CSIRO.
Product Type
eCat Id
Contact for the resource
Cnr Jerrabomberra Ave and Hindmarsh Dr GPO Box 378
Digital Object Identifier
- Data PackageGeothematic
- ( Theme )
- National dataset
- ( Theme )
- groundwater
- Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC)
- Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience
- Published_External
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Series Information
This package is a compilation of datasets initially made available via GA's MapConnect website. The data layers in this dataset provide the means for hydrologists to populate the Recharge Estimation spreadsheet and the Discharge Estimation spreadsheet which may be sourced from CSIRO.
Parent Information
[-44, -9, 96, 168]
Reference System
GDA94 (EPSG:4283)
Spatial Resolution
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Source Information
Discharge database (Groundwater discharge via terrestrial vegetation): see GEOCAT 71619 Geology/Regolith (Geology Regolith dataset for Recharge Discharge Project): see GEOCAT 71644 Recharge Database (A database of field recharge estimates from across Australia): see GEOCAT 71608 Soil Classification (Soil Classification dataset for Recharge Discharge Project): see GEOCAT 71643 Average Annual Rainfall (Average Annual Rainfall Dataset for Recharge Discharge Project): see GEOCAT 71645 Chloride Deposition in Rainfall (Australian 0.05° gridded chloride deposition), best, lower 95% confidence, upper 95% confidence: see CSIRO DOI: 10.4225/08/545BEE54CD4FC Evaporation (Mean Annual Near Surface Evaporation between 1981 and 2006): see GEOCAT 71621 Vegetation Cleared (Vegetation Cleared Dataset for Recharge Discharge Project): see GEOCAT 71642 Vegetation Type (Vegetation Type Dataset for Recharge Discharge Project): see GEOCAT 71625 MOLR (Method of last resort (MOLR) long term average annual recharge estimates across Australia), best, lower 95% confidence, upper 95% confidence: see GEOCAT 71607