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  • Titles in this newsletter: Multibeam sonar reveals sea-bed structure and processes off east Tasmania and Gippsland The continental margin off west Tasmania, and Tasmania's marginal plateaus Multiple filling history in the Gilmore gas field, Adavale Basin, central Queensland Archaean geology of the Lake Violet 1:100 000 Sheet area, Yandal greenstone belt, Eastern Goldfields Province, Western Australia Oil families, petroleum systems and supersystems: North West Shelf and eastern Indonesian synergies - today Australia, tomorrow the world! Lineament interpretation for groundwater assessment in arid central Australia Are there Voisey's Bay-type Ni-Cu-Co sulphide deposits in the East Kimberley of Western Australia? Speculations relating to the layered mafic-ultramafic intrusions of the East Kimberley, Western Australia Nutrients, catchment run-off, and estuarine response in the Swan-Canning estuary, Western Australia Solid geology of the Nabberu 1:250 000 Sheet area, Western Australia

  • Titles in this newsletter: Exploration significance of the Hiltaba Suite, South Australia Recognition, structural significance, and prospectivity of early (F1) folds in the Minerie 1:100 000 Sheet area, Eastern Goldfields, Western Australia Phanerozoic polepath loops, and their correlation with basin development and resource accumulation Environmental change recorded in sediments from Tasmanian lakes Arid-zone groundwater recharge and palaeorecharge: insights from the radioisotope chlorine-36 Gamma-ray spectrometric and oxygen-isotope mapping of regional alteration halos in massive sulphide districts: an example from Panorama, central Pilbara Craton Subeclogitic rocks and their implications for crustal structure in the western Musgrave Block, central Australia A seismic model of the crust through the Broken Hill Block and Tasman Line Structural framework of the northeastern Yilgarn Craton and implications for hydrothermal gold mineralisation Towards national geoscience data standards Metallogenic potential of the felsic igneous rocks of the Tennant Creek and Davenport Provinces,Northern Territory: Is the enigma of the source of the gold at Tennant Creek resolved?

  • Titles in this newsletter: A newly discovered major Proterozoic granite-alteration system in the Mount Webb region, central Australia, and implications for Cu-Au mineralisation A Mesoproterozoic palaeomagnetic age for the gold-bearing Quamby Conglomerate, Queensland A comparison of Ordovician and Devonian magmatism in the eastern Lachlan Fold Belt: re-evaluating exploration targets AGSO's new confocal laser Raman microprobe Problems with the Cretaceous biostratigraphic system of Australia: time for a review Gamma-ray spectrometric data: modelling to map primary lithology and later chemical mobilisation Using images in a geological interpretation of magnetic data Average composition of the crust in the Australian, Fennoscandian and Ukrainian shields from refraction seismic studies and petrophysical modelling Shrimp U-Pb dating of ignimbrites in the Pul Pul Rhyolite, Northern Territory: A cautionary tale New Nd-isotopic and geochemical data from the west Pilbara: Implications for Archaean crustal accretion and shear zone movement Basement studies in basin analysis: new insights into the evolution of the Lawn Hill Platform

  • Titles in this newsletter: Alluvial gold potential in buried palaeochannels in the Wyalong district, Lachlan Fold Belt, New South Wales Taking geology beneath cover at Broken Hill: Implications of structurally controlled magnetic anomalies for interpretation and mineral exploration Rock-property - structural-geology synergy at work in Broken Hill: A case for structural control of linear magnetic anomalies Definition of high-temperature alteration zones with PIMA: an example from the Panorama VHMS district, central Pilbara Craton Deformation and gold mineralisation of the Archaean Pilbara Craton, Western Australia Granitoid complexes and greenstone belts in the Pilbara Craton interpreted to extend down to the mid-crustal boundary at 14 km Stable isotopes - signposts for mineralisation: A new regional exploration tool Some thermal consequences of high heat production in the Australian Proterozoic Interactive processing of mineral resource and occurrence data by Web users Post-intrusion heating associated with high-heat-producing Proterozoic granites - implications for mineralisation? The Kombolgie Subgroup - a new look at an old 'formation'

  • Titles in this newsletter: Finding new mineral prospects with HYMAP: early results from a hyperspectral remote-sensing case study in the west Pilbara Nutrient recycling and benthic activity in a shallow coastal lagoon in Western Australia Crustal reflectivity and bulk seismic velocity: how close is the relationship? Ocean-floor volcanism in the Lachlan Fold Belt: new evidence from the Wyalong area, New South Wales The evolution of geoscientific metadata Scientific visualisation and 3D modelling applications for mineral exploration and environmental management Evidence for possible zinc transport in hydrocarbon-bearing (C1-C9) fluids in the formation of Cobar-style deposits? Preliminary AGSO scheme for standard database entry of sequence stratigraphic units New age constraints for Cu-Au(-Mo) mineralisation and regional alteration in the Olary-Broken Hill region Geochemical characteristics of ca 3.0-Ga Cleaverville greenstones and later mafic dykes, west Pilbara: implication for Archaean crustal accretion Small-angle neutron scattering: A new technique to detect generated source rocks Tectonic provinces of the Lord Howe Rise: 'Law of the Sea' study has implications for frontier hydrocarbons

  • Titles in this newsletter: Gold mineral systems in the Tanami region: New insights from NTGS-AGSO research A mineralssystems approach to mapping Australia's endowment Sources of organic matter in Wallis Lake Publications involving AGSO authors: December 2000 to April 2001 North Pilbara National Geoscience Mapping Accord project (1995-2000): Scientific highlights Metallogenic potential of mafic-ultramafic intrusions in the Arunta Province, central Australia: Some new insights Rapid mapping of soils and salt stores: Using airborne radiometrics and digital elevation models

  • Titles in this newsletter: Nutrients from sediments: Implications for algal blooms in Myall Lakes More sources for gas and oil in Perth Basin: Study highlights potential for multiple petroleum systems The importance of the 'backend' to online delivery of geoscience information Minerals laboratory staff develops new ICP-MS preparation method Bonaparte Basin: Geochemical characteristics of hydrocarbon families and petroleum systems Customised regolith maps incorporate hydrologic modelled attributes for geochemical exploration Publications involving AGSO authors:May-November 2000

  • Titles in this newsletter: Transpressional strike-slip faulting in the Mount Isa Inlier Sedimentary phosphate discovered on the South Tasman Rise Honour: Dan Bubela Deep-tow side-scan sonar: a new tool for seafloor studies Australian Iron Ore Industry Mission to Brazil, July 1985 Polymetallic nodules: a commercial product or a collectors' item? Erratum: BMR Report 268, Australian Geoscience 1984 Location of the southmagnetic pole737 The Nth-root stack: a process for enhancing the interpretation of geophysical data The oldest age determined for Pilbara greenstones The Ocean Drilling Program: proposed Australasian sites Mineral potential of the southwest Pacific Northeast Australia research cruises Proof of explosive origin for the Lawn Hill circular structure BMR seismic line in SE Queensland probes shallow and deep sedimentary basins Lord Howe Rise cruise: data release Towards the completion of reconnaissance aeromagnetic coverage of Australia Honour: Peter Davies Forthcoming publication: Uranium - world perspective Farewell: Cliff Oilier Research on radioisotope-rich granites International Volcanological Congress, New Zealand: Explosive volcanism, geochemistry, hazards, and metallogenesis US/Australia Joint Scanner Project: Technological advances in remote sensing applied in Australia Otway Basin: Processing of recent regional marine seismic data nears completion Archaean volcanics in the Pilbara Block: Petrogenetic, tectonic, and economic implications of a trace-element study

  • Titles in this newsletter: Graphite-bearing ignimbrites and granites at Croydon, Queensland, and their relationship to gold mineralisation Extension tectonics extended: new results from the Mount Isa Inlier A New Mount Isa Bulletin Collaborative regional geochemical survey in Kalimantan: results of gold analyses New tectonic map of the Tasman Fold Belt System Biomarker research and its application in petroleum exploration Petroleum potential of the Clarence-Moreton Basin upgraded Professor Rutland honoured Bass and Otway Basin study folios ISMI-cobalt: a new report on world cobalt reserves Landsat Thematic Mapper: a valuable geological tool, but... Brave new world in cartography Kimberlites and diamonds in China A possible joint Sino-Australian project in Xinjiang, China Probing the Canning's secrets: a new, five year study Ordovician magmatism, gold mineralisation, and an integrated tectonic model for the Ordovician and Silurian history of the Lachlan Fold Belt in NSW Growth of the Lachlan Orogen by eastwards accretion AMEC's Working Party on Gemstone Processing Bicentennial earthquakes at Tennant Creek Release of the Australian Geomagnetic Reference Field, 1985 New datafile on WA gold deposits Recent publications and data releases