seismic reflection
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The Vibroseis method of seismic exploration was first introduced into Australia during 1963. In accordance with the programme for accelerated oil search, the Bureau of Mineral Resources employed a Vibroseis seismic party to demonstrate the performance of the method in various problem areas within the Otway and Sydney Basins, the locations of which are indicated on the regional map. The Experimental Vibroseis Seismic Survey was conducted by Seismograph Service Limited. Party 243. on behalf of the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics during the period from 11th May to 3rd October, 1964. The broad objective of the survey was to demonstrate the capabilities of the Vibroseis method in selected areas where previous conventional seismic surveys had experienced difficulties in obtaining results and where various seismic problems had been defined. The main aim of the survey was to obtain good quality results rather than a high production rate yielding poorer quality data. However, as a secondary objective, some short production traverses were recorded USing the optimum field technique developed during the course of the survey for comparison e with normal shot hole production techniques.
A reconnaissance seismic reflection and refraction survey in the East Otway Basin, Victoria, was carried out by the Bereau of Mineral Resources from mid-February to mid-June 1967. The objective of the survey was to determine whether the gravity low areas of the Torquay Embayment and Port Phillip Sub-Basin in the eastern part of the Otway Basin contain thick Cretaceous sediments like those which has shown potential hydrocarbon source and reservoir characteristics in the western part of the Otway Basin. Nine reflection and five refraction traverses were recorded in the gravity low areas of the Barwon Trough and Port Phillip Sub-basin. Single-coverage reflection results of variable quality were obtained. Evidence for the presence of Tertiary section is provided by shallow reflections of good to fair quality, but the evidence for Cretaceous sediments is tenuous because of the poor quality of the deeper reflections, some of which may be multiples. The presence of several faults, onlappings and pinch-outs is also indicated. The refraction results are considered unreliable because of the difficulty of interpreting the discontinuous profiles and because of the mapped and suspected faults and pinch-outs in the sections.
The seismic survey extending over the Poole Range and Price's Creek areas and the Pinnacle Fault, near the north-eastern boundary of the Fitzroy Basin. The survey was corducted during the winter of 1953. The Poole Range Dome has been mapped in outcropping rocks of Permian age, but its western closure is notcertain. It is at the south-eastern end of a line of anticlinal folding which includes the St. George Range Dome and Nerrima Dome. The target beds for an oil test bore would be the Devonian and/or Ordovician rocks, which crop out on tbe north-eastern side of the Pinracle Fault, ard over which the Permian rocks of the Poole Range are believed to lie unconformably. The seismic results indicate a thick section of sediments on the south-western side of the Pinnacle Fault and show a fair defree of conformity between shallow and deep reflections on the northern flank of the dome. Further investigation was made in 1954 around the flanks of the dome, to determine whether or not the domal structure persists at depth, but the interpretation of the results of the 1954 survey is not yet complete. The Ordovician roeks on tbe northeastern side of the Pinnacle fault are shown to have a probable unexposed thickness of about 900 feet.
The Geoscience Australia Onshore Seismic GIS layer is layer showing the locations of Onshore Seismic Survyes carried out by Geoscience Australia and it's predecessors, Australian Geological Survey Organisation (AGSO) and the Bureau of Mineral Resources (BMR). The layer contains URL link to free downloadable data. The data includes processed data in SEGY format. The metadata includes acquisition reports, processing reports, processed images and so on. The data acquisition was carried out in Australia from 1949 to present by Geoscience Australia and various partners such as State and Geologcial Survey Organisations. The set of reflection and refraction data comprises over 12,000 km of coverage, and provides an insight into the variations in crustal architecture in the varied geological domains.
<p>The Gunnedah Basin and Cobar Basin Seismic Test Survey was conducted by Geoscience Australia during the early part of 1989. The objective of the survey was to test the suitability of the seismic reflection technique for proposed regional deep reflection seismic lines in the Gunnedah Basin and Cobar Basin. The major emphasis of the test survey was to assess the feasibility of acquiring shallow and deep seismic reflections in order to examine various geological models of bounding faults and basin structure.<p><b>Raw data for this survey are available on request from - Quote eCat# 75828</b>
A seismic survey extending over the Poole Range and Price's Creek areas and the Pinnacle Fault, near the north-eastern boundary of the Fitzroy Basin was corducted during the winter of 1953. The Poole Range Dome has been mapped in outcropping rocks of Permian age, but its western closure is not certain. It is at the south-eastern end of a line of anticlinal folding which includes the St. George Range Dome and Nerrima Dome. The target beds for an oil test bore would be the Devonian and/or Ordovician rocks, which crop out on the north-eastern side of the Pinracle Fault, and over which the Permian rocks of the Poole Range are believed to lie unconformably. The seismic results indicate a thick section of sediments on the south-western side of the Pinnacle Fault and show a fair degree of conformity between shallow and deep reflections on the northern flank of the dome. Further investigatioll was made in 1954 around the flanks of the dome to determine whether or not the domal structure persists at depth, but the interpretation of the results of the 1954 survey is not yet complete. The Ordovician rocks on tbe north-eastern side of the Pinnacle fault are shown to have a probable unexposed thickness of about 900 feet.
As a contribution towards the assessment of the oil potential of the Canning Basin, the Bureau carried out a seismic survey in July, 1955 along a traverse to the north-west of Lansey's Cross ing in the Kimberley Division of Western Australia. There is a considerable thickness of sedimentary rocks, probably exceeding 20,000 feet, in the nearby Fitzroy Basin, but little is known of the structure of the Canning Basin. The object of the survey was to obtain information on the thickness of the sedimentary rocks in this part of the Basin and on thc geologicul structure of the sedimentary rocks at depth. The results show that near Langey's Crossing the thicknes s of the sedimentary rocks probably exceeds 16,000 feet and may exceed 20,000 feet. The traverse was oblique to the assumed. direction of the axes of the major structure in the basin and results indicate that it crosses the axis of what appears to be a broad syncline of low relief.
The Seismic survey of the Cooroorah Anticline near Comet, Queensland, was conducted on behalf of Associated Freney Oilfields N.L. to assist the company to select a site for a deep stratigraphic test bore. Two other seismic surveys conducted in this Bowen Basin are Emerald-Duaringa seismic survey in 1960 (survey L043) and 254km seismic survey near the towns of Duaringa and Blackwater (survey L129).
Between 3 May 2012 to 24 June 2012 Geoscience Australia undertook two major surveys off the coast of the Northern Territory in the Petrel Sub-Basin. The data acquisition was funded through the National Low Emissions Coal Initiative (NLECI) and the Petrel Sub-basin was selected in particular as it has been identified as a prospective area for CO2 storage. One of these surveys, GA336 acquired 4091 kilometres of 2D seismic reflection data. Following on from the completion of the seismic processing of this data was further investigative work investigative work such as this analysis. Four prime lines, GA336-107, 110, 205 and 207 along with the well logs, Flat-Top1, Petrel 1A and Petrel 4 were selected for further 2D Simultaneous Inversion and Rock Physics Modelling. Previous Pre Stack Depth Migration had been undertaken on these lines and the PSDM Angle Stacks were imported along with the relevant horizon interpretation into the Jason integration algorithms.
A seismic reflection survey was made to the south-west, south and east of the Poole Range Structure, Kimberley Division, W.A. as an extension of a previous seismic survey. The results obtained confirm the surface information and show the existence of an anticlinal structure l the axis of which plunges to the east and whose axial plane probably dips to the south. A total thickness of sediments of the order of 20,000 feet is shown. Some slight evidence of deep faulting down to 10,000 feet was recorded, but is not conclusive. Insufficient evidence was obtained to select a site for a test bore, but further seismic work is not recommended at present.