energy infrastructure
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Note: A more recent version of this product is available. This dataset contains spatial locations in point format as a representation of Electricity Transmission Substations in Australia. For government use only. Access through negotiation with Geoscience Australia
The article provides an annula update on Australia's energy scenarion, focussing on offshore oil and gas exploration and production and advertsing the current open acreage release round.
Presented to the Association of Mining and Exploration Companies (AMEC), Perth, March 2007
At the request of the Tasmanian Hydro-Electric Commission a geophysical survey was carried out along a tunnel line at Trevallyn, a suburb of Launceston, North Eastern Tasmania. The excavation of the Trevallyn tunnel is part of the Hydro-Electric Trevallyn Power Development project to utilise the water of the South Esk river for generation of electric power. The construction works are already well advanced. A dam is being built on the river at the Second Basin. Water from the catchment will be diverted through a tunnel two miles long to a power station situated at sea level on the Tamar River. A locality map is given in Plate 1. Three geophysical exploration methods, electrical, seismic and gravitational, were used to locate deeply weathered and fractured zones in the dolerite bedrock, through which the tunnel is being driven.
Note: A more recent version of this product is available. This point dataset contains the major power stations in Australia including all those that feed into the electricity transmission network.
This report is a summary of information collected between November, 1948 and July, 1949 in the course of visits to the United Kingdom and the United States. The main subjects investigated were the complete gasification of coal, particularly in respect of its application to Victorian brown coal, the production of oil by synthesis and the production and refining of shale oil. Information was sought on a considerable number of other interests in the field of fuel technology as the opportunity offered. The authorities consulted were invariably experts in their respective fields, and great care was taken to record their information accurately. The report is a summary of recent developments and not an exhaustive study of the subjects mentioned. A considerable mass of detail has been excluded but is available on record for further reference.
Presentation delivered on 8 March 2012 at the Tasman Frontier Petroleum Industry Workshop, Geoscience Australia, Canberra.
Note: A more recent version of this product is available. This dataset contains the high voltage electricity transmission lines that make up the electricity transmission network in Australia. For government use only. Access through negotiation with Geoscience Australia
The possibility of diverting the Upper Snowy River to provide water for irrigation has been a subject of discussion since 1884. The Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Authority was constituted in 1949. As the body responsible for the detailed investigation of the geology of the area it was thought desirable to publish the geological work which has been done in the Snowy Mountains region. With the authority of the Under-Secretary of the Department of Mines, New South Wales, the reports by members of the Geological Survey of New South Wales are included together with reports by geologists of the Commonwealth Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics. Reports included in this publications are: "Geology - Jindabyne to Murrumbidgee River", "Reconnaissance Survey of Dam Site at Geehi, Swampy Plain River, N.S.W", "Geological Reconnaissance of the Proposed Hydro-Electric Works in the Kosciusko Area", "Geological Reconnaissance - Eucumbene River to Tumut River", and "Geological Reconnaissance - Murrumbidgee - Tumut Area".
This report has been prepared at the request of Engineers of the Department of Works and Housing. The writer spent a day with Mr. Crotty examining the site, and another day alone studying general geological conditions relevant to the proposed scheme. The visit and its findings are outlined in this report.