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  • Petroleum Titles map Basin and Coastline data

  • The map and supporting booklet (the key) are based on information held by the State and Territory Departments of Mines and the Commonwealth Department of Industry, Science and Resources. The map is published annually at a scale of 1:5 000 000 and supports the Commonwealth Government's offshore petroleum exploration area release program. The map includes all available information up to May 2003. The key (booklet) accompanying the map lists the relevant title numbers, the title holders, areas of the titles and expiry dates, by State and Territory. Also included is information on petroleum exploration permits, licences, leases and production licences in offshore areas under the jurisdiction of the relevant State and Territory petroleum acts, and offshore areas under the Commonwealth Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act.

  • The Australian Biofuel Production Plants dataset is comprised of publicly available biofuel data sourced from a combination of government and industry websites. Both biodiesel and bioethanol plants are included. The dataset is maintained on an ongoing basis, with source material acquired from company websites and state/territory agencies. Each biofuel production plant has information containing the following attributes; NAME, LOCATION, STATE, COMPANY, STATUS, FUEL_TYPE, FEEDSTOCK, ANN_CAP, BBLPD, COMMENTS, SOURCE1, SOURCE2, SOURCE3.

  • The Australian Gas Distribution Licences Dataset is comprised of data acquired from state government, state/territory energy regulators, and company websites; and 'State of the Energy Market 2007' published by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER). The dataset is maintained on an ongoing basis, with source material acquired from company websites and state/territory agencies. Each gas distribution licence has information containing the following attributes; Lic_Number, Location, State, Network_Len, Asset_Base, Owner, Operator, Lic_Start, Lic_Expire, Lic_Update, Source1. This dataset has been developed in conjunction with a number of related datasets including electricity distribution licences, and gas and electricity retail licences.

  • Promotional flyer showing the proposed gazettal blocks of the 2017 offshore acreage release and providing releavnt geoscientific and administrative information.

  • The Australian Government formally releases new offshore exploration areas at the annual APPEA conference. These areas are located across various offshore hydrocarbon provinces ranging from mature basins with ongoing oil and gas production, to exploration frontiers. A total of 23 areas are released for work-program bidding and six areas for cash bidding. The two work-program bidding rounds will remain open until 29 October 2015 and 21 April 2016 respectively, while cash bid submissions will close on 4 February 2016. The 2015 Release Areas are located in thirteen distinct regional geological provinces across eight basins and all were supported by industry nominations. Six areas are located in the Bonaparte Basin, two of which are cash bid areas over the Turtle/Barnett oil accumulations. The Browse Basin is represented by three areas in the Caswell Sub-basin and one area on the Yampi Shelf. In support of recent exploration activities and success, one large area has been gazetted in the central Roebuck Basin. The Northern Carnarvon Basin offers eleven areas on the Exmouth Plateau and in the Dampier Sub-basin including four for cash bidding. This year, the usual predominance of North West Shelf Release Areas is counterbalanced by seven large areas in the Bight, Otway, Sorell and Gippsland basins. This includes one area in the Ceduna Sub-basin, three areas in the deep water Otway Basin, one area in the northern Sorell Basin and two areas in the south-eastern Gippsland Basin. Receiving nominations for these areas highlights the industry's interest in evaluating the hydrocarbon potential of Australia's underexplored southern margin. Geoscience Australia continues to support industry activities by acquiring, interpreting and integrating pre-competitive datasets that are made freely available as part of the agency's regional petroleum geological studies.

  • Annual update of map backing the combined GA/RET NAPE Conference

  • The offshore production platforms of Australia dataset is a combination of digital dataset acquired from Petroleum and Marine Division (PMD) and an extensive web search. The dataset is maintained on an ongoing basis, with source material acquired from company websites and state/territory agencies. Each offshore facility has information containing the following attributes; NAME, PROJECT, BASIN, STATE, STRUCTURE, TYPE, PRODUCT, STATUS, COMMISSION, OPERATOR, WELLS_Y_N, OIL_WELLS, GAS_WELLS, MANNED, FIELD,GOING_TO, DEPTH_M, TANKER_DWT, OIL_TBBLPD, H2O_TBWPD, FLUID_TBFPD, COND_MCFPD, LPG_TBBLPD, GAS_MCFPD, OIL_TBBL, BUTANE, PROPANE, CONDENSATE, COMPRESSN, REINJECTN, GAS_LIFT, H2O_INJECT, COMMENTS, SOURCE1, SOURCE2 This dataset has been developed in conjunction with a number of related datasets including gas processing, gas storage liquid processing and gas pipelines. This dataset was designed to combine Geosciences' offshore platform with more attributes sourced from the internet.

  • The Cooper Basin is a late Carboniferous-Middle Triassic intracratonic basin in northeastern South Australia and southwestern Queensland. The basin is one of Australia's premier onshore hydrocarbon producing provinces and, by providing domestic gas for the East Coast Gas Market, is nationally significant. This study reviews the distribution, quality and maturity of source rocks across the Cooper Basin and forms part of Geoscience Australia's source rock program. All publicly-available total organic carbon (TOC) content and Rock-Eval pyrolysis data for the Cooper Basin were compiled into a single database, quality checked and compiled by well and formation to highlight the multiple viable source rock units throughout the Permian. The Toolachee and Patchawarra formations represent the principal source rocks in the basin. These comprise coals and carbonaceous shales deposited in fluvial deltaic and peat swamp environments and show good to very good oil and gas source potential. Additional source intervals include the gas prone lacustrine Roseneath and Murteree shales, as well as coals and carbonaceous shales of the Daralingie and Epsilon formations. Permian source rock distribution was investigated using lithofacies mapping combined with geochemistry data. Lithofacies maps published for South Australia were integrated with electrofacies data from Queensland to produce new, internally consistent, net source thickness maps for key intervals, including coals and carbonaceous shales of the Toolachee and Patchawarra formations, and the Roseneath and Murteree shales. Pyrolysis data that indicate the presence of an in-situ source rock with remaining hydrocarbon generation potential (i.e. TOC > 2% and S1+S2 > 3 mg hydrocarbons/g rock) were mapped by formation, demonstrating the broad extent of Permian source rocks across the basin. Toolachee and Patchawarra source rocks are present in most major depocentres, including the Windorah Trough and Ullenbury Depression in the northern part of the basin, where maximum coal thicknesses still reach more than 10 m. Source rocks within the Roseneath and Murteree shale are generally restricted to the southern Cooper Basin.

  • The Georgina Basin is a Neoproterozoic-Paleozoic basin that spans parts of the Northern Territory and Queensland in northern Australia. The basin is prospective for petroleum, phosphate and base metals (copper, lead and zinc). The Dulcie and Toko synclines in the southern part of the basin are prospective for petroleum, where a thick Cambro-Ordovician succession of marine carbonates hosts several source rocks and associated oil and gas shows. The key source rock units occur within the middle Cambrian Narpa Group including both the Thorntonia Limestone (Series 2 and 3) and the Arthur Creek Formation (Series 3). This presentation provides new geochemical insights into the understanding of the petroleum systems effective in the Dulcie and Toko synclines.